Wednesday, September 27, 2006




W_______ TB ___4/6434/ 115/1JH

Click on the link(title) for the whole message.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Let me tell you about TPS Reports, Part II

The military has a lot of paperwork. In fact, the government bought all these computers so now we can have more paperwork because it is so much easier than handwriting. ( If that last sentence made sense, you need my job.) I have a problem at the moment, I am currently living in a "temporary" room and awaiting for my paperwork to come back so I can move off base. Well, my "temporary" room comes with a roommate. I don't like roommates unless she smells good at least half the day. I rate to have my own space of 270 square feet. The room I am in is 150 square feet. Do you see a problem?

I am getting off track with this.

My paper work has been "lost" 4 times thus far. How does one lose 20 sheets a paper stapled to a bright blue folder and has all my "personal info" in?

There are other stipulations that I fall under, but what is the point of listing them here? The point is, I rate to live off base, give the extra pay I need to secure a home to rent.

(Yes, I am ranting. I just wish I could rant about something else at the moment.)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Jacksonville, North Carolina

The city has changed and not changed at the same time. There is this spaghetti of roadwork outside the bases that make the transition fun. Unfortunately, the only bars I frequented when I was here in the '90s were strip clubs. Well, now I am all strip club out and had to find a new hole in the wall.
I think I may have that bar. It is Rena J's. The crowd constantly changes and the bartenders all have one thing in common. I take that back, one of them is not as endowed as the others.

The base has done some improvement so I look forward to that. The command is like all others, it is a change from the last one. I met the Sgt Maj and he seems nice enough for me.

The big question in everyone's mind when I talk to them is the obvious one, promotion? The list comes out in a few weeks, then we can all talk about it.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Is this really talking?

I read another blog ,in which the writer was saying this is talking. I put in my 2 cents there already.

The thing is I believe I write as I would talk, but I am writing. This is a one way conversation with the benefits of comments after I have already made my points. Granted, I read your comments more often than I post to the blogs and sometimes my opinions will sway one way or the other, but my opinion is still quite solid after it all.

(Could be the "German" in me, but I am quite stubborn.)

Still this is argument is hardly worth having, can you hear me? I think not. And if you have never met me before, you wouldn't know how I stress my sentences. It probably would help if you knew what I sounded like and I could probably put in sound, but why? I see no reason for it.

So the point I am making is this is not talking.

Friday, August 04, 2006


The recovery today has been a little rough. I had my "last, last going away party" last night/morning. The night was fun and unfortunately I cannot tell all here. When you see me next, you can ask how it was. I might be able to remember most of it.

See you all soon!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Small Pox

This last Thursday I received the Small Pox vaccine.
I have been avoiding it for the last 10 years and I feel I have been doing a good job at it.
Officially, Small Pox was eradicated from Earth September of 1979. But, someone kept some of it and it may be used against us in some sort of biological weapon some day. So to keep "us" in the clear "we" get vaccinated against it. The vaccine we get is not small pox, it something else that is in the same family. Yes, disease has families too.
I am at the point where my arm throbs with pain and itches like crazy. I talked to a few other people and I am not alone in this stage. The good part is I should be in the clear by the time I get back to the US.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Let me tell you about TPS Reports

Well, that title won't mean anything to you if you haven't seen Office Space. The last few days have been getting a little too asinine about paperwork. Here is the scenario:

I needed to open purchase 4 resistors. These resistors are special in which no part number is associated with them and I need to have them manufactured.
I got the quote, I received the open purchase requests from supply, and I have all the proper specification paperwork.
So I turn in the paperwork, and
They(supply) say: 'You need a justification. '

So I go back to my shop and write a justification and have my boss sign it. I return to supply and
They say: 'You have the wrong open purchase paperwork.'
I say: ' You gave me this paperwork.'
They say: ' It doesn't matter, you need the new and improved paperwork.'

So I go back to my shop and re-write the open purchase request and get it signed by my boss.
I return to supply, and
They say: 'You need to have the Division Officer to sign off on this and the Aviation Maintenance Officer sign off as well.'
I say: 'Both officers are fully aware of this including your officer, because the subject pertaining to this open purchase has been brought up every Wednesday for the last 2 months.'
They say:'You could be lying.'
I say:' I am not, let's ask your officer if he is aware of it and fore go this extra paperwork.'
They say: 'It doesn't matter we are not going to accept the paperwork without their signatures.'

So I go back to my shop and write up an endorsement page to add to my paperwork. I get it all signed off and I return to supply.

I turn in the paperwork and they don't even look at the justification or the extra signatures I just got. They took it to the "inbox" for their officer and told me to have a nice day.

All the paperwork, I recieved from supply, except the endorsement page which myself and another Marine created. This wasted 3 days of my life. This is why I have been pissed off lately. There is more bullshit paperwork I do, but this last scenario is a perfect example of wasting good time for something that didn't need to be that complicated.

Friday, June 02, 2006

This Year's Board

This year there is 18 allocations for Staff Sergeant in my MOS(Military Occupational Specialty). There is 12 Sergeants in the Above Zone (we were passed over at least once prior) which I am in. 23 Sergeants are in the Zone, I didn't bother with the Below Zone.
So I am looking at about a 50 - 50 shot this year, not very good, but I have done everything I can to make me look more outstanding than the rest of them.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Where's George?

