Thursday, March 13, 2008

What is H/T?

I thought it meant either hostage taker(1), hat trick(2), or hat tip(3). It also seems that most people who use this abbreviation don't really know what is means.

If (one) then you are a bad guy.
If (two) then you just did three successful attempts of something, usually in sports.
If (three) then you just acknowledged someone, similar to the saluting of officers of higher ranks in the military.

There probably are more meanings to this H-T phenomenon but no seems to be the wiser.

I am Not an Obama Fan

I am trying to not be too political here but, the Obama family just pisses me off. Here is an article about him wanting to bomb one of our allies:,2933,291982,00.html

And while I know the following link is to another blog, there are several good links of supporting evidence :

And what is this all about:,2933,337308,00.html

It seems to me in my opinion that everytime I see this guy in the news there is more stuff that I don't want in a President.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

U-Tube and Other Stuff

In an effort to be "hip" and not be "whack" to anyone, I have posted some crap on You Tube at

I am still working on the embed idea, but some of these videos are pretty big so I didn't want to slow down the page load too much.

I also added a favorites section on the side bar, not your favorites but mine. Each had some quality that I still enjoy today, some of my opinions have changed but the posts are still awesome.

Share and Share Alike

While on leave, I went to my high school that I graduated from to visit one of my history teachers. This guy is probably one of the biggest reasons why I enjoy history as much as I do. He had made the class fun and interesting and the world did not seem as scary. Well, my thinking was he and maybe his class would be interested in maybe five or ten minutes of information about the last year of my life. I am thinking this would be a great opportunity for a history class.

I never made it, to see him or any class at my high school, and this is why:

I went to the high school office and upon entering I had told the secretary my intentions her reply was, " You cannot see anyone in the high school, especially a teacher, without an appointment." I then replied with, " This is the last weekday I am in town, couldn't I go in between periods and catch him and ask if he had some time of about ten minutes?" Her reply was frank and coarse, "No. "

I am a person that does not give up easily so I attempted to see someone else that was free in the administration since this rule did not seem to apply. And I was able to stay a little longer while I talked to the guidance counselor who was once once of my math teachers. (Another good teacher that made me enjoy math.) While I talked to her, I still attempt to see any class and talk with any of the "Good" teachers, but my attempts were futile. I even talked to the new and current principal, who in my opinion is very timid. (Which that seems funny, because everyone else I talked to said she rules with an iron fist.)

I did have a great conversation with my old math teacher, but a nary a student. Is my first hand experience in a situation that boring, that I couldn't be seen? The biggest excuse I was given is that there is too much disruption of the class time to see any visitors. I am just missing the point that these people were trying to tell me. I cannot figure it out. Also, you must also realize that I have visited the school before with teachers and students, once after I came back from Kosovo and a time after when I went to Zaire. (Zaire does not exist anymore, so don't bother looking it up.) Both of those times, I received a warm welcome and was told to come back more often. I even was a pen pal to one of the classes while I was Albania.

I just don't get it. The opportunity was there, but I was met with an iron gate.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Shell Game

While I believe I am a realist at heart, I really have a hard time believing in the good.

The good in people. The good in politics. The good in a soul. The good in tomatoes. The good in life.
( I threw in the tomatoes for fun.)

Knowing my family if they decide to read this, the reaction will undoubted be in disbelief for what is really is. My friends or at least the ones that see me often to say they are my friends will if they read this say this post is a ruse or a play on words. The people I have met on the virtual reality will chalk this one up to a pessimistic behavior pattern common in people of my stature. The true point to this post is to say that I am empty. Vacation really did not help fill it. I wanted to think that but it is not the case.

I am empty.

I do not know how to fill it.

I am empty.


I was wrestling with the idea of the blog post title and was thinking of something like " I got big balls" or "Tweety-Bird meet Abominable Snowman" but have decided to go with something a little more shrewd. I was thinking the reason why most of the vacation I had was such a success is because the people I met were so down to earth and interesting. Well, I have a theory on why that is so. We are all humbled in some way. All of the people I encountered have suffered in some way to expose ourselves to the elements of life. We all know that life can be bigger than us and are not afraid to admit it.

I really don't know, it is a theory.

Monday, March 10, 2008

End of Vacation

I just got back tonight from my adventures. On the way back, I visited the Evil Twin's Wife and the "Evil Twin."
Neither of us thought about a picture, Shame on Us!

As a consolation prize I did take photos of the driveway(in West Virginia) but they will have to wait a few days until I can upload them.

Friday, March 07, 2008

RevGals Friday Five: Hope

The RevGals Friday Five is inspired by hope. Sally writes:

What have you seen/ heard this week that was a :
(Side note from the author, this one is a little more difficult.
So polar bear with me.)

1. Sign of hope?
I will have to get back to you all on this one.

2. An unexpected word of light in a dark place?
My Father should be okay if he follows the advice of the doctors he has been seeing.

3. A sign of spring?
Other people's smiling faces.

4. Challenging/ surprising?
Brett Favre is starting a new life and retires from the Green Bay Packers.

5. Share a hope for the coming week/month/year....
I hope the pain will go away.

Bonus play... a piece of music/ poem guaranteed to cheer you?
Instant Pleasure by Rufus Wainwright
(Note: You could click on the link on the side bar to hear it. If it doesn't start right away click on play at the bottom of the page.)

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Sam's Fine & Spirits - Valders, Wisconsin

Sam's Fine Food and Spirits is my parent's establishment. They have been in this restaurant since 1991. So this would be my formidable years of high school. Sometime while being in the Corps I made a website to help in advertising and has been my contribution to the family business. I really need to work on this website and I will once I settle in North Carolina. Here are the main pages:


Monday, March 03, 2008

Bad Blogger, Bad

I am way behind the times. I went and visited Ladyburg, Presbyfruit, and The Village Carpenter on my travels to Wisconsin. I was given the photo and have not posted it yet, but they all have. (Either a camera was forgotten or it was dead, only TVC's camera was able to take a a photo and her camera has seen the day as well.)

