Monday, May 26, 2008

Friday, May 23, 2008

Childhood Favorites, Part Friday

The intro (in my mind) is one the best ever. So in lieu of not doing a Friday Five, enjoy.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Popular Posts by General Public

This is another installment of the non-topic posts. Probably, the last one for awhile. The following are the most viewed and or linked to posts on my site since the beginning of the year.

Updating Pictures
February 12

Middle Name Meme
March 26

Rainy Day
April 5

Pet Peeve #23
May 8

The Poll to the Right
May 15

Coming Home - Surprises
February 3

Coming Home - The Transition
February 4

Fun with Navy Medicine, Part Seven A
February 4

Fun with Navy Medicine, Part Seven, Subsection A
February 5

Vacation Winter ' 08
February 5

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Fun with Navy Medicine, Part XIII

Today was a pinnacle point in my situation(re-evaluation). I received an injection to my joint in my wrist which the needle was two and half inches long and my wrist is about an inch and half thick. We learned I do not have a joint problem and it is ligament and/or tendon damage. This is separate from my thumb which we have known all along it was tendon damage. My thumb is now my (and the Navy's) secondary concern, but still a concern none the less. I have a new (temporary) splint for the long weekend that supports my wrist more and gives me more freedom with my thumb. After Decoration Day, I will be going back to Occupational Therapy to concentrate on my wrist and drop the pain levels. I am making progress and the doctor is confident that returning back to full duty will be a reality.

Childhood Favorite, Part II

NOTE: This is from Leader of the Banned and may not be suitable for young minds.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Post 600

Going with the current theme of non-topic posts, this is a display of the most common ISP(Internet Service Providers) that come visit me.

1) Road Runner Holdco Llc
2) Earthlink Inc
3) Charter Communications
4) Comcast Cable Communications Inc
5) Verizon Internet Services Inc
6) New York Life Insurance Company
7) Covad Communications Co
7) Qwest Communications Corporation
8) Marshfield Medical Research & Education Foundation
8) Pppox Pool Rback37.snfcca
9) Xo Communications
9) Grande Communications Networks Inc
9) Insight Communications Company L.p
10) Stentor National Integrated Communications Network
10) Hughes Network Systems

11) Embarq Corporation
11) Elca
11) Oregon Health & Science University
11) Simple
12) Comcast Cable Communications Holdings Inc
12) Wideopenwest Michigan
12) Connecting Point Computers
12) Inc
12) Prairiewave Static Host Assignment
13) Level 3 Communications Inc
13) Google Inc
13) Thunder Bay Telephone
13) Service Provider Corporation
13) Nctc
13) Pppox Pool - Rback5 Emhril
13) Hale County Cscd
13) Central Scott Telephone
13) Taylor & Francis Inc
13) Pcs Broadband Llc
13) University Of Arkansas For Medical Sciences
13) Special Design Products

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Happy Thoughts, Part II

I saw a sparkle yesterday. They have seemed so rare as of late. Sparkles always make me happy. Part of being "the classic dumb male" has always given way to shiny objects.

Friday, May 16, 2008

RevGals Friday Five: Grand Tour

Name five places that fall into the following categories:

1) Favorite Destination -- someplace you've visited once or often and would gladly go again
Valletta, Malta

2) Unfavorite Destination -- someplace you wish you had never been (and why)
Jackson County, Ohio -Hwy 35
For some darn reason, I get pulled over for speeding every time.

3) Fantasy Destination -- someplace to visit if cost and/or time did not matter
Disney World, TomorrowLand, Opening day.

4) Fictional Destination -- someplace from a book or movie or other art or media form you would love to visit, although it exists only in imagination
Battle School (Ender's Game)

5) Funny Destination -- the funniest place name you've ever visited or want to visit
Spread Eagle, Wisconsin

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Poll to the Right

The poll on my sidebar, which I added yesterday, is quite simple really.

I operate a website and it costs me money, unlike this site. I have been operating it since 1997 and it does have some nostalgic pizazz to it, but I am willing to file it in the circular cabinet.

We could say it was a fun run and that be it, even though this site of mine average about a thousand hits a day. However, depending on your(the reader) reaction, will determine its fate.

The poll closes at the end of the month.

Another Splotchy Virus

I have been tagged due to my own demise by FranIAm. Below the story begins:

I had been shuffling around the house for a few hours and already felt tired. The doorbell rang. I opened the front door and saw a figure striding away from the house, quickly and purposefully. I looked down and saw a bulky envelope. I picked it up. The handwriting was smudged and cramped, and I could only make out a few words."(Splotchy)

Despite the throbbing pain in my knees and the dull ache in my lower back, I bent down slowly and picked up the envelope...
Oh no. It did not say this, did it?
Oh yes, it did. It did.
The handwriting was familiar in a way that inspired a cold sweat and a bout of nausea. It was the penmanship of my former husband. You know - the one that was presumed dead.
He disappeared in a suspicious blogging related accident a number of years ago and was never heard from again. I was devastated. I had hated the blog, loathed the thing. What began as a hobby that took but a few minutes a day had morphed into an addiction, the proportions of which could not be measured. It was pure evil.
The blog turned into a cruel and demanding mistress and her siren song was more than I could compete with. One day he left for an evening event, never to return again.
All fingers pointed to one blogger, but I could never get the charges to stick. That one is slick- slick, slick, slick. He can talk a good game and write like nobody's business. But there is something about him, it just is not right.
So my husband was gone, that other one kept blogging and I had to rebuild my life, which I did.
So I finally had the bastard declared dead.
And now this. (FranIam)

Suddenly the phone rang, and I felt like I was ten inches tall and eerie music was playing in the background. I went to pick up the phone and the music stopped.
Dial tone, no one was there. I glanced back to the door, and there he was. He rushed me and rose his hand and...

