Sunday, April 06, 2008

The Classic Dumb Male Syndrome

While I have written several excerpts already about "The Classic Dumb Male Syndrome" or the CDMS for short, I have had more experience of it as of late and feel I need to expound your knowledge of it. Some men can be quite intelligent and still have CDMS, pretty much anyone who is a man is a carrier of it. And what makes this syndrome special is it can effect other men in the vicinity, up to thirty feet or more.
There are certain objects that can expose a man who has CDMS: anything shiny, anything with buttons, anything with buttons with signs saying not to touch said buttons, large round objects, things that bounce; the list really goes on for a while but I think you get the idea.

When said man is showing symptoms of CDMS, he may experience the Peacock Effect. The Peacock Effect is also referred as the Rooster. Once the effect takes place there is little turning back to the original state for at least the rest of the evening. Sometimes when two or more men enter the Peacock Effect, an explosion of sorts happens and feelings get hurt or a drink slung at them. Not always a good show and most people don't remember the occurrence for much longer than a period of seven days.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Rainy Day

I am sure there is some reasoning on not using a computer during a thunderstorm. I know about the bathtub/shower. ( When lightning strikes the ground the current travel the pipes and electrocutes you.) Which I am still going to take a shower here shortly. When my time comes, I will not fight it. I am not sure what I will do on this rainy day, but now I am pissed I didn't put Rain-X on my windshield yesterday when it wasn't raining. I might go out and splash about in the puddles, because I am boy and that is what boys do. I just don't know, but I do know I don't want to stay inside all day.

Friday, April 04, 2008

RevGals Friday Five: Revelation

Sally of RevGals writes:

How has God revealed him/herself to you in a:

1. Book
The Monster at the End of this Book

What a Wonderful

3. Song
China Roses

4. Another person
The couple I describe here:

5. Creation
Justice Seifert
He was born April 29, 1995.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

The Last Audio Book of the Week

I had read the first two books while in Iraq. And since, my job dictates that I cannot read during it but listen for enjoyment, this seemed like the logical step to continue my literary journey in time.

I have learned there is another book following it, and it was quite obvious from the ending that there would be. So now I will look for that as well.

It is also possible to read these books separately since the author does a fair job to make it so.

I appeal to this character in a way that probably complicates me farther as I only want to be simplified.

Music in my Head

While at the dentist again today, I had this tune stuck in my head but cannot remember who sings it or the title. It actually pisses me off. The words I can remember go something like this:

Don't call the doctor
I am going to get better

I want to say Butthole Surfers maybe, but I am not really sure about that either. The good news is I almost have a new grill, even though this song still lingers in my head.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008


While picking up my mail today I was uniquely surprised to find many different items.
1) A bill. Not surprised at all, actually disappointed.
2) An insurance quote. Not surprised was actually expecting it.
3) A box. Curious, I knew it was coming but didn't know what was inside. (put that off to the side for a moment.)
4) A letter from my Mom. Surprised since it is January third and was sent to the Iraq address.
5) Newsletter. Surprised somewhat since it was also address to me in Iraq.

3a) The box has quite a few curious items from my visit with the Evil Twin and the Evil Twin's Wife. Very surprised and very thankful.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

April Fool's on Me

I like a moron had scheduled several appointments today and currently am at work. I had a tooth reconstructed today, not a fun thing, but necessary. And I had a occupational therapy appointment that went rather well. The pain part sucks but overall we are looking at some good stuff. I figure whenever I start falling asleep at my job I will call it a day. This is also part of the classic dumb male syndrome. I also tried eating something, I picked the wrong item and it hurt so much I threw it away. Then I tried drinking a Dr.Pepper, my favorite social butterfly drink, and I think the sweetness was too much for my gum line.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Short Twenty

Not that I am real bad about wanting comments, but "we" didn't make it to 300 this month. I had a great picture lined up, but something that will not do for at least another year. This blog is getting close to the three thousand mark though. And maybe I will do something real special for that. We shall see.

Poet Smurf, For Fun

Your Score: Poet Smurf

You are 44 % Action Driven, 60% Interpersonal, 46% Street Smart, and 64% Artistic

This test measured 4 variables.

