Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Why do this?

Why do I stay volunteered, enlisted in the Marine Corps? I ask myself that question every time I re-enlist.
It is not the money, even though lately the government has been trying to keep us by throwing a few grand our way.
It is not the sacrifice, at one point last year I went twenty seven days without a shower. Not because I wanted to, because there was not enough water for extras.
It is not for the glory, because unfortunately, other than some family and a few friends, there is no recognition.

I told myself one time that I would "quit" after the Marines' Hymn didn't mean anything to me anymore. That when the National Anthem played my chest didn't swell up with pride.

No, I joined for different reasons, but cannot deny what I have done and cannot imagine what life would be with out the Marine Corps.

Monday, January 14, 2008

3 Sides to Every Coin. Part III

Well, the "they" got me. Do to situations not in my control I am unable to make anymore "alterations" to the site. The file types that make this blog so user friendly is now being blocked my big brother.

I am still able to post though. As you can see.

I will have to make those changes when I get back to the states. Still on the teeter about putting up naked pictures as suggested. I did add a the rating of post before the shut down of such fun things. Little things to make the world go round.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Daily Grind

Even though going to work has not changed from yesterday other than it has gotten colder, the anticipation of leaving is in the air. I have witnessed some discomforts by people and then hear them replying what the count down is and live with it. That is a good sign and a bad one. While most of are going through the motions of daily life, some are letting things slide. Things that should be corrected. I do my best to correct the things that need correcting when it presents itself to me or around me. It is not a hard task.

In essence the daily grind is going to change soon, and that is a good thing.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Cheesehead Victory

Looking Forward

I am looking forward to:

North Carolina pines
Going to a store
Buying anything
Drinking some frothy adult beverages
Sleeping In
Soft toilet paper
Having a choice for lunch
Being able to drive to no where in particular
Going to a beach with water
Watching cartoons
Fresh cut lawn smell
Hearing Harleys on the highway
Fast food
Good coffee
Hump Day
Ice Cream
Captain and Cokes

Friday, January 11, 2008

Norman Rockwell's Homecoming Marine

RevGals Friday Five: Las MaƱanitas

Mother Laura over at RevGals hosts today's Friday Five. It's birthday time in her family and she asks:
1. When is your birthday? Does anyone else (famous and/or in your own life) share it?
October 22nd
1907 - Jimmie Foxx
1938 - Christopher Lloyd

2. Do you prefer a big party or an intimate celebration for the chosen few?
Small party with friends.

3. Describe your most memorable birthday(s)--good, bad, or both.
Good - 9th
Bad - 29th
Both - 32nd
(You will have to ask me in person for details.)

4. What is your favorite cake and ice cream?
White, New York Vanilla

5. Surprise parties: love 'em or hate 'em?
I like surprises, brings spice to life.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

1st Snow in Al Asad

Because it is night time, I tried taking this one straight up.

The side lights help a little to see the flakes.
This snow is the wet clumpy type snow. The type that makes great slush.

For Fun, Part II

Something different and fun, I saw this on BAC's Blog, Yikes. It looked like something different than the norm lately.

Let’s Make a Band:

1. Wikipedia

The first article title on the page is the name of your band.


The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.

3. Flickr

The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

( FLickr is now blocked from us, as a nudity site, so I picked a picture that was twelve from the right sixty second down from my collection. It seemed random enough.)

You then take the pic and add your band name and the album title to it, then post your pic.
Here's mine:

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

3 Sides to Every Coin. Part II

While I have been applying pressure, ever so slightly in a kind of circular motion, I have not witnessed any excitement.

I cannot decide on any changes, structure -wise to the blog. I didn't get a whole lot of suggestions, when I asked.

Still looking for suggestions.

Social Studies

I had this class in school called social studies. We learned about other countries, our country and geography was included. There were lots pretty pictures of a variety of culture.

I have to blame my job for knowing about several different cultures first hand. As well as, knowing different and varying political views of different countries. The one thing that seems the utmost important is the history.