Presbyfruit is in red, TVC in black, moi in blue, and Ladyburg in chartreuse.
I did not spend enough time there and the area was rich in architecture and culture I will have to figure out another trip. ( With less snow though.)

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Wonderful Wisconsin Winterland

It might be too early to say wonderful, but the alliteration I wanted to use makes it just so. It snowed all the way from Ohio to my final destination in Valders, Wisconsin. (It is a small town of about a grand.) My current plan is to stay up here for a about a week, but I have no solid plans. I know when I have to be back, so I might even leave early. They is a body shop conveniently located right behind my folks place, so I am going to be having some touch-ups done while here on my truck. I won't be posting as often as normal, since I am on vacation and technology seems to be a tad lagging in this area.

Friday, February 29, 2008

RevGals Friday Five: Leap Year

Hello from your Fifth Friday Five team, will smama and Songbird~

It's Leap Day!! Whether you're one of the special few who have a birthday only once every four years, or simply confused by the extra day on the calendar, everyone is welcome to join in and play our Leap Year Friday Five.

Tell us about a time you:

1. Leapt before looked
This vacation.

2. Leapt to a conclusion
With almost all women.

3. Took a Leap of Faith
Any Marriage.

4. Took a literal Leap
I used to be a pole vaulter in high school.

5. And finally, what might you be faced with leaping in the coming year?

(Sorry for the short answers today, but just as the post below suggests, I am on vacation.)

On the Road

I have been traveling the last few days. Last night I didn't quite get as far as I wanted and have ended up at a Holiday Inn in Wauseon, Ohio. Up until this point in my trip there has not been any snow except for some flurries here and there. Well, there is about three inches on my truck. Fun.
What makes this really exciting is I forgot to pack my jacket. Not that my jacket was really warm anyway, but it is more the principle I think.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

300th Comment - February

Fairlane has given me my 300th comment of the month.


You are now entitled to my imaginary collection of troll foot cozies.

Thank you for your continued support!

Fun with Navy Medicine, Part XI - C

Not that I expect anyone to keep track of my health issues, I mean this is a web journal or my diary or whatever and all you are reading bits and pieces of my personal life. Mel, keeps on insisting that I say "exactly" what is wrong in her comments, and I feel I have covered this. NO DOCTOR HAS THE EXACT UNDERSTANDING OF THE HUMAN BODY. But the last one has some good guesses and what little he has told has made sense to me.

The EPB and the APL are my problem tendons. The goal at the moment is to keep me from moving my thumb using those two tendons. Surgery is needed for the APL and therapy for the EPB. The best recovery time suggested is six months.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Fun with Navy Medicine, Part XI - B

I was made a new splint today, but unfortunately after several hours it seems to hurt me more than help me. There is no way to go back and have it modified or remade today so first thing in the morning I will be visiting the hospital.
Anyone who has experience with a major base in the early morning hours knows just how fun traffic will be. Hopefully, the burned off gas will be worth it.

Fun with Navy Medicine, Part XI

Not just anyone can get an MRI in Jacksonville. At least not in a short amount of time. In about two weeks I will have an MRI, then about a week later my doctor and I will look at it. "We" are going to figure out when I have surgery after this appointment.

So no matter how you look at it I am looking at about month or so before any action takes place.

Friday, February 22, 2008

RevGals' Friday Five: Heaven

Singing Owl of RevGals has had the loss of her sister and has decided to a heavenly Friday five. She writes:

So how about we share five "heavenly" things? These can me serious or funny or a combination of the two.
What is your idea of a heavenly (i.e. wonderful and perfect):

1. Family get-together
I would have to say the first few days of whatever leave period I am on.

2. Song or musical piece
Ride of the Valkyries (The beginning of Act III of Die Walküre by Richard Wagner) My favorite is actually the Apocalypse Now version with the "warfare" in the background or foreground depending on your point of view.

3. Gift
Good Hug (Many)

4. You choose whatever you like-food, pair of shoes, vacation, house, or something else. Just tell us what it is and what a heavenly version of it would be.
I would normally answer with Twizzlers, but I think I may be in a transition phase with that. I suppose food wise I would have to say, roast duck. It is just awesome.

5. And for a serious moment, or what would you like your entrance into the next life to be like?
What, from your vantage point now, would make Heaven "heavenly?"

I would like to think that it is better than "this" but I am ready for a surprise. (I make fun of it all the time.)
I would say riding the breeze on a warm summer day would be just fine.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Meaning of the Asterisk

I thought I wrote about his before, but someone emailed me asking and if one is asking then there are twenty others.

I have an asterisk next the blogs that I have classified "holy."

I am not a holy person, I am though a man, and men tend to need road maps at certain times in life. This addition you could say is my landmark to help me find my way.

Take that anyway you all feel you need to take it.

Up in the Morning Before the North Carolina Sun

Normally, I would be doing some sort of PT right now. I haven't really done anything in the morning that would qualify to be PT. After my visit with my new doctor, "we" learned that I have two tendons with problems. One would require surgery and the other therapy. He had explained about all the possible problems that could occur during the surgery and he explained what I still need to get done before he can operate. So this morning I have a" laundry list" of crap to do and call.

I haven't heard anything about the house since yesterday. I don't expect to until later today, the sellers are in California. Apparently, there are several others that put in offers besides me on Tuesday, so someone is not going to get what they want. My agent "said" they were leaning towards mine, but who knows what the fuck that means.