First, this test measured if you place a higher value on words or actions. Both have their own advantages. For instance a skilled negotiator and a skilled firefighter both save lives.

Second, this test compared your intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligences. Simply put intrapersonal intelligence means you understand yourself, while interpersonal intelligence means you understand others.

Third, this test measured if you are more book smart or street smart. Book smart people may be more interested in a variety of topics, while street smart people focus on the most relevant information. Smurfette is very street smart, while Poet Smurf is not.

Fourth, this test measured if you prefer an artistic or functional approach to life. Artistic people may concentrate more on details and ambiance, while functional people focus on if it works. In this case Vanity Smurf would be considered Artistic while Hefty Smurf just wants to lift stuff up.

You are more word driven, more interpersonal, more book smart, and more artistic.

Let's find out why you are Poet Smurf!

Poety Smurf is obviously more interested in words than action. He spends most of his time just writing away. Like Poet Smurf you understand the value of the pen. You understand that words can often be more effective than force. Your high interpersonal intelligence suggests that you know other people well. Poet Smurf loves sharing his masterpieces with others.

You probably are more comfortable learning about something new instead of jumping right into it. Poet Smurf is so book smart oriented that his daydreaming often gets him into danger. Finally he uses his writing to reveal his artistic side. Like Poet Smurf you appreciate art, creativity and design.

The 16 possible smurf categories are...

Lazy Smurf, Slouchy Smurfling, Hefty Smurf, Papa Smurf, Jokey Smurf, Grouchy Smurf, Sassette Smurfling, Grandpa Smurf, Handy Smurf, Dreamy Smurf, Painter Smurf, Poet Smurf, Baker Smurf, Vanity Smurf, Smurfette, Tailor Smurf

Here is the link to the test:


I am now on facebook.

Really, so that I can play scrabulous.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Quizzes for Fun

Ron from Warped Mind of Ron did some quizzes and I am following suit, for fun.
You Passed 8th Grade Math
Congratulations, you got 10/10 correct!
Could You Pass 8th Grade Math?

You Are 88% Evil
You're the most evil person you know.
The devil is even a little scared of you!
How Evil Are You?

Your Famous Last Words Will Be:
"So, you're a cannibal."


The Hornivore

Random Brutal Sex Master (RBSM)

The Hornivore

Don't ever marry, you're The Hornivore. Roaming, sexual, subhuman.

The Hornivores (you) are some of the most screwed up and naughty beings in the Universe. And their numbers are growing, mostly due to skipped or misused contraception. You care not. There's one thing you want, one sole need.

Half manly, half bestial, you act on instinct, and animal charisma smoothes the way. It's unlikely you're driven by much other than your own selfish, orgasmic requirements. Your appearance and personality have evolved for the hunt. Ass beckons, you oblige.

For the record, you can happily bang all personality types, however your match percentages might be low with the kinder, more sensible people of the world, purely because they all wish to avoid you. Good luck to them.

"One day, the villagers came with torches to the house. In the smoldering ashes, stray dogs looked for cooked flesh."

Saturday, March 29, 2008

State of the Wyldth1ng, Part II

My thumb/wrist is improving but ever so slightly. My thumb pain is almost all gone, except when I use my hand gripping "things" a lot, like dumb ass. My wrist pain has not changed, it took a while to figure out that I have more than one injury in the same location.

The home I am trying to purchase is in the repair stage of the negotiations and it appears the seller is going to do all the repairs that I have asked for. Which equates to a lot of money I don't have and will not have to worry about. I thought about if it is still worth it, and I believe it is. My closing date as a result has now shifted to end of April.

I had talked to my old boss (the guy who is in charge of the avionics) and was told not to expect to come back anytime soon. I don't know how I feel about that. In my current job, I have lots of responsibility and few troops; in the job in avionics I would less responsibility but lots of troops to lead.

I will end of posting pictures eventually on Flickr of what I got from the Dining In. Nothing too fancy just a picture or two of my date and I.