I found or you could say I received a dollar bill with this stamp on it. It was a stamp that said "Where's George" with an internet site address. So what do you do with that?

I spent it.

But not before checking the website out first.

Here is the link:

Friday, May 19, 2006

DD the Life a of a Designated Driver

I just got back from my DDing for the night. You know everything goes well when everyone is sober. But, somewhere between 11pm and 1 am things get a little fuzzy and rules start to change.

This was my birthday present to my friend, who I won't say the age because she would hit me for it. Everything turned out well, she and our friends got "plastered" silly and didn't have to worry about JPs(Japanese Police) or the MPs (Military Police).

I am going to bed and I don't feel like waking up until the cows all come home.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

A Poem for My Marine

No better friend, no better love
A bad boy yet a good man
Strong inside and out
With a gentle heart and hand
Too easy it is to fall for him
And see your future in his eyes
Not worrying then of times to come
Not thinking of goodbyes
So there you stand with dogtags on
Worn close around your neck
Waving goodbye to him and praying
For the day that bus comes back
Then its lonely nights in bed
Waiting for the phone to ring
Dreaming of the times you've had
Remembering everything
You wait for letters sent by him
And cherish every word he writes
Reading them each over again
To help get through the lonesome nights
You wake up to midnight phone calls
To hear how he has been
And say "I love you" enough times to last
Until you talk to him again
You do your best to tough it out
Without a shoulder on which to lean
Smiling while thinking of how it feels
To fall in love with your Marine!

By: Amanda D.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Controlled Venting

This not a complaint. (per se)
I am currently in the mix of 18 to 19 hour shifts for me. At the moment, there is no light at the end of the tunnel.
I am a supervisor for an electrical shop in the avionics division and also a CDI. Which means I have the best of both worlds when my rank comes in question.
There is this thing called a DIFM, remember "Office Space", it may be similar to TPS reports.
We have "green side" training which is stuff every Marine must do either annually or fiscally(calendar year).
Then, there is this thing called Airspeed. The theory is work smarter not harder, it is a theory.
I have my own room in the barracks, but share a head (a joining toilet) with a annoying , stupid and ignorant person who has a job anyone with an ASVAB score of 31 can do.
There is some more, but these are the big ones at the moment.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Collateral Duty Inspector

I finally took all my tests for my CDI stamp. This stamp is important and I will explain it in the simplest terms I can.

Normally, there is 2 workers or technicians that fix and troubleshoot any aircraft parts (gear) and once the work is done a verification process takes place. This verifier is the CDI. The CDI checks the gear to see if it Ready For Issue (RFI), checks the tools, and verifies any publications used were the correct ones or correct processes were used. One complete "run" of the gear will be in the presence of the CDI.

The CDI is also responsible for accuracy of the tool count and count of any consumables used. The CDI has some more jobs and responsibilities, but for a basic understanding of the role I think this will suffice.

At my last command, I was a QAR (Quality Assurance Inspector) which is similar to a CDI, but is two steps above.

Since this is an important role in the grand scheme of things, extra responsibility, the amount of "free" time I have will mostly likely drop to a minimum. Such is life.

It is also a possibility that I may go on a short float or boat det. If this is the case, I may not find out until the day of. Which is standard Marine Corps policy. (This is only a joke, if you never have served.)

What I do know as fact, is I will be rewriting the CDI test for my shop. QA has informed me since I found all the mistakes in the test and scored a 100 percent, this would make me the perfect candidate to rewrite it.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


I never saw a wild thing
sorry for itself.
A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough
without ever having felt sorry for itself.

- D. H. Lawrence

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Is your mind as corrupt as mine?

Research has shown that young children cannot identify the intimate couple because they do not have prior memory associated with such scenario.

What they will see are the nine dolphins.

Additional note: This is a test to determine if you already have a corrupted mind. If it's hard for you to find the dolphins within 3 seconds, your mind is indeed corrupted.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Women in Uniform

What is it that is attractive about people in uniform?

I was thinking that maybe it is the sleek look or presumption of honesty.

We should all know by now what attracts me to it.

This is definitely something to ponder for the moment.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Trash Can

This morning the trash can was full by 0900 and then by lunch time the trash did not increase nor did anyone take any out.
By logical standards, the trash can should have been overflowing or with trash set next to it by lunch but it wasn't.
So, therefore, when the can is empty people use more trash than when it is full.
No one wanted to take the trash out so they were watching there trash use more carefully so that someone would not tell them to take it out.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Jury Duty

It is one those things that all men are required to do when they turn 18. Then sometime after, the jury selection comes. My first selection for jury duty came when I was about to go to boot camp. Would you believe it they want me to do it again?

The cool part is they pay you. It says here in the letter that I will be paid $17.50 for each half day, plus mileage round trip. The mileage is 38.5 cents a mile.

Well, I called them last night and told them I would be happy to do jury duty. I am 5266 miles from the Manitowoc County Courthouse in Wisconsin. So, if you do the math, if I stand jury duty for one half day I should be compensated $4072.32.

I think it's a good deal.

They told me I will probably be disqualified.

I hope not.