Let's learn from our mistakes.

On Being Me, Part II

I admit I tend to be "pessimistic" at times, which I relate to realism. My comments as of late may seem to be on the down turn and they are. I haven't had coitus since May. ( I have masturbated regularly, normal every day stuff here.) I have not had a meaningful conversation with a woman since February. (Talking, writing, poetry, whatever) I am in pain everyday for a stupid injury. Even with drugs I haven't had a good sleep in more than a month. Homecomings in general are depressing. (See this post.) My living situation has not been resolved as of yet. I fear the worse for my truck I bought two years ago that I have only driven for three months. ( This falls into the theory that if I fuck up something that is mine, I will be upset, but if someone else fucks up something that is mine I will be irate.) I don't think I believe in "love" anymore. I have been searching for a god and have not found one yet. My job by the general population is under appreciated. There tends to be no respect for the "elders" anymore. I really don't want sympathy, I just want "you " to fix it. I want America to fix themselves. I just don't see it happening, not in my lifetime. I try to fix something, then another will undermine that fix. It is truly a sad world we live in.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Bible and a Gun, Part II

I am all about saving the world. I mean look at Superman, he has saved the world at least a dozen times now. (What, he's not real? Say it isn't so.)

Why can 't we save ourselves?

Why don't we have a charity to "Save the US of A?"

What is the point of being the world's greatest super power, if we have no super powers?

How come we don't cut the hands off of thieves in this country?

Why don't we burn an "A" into the hands of adulterer's?

Why are insurance company buildings so large and pretty?

When are we going to be equal?

When there are equality discussions, how come the tests are not the same, that give the results which are discussed?

Why do keep bad people and drive away the good?

Pictures of Marines


One of my favorites is 26.

Global Warming Here?

Somebody, much smarter than me, needs to explain this global warming thing to me. I mean warming is the opposite of cold right?

It has been in the mid to high twenties the last three days and it is expected to get worse. I am actually hoping for snow. I think it would be a great photo opportunity, snow in Iraq.

I can't recall if if was this temperature last year, but I do remember it being cold. Now that I have been "climatized" it should feel warmer than it has.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Bible and a Gun, Part I

I have had the gun for some time now.
I have been wandering this earth.
I have been looking.
I have not found what I am looking for.

30 Days in the Hole

Today I forgot my towel when I went to the showers. Normally, this would be not a big deal, but the showers are a good distance of about 40 yards from the building in which I live. Also it was been in the mid to low thirties outside. I used my "old" shirt to dry off and placed my head near the heater to " air dry". I made due. This is the first time I have forgot something when going to the showers in the 360 plus days of being out here. Wacky.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

For Fun

The Recipe For The Wyldth1ng
3 parts Laughter
2 parts Difance
1 part Passion

Splash of Moxie

Shaken, not stirred

I Want a New Drug

I could have sworn there was a Huey Lewis tune titled that. I am currently sick, the doctors were right Ambien gives me hallucinations and the Percocet leaves me loopy. The pain is still there, I just don't care about it. I feel that I need to eat something, but wen I do eat I feel nauseous. I feel that my brain still works as fast as it did before but my body is slower. I think I am starting to be an Eeyore.

Friday, January 04, 2008

RevGals Friday Five: Resolutions

1. Do you make New Year resolutions?
No, and constantly improving myself.

2. Is this something you take seriously, or is it a bit of fun?
My new year starts February 7th which I take seriously.

3. Share one goal for 2008.
To be able to sleep comfortably next a reciprocating female without any pressures of society.

4. Money is no barrier, share one wild/ impossible dream for 2008.
See number three.

5. Someone wants to publish a story of your year in 2008, what will the title of that book be?
Shouldn't this be for 2007? I think that this book title might end up a being a parted book or series, since there is never a dull moment. Maybe, "The Best of Times". Or " The Worst of Times."
We shall see.

(Side note by author: Not my usual thought process, refer to previous posts.)