Friday, March 28, 2008

RevGals Friday Five: Milliionares

Singing Owl of RevGals writes:

Lingering effects of a cold have me watching more television than usual. There appears to be a resurgence of the old daytime staple--the quiz show. Except they are on during prime time, and a great many of them offer the chance of winning one million dollars.

I think it started with Regis Philbin and "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" but now we have a half dozen or so.

My husband and I started musing (after watching "Deal or No Deal") about what we could do with a million dollars. I thought I'd just bring that discussion into the Friday Five this week. It's simple. What are five things you would want to do with a million dollar deposit in your bank account?

So this is my list:

1) Pay off my debt and my parents debt.
2) Invest 75 percent of what is left over in securities.
3) Buy a pinball machine.
4) Buy a "Bee Bop" truck for my Mom.
5) Donate a large portion to the 4-H Clubs of America.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Dining In

I am posting that I won't be posting anything else today. Today I am in preparation for a Dining In tonight. A Dining In is a traditional formal diner with guests that follow the rules of Mess Nights.

For a historical research go here:

If you wanted to bore yourself with the actual formalities you can go to Chapter 24 of MCO P5060.20.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Middle Name Meme

I have been tagged by Steve of Beyond Assumptions since February and since I got that round tuit I figured I had no choice.

1. You have to post the rules before you give your answers.

2. You must list one fact about yourself beginning with each letter of your middle name.

3. At the end of your blog post, you need to tag one person for each letter of your middle name.

B- boy, I am a boy.
E- earnest, I am earnest most of the time.
R- real, I am not a fake person; I am real.
N- nifty, I think this word explains itself with me.
A- air-winger, I am an air-winger with the Marines.
R- regental, At times, I can be regental.
D- daemon, The heathen in me can be usually daemon.

(This almost was my first name after my father, but I was named by my brother instead.)
The following list is of people/blogs who will most likely never do this meme, but you have to try:
all the way from oy to vey
Mock, Paper, Scissors
Random thoughts and Acts of Stupidty
Zaius Nation
Suzi Riot

A Link to Blonde Sagacity

This post by her resonates what I have said in earlier posts.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Absentee Voting

I have voted for the first time this year via an absentee ballot. Or to be more correct the ballot is the same one that everyone in my ward sees, it just has a couple of blocks filled out differently. I went and did my research of the candidates for the offices in which they are running for and it is pretty much a shoe in for most of the candidates. The box says something like "vote for no more than three" and there are three candidates. There was a referendum question that is worded kind of funny and I had to reread that a few times, but I think I made the right choice. I then put it in the envelope, sealed it and had my witness sign it. I dropped it off in the mail this afternoon.

Pretty simple.

Let's say you want to vote via absentee ballot and you didn't know where to go, then go here:
or go here: for the guide.

Happy voting!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Living Memoir

Italian Bird had tagged me awhile ago for this six word meme and I have just been lazy in getting around to it.

1. Write your own six word memoir.
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like.
3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post.
4. Tag five more blogs with links.
5. And don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!
Magnanimous Verbose Shrewd Chivalrous Solicitous Legionnaire
I am not tagging anyone this time around. You can thank me in the comments, because I am a comment libertine.

Slow Down

I drank like a "pixie" yesterday and today I have been feeling the "effect" all day. I am not stupid enough to tell anyone out loud that I am never going to do that again because I know I am probably going to do it again. (Just not in the too near future.)

I did see bunnies, I wasn't impressed, but I paid for "them" anyway. This is called the classic dumb male syndrome. Flash anything that sparkles or has buttons and you've just gained our attention.

The smarter part is I drank about a gallon of water before turning in for the night, so no headache today. Yea! It just seems that everything is moving at a much slower rate today.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

To See the Bunnies

Today I have a lunch date at a"gentleman's" club. I am going to Toby's.
(It is not the high dollar type place. We are in the armpit of the universe here in Jax, NC. )

Today there is no cover, so we are starting off on the right track. (Ten bucks, five if you are a member) (No, I am not a member)

The place is across the street from the air station, on the Hwy 17. There are several bars in the same area: 100 proof club next to it, then south is Flanagan's and little more south is Rena J's. ( I threw in this info for those that get lost.)