Suddenly the phone rang and I just had that "black cat, Friday the 13th" kind of feeling. I looked out into the world. No one, no one was about. I closed and locked the door and went to answer the phone.
Dial tone, no one was there. I glanced back at the door and it was locked.

I directed my attention to the envelope, abruptly, I heard a knock at the door.(Wyldth1ng)

As much as I would love to tag everyone, I tag the following:
Yearning For God*
Random Laundry
Presbyterian Gal*
The Glamorous Life of a Hausfrau

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sticker Rant

I was cut off today in traffic by Sport Utility Vehicle, that had car seats in the back seat, soccer ball magnet on the back and a BLUE sticker on the windshield. I probably would have filed this one away had the "missus" not been talking on her cellular phone while looking the opposite way that she was turning and driving.

Just because the sticker is blue, does not give that vehicle the right of way.

End of Story.

UPDATE- Officers have blue DoD stickers, Enlisted have red DoD stickers.
UPDATE- I wasn't on base.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Thoughts

My last "treatment" is tomorrow at Occupational Therapy.

I haven't taken a pain killer for three days. (Or alcohol for two.)

My Mom and I talked on Sunday.

There are still flaming sword carrying banshees guarding the streets of my imaginary plane.

My real estate agent and I talked and progress ever so little seems to be happening to my favor.

Old Me vs. New Me

I have to tell you all, I really don't like the new me. I didn't like the old me either, but I didn't know any better and it was due to many years of time. The new me has added a letter, like before I was an XL and now I am an XLT, but has less options than before. I may be better for the long haul but the ride just seems to be a bit bouncy and there is no adjustable head rest. This new color scheme seems to get dirty more often and the fill-ups seem to be closer together. For some darn reason, I didn't get the warranty, that was a mistake, all sorts of little things have been happening and the repair cost is pretty evil. With the old me you could guarantee at least one down workday and two weekends a month, the new me seems much more sporadic. It make it hard for planning. The old one had a garage and the new has one, kind of, but I haven't seen it yet.

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Slip Under the Door Meme

Katie Schwartz tagged me in the most sneaky way imaginable, she told me.

Ten Years Ago what was I doing?

The year of Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-Eight, I was in the Marine Corps. Holy Shit! And I was here at MCAS New River, but was going to school. I was changing jobs from a jet electrician to a helo electrician. Yeah, I was pulling the wool over Uncle Sam's eyes that year.

Five Things on Today's "To Do" List

Go to Occupational therapy. Check

Go to post office. Check

Go to commissary. Check

Go to work. Check

Go to sleep and dream. Half check.

If I were a Billionaire

I believe I did a post about what I would do if I was a millionaire, so let's assume that what ever I was going to do for that piddly amount of money, I satisfied it.

I think the only rational thing to do after that, would be to attach lasers on dolphins and let them rule the world for a while.

Three Bad Habits

If in a bar and there is a lot of smoke, I will subconsciously ask to a smoke a cigarette, thinking I am still a smoker( then later I will get sick from the smoke smell).

I basically can not remember any one's name longer than about thirty seconds, if I see you again and call you by your first name, odds are I imagined you naked in some sort sex-themed love park.

I drink copious amounts of alcohol to rid myself of the pain.

Five Places I've Lived

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

USS Nassau, USS Saipan, USS Guam, USS Wasp

Futenma, Okinawa, Japan

Millington, Tennessee

Yuma, Arizona

Five Jobs I've Had

This is by far is the hardest one. I have been in the Marines for more than a decade now, that alone should count as five jobs.

1-Waiter/Maître d'
3-Auto-Barrel Operator (Plating factory)
4-Post Hole Drilling & Fences (ha ha, not funny.)
5-Librarian - Aide Technician (I don't have a degree, so I think they added the technician part to make me feel special.)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Working On the Weekend

While there are times when being the military it seems when state-side we have lots of time off. We are also salary workers. Which is why I am at work today. The actual item that brought me in, it seems from my point of view, shouldn't have responded me to come in. (That probably doesn't make sense.) Because of my job and title, some people feel the need to talk to me. It usually doesn't solve anything and the resulting call that I have to make could have been done by the guy who called me. Well, it didn't turn out that way so here I am, at work.

As soon as it looks like this issue gets resolved I am definitely going for a beer.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

RevGals Friday Five: Gifts of the Spirit

Have you or anyone you know

1. ...ever experienced a prophesy (vision or dream) that came true?
Sadly, when I do dream I usually dream of things to come.

2. ...dreamed of a stranger, then actually met them later?
Repeat of number one.

3. ...seen a wonder in heaven? (including UFO's)
I have seen(and with others) items that are hard to explain scientifically in the night skies.

4. ...seen a "sign" on the earth?
I am not sure how to answer this question.

5. ...experienced knowledge of another language without ever having studied it?
No, not that I am aware.

Wacky Searches on My Blog, Part II

When people decide to do a web search and they wind up here, it always intrigues me. Here is a list of the most popular ways to find me:

1) wyldth1ng (Seems like a no-brainer)

2) cerveza bitte

3) nautical / salty language (Again, seems like a no-brainer)

4) al asad, al asad 2008

5) mserve@ (This is from a post I did about crappy customer service.)

6) usmc collateral duty inspector, mals-29, cdi stamp, marine corps, homecoming

7) flag etiquette on rainy days (combo search lands mulitple posts)

8) fy 2007 approved selections to staff sergeant (this was a happy day)

9) stop smoking day 5, quitting smoking day five (Apparently, I am not the only one who had a hard day five)

10) sergeants course, sgt's course ( one of the many schools I did to get promoted)

11) stripclubs in jacksonville north carolina (I mentioned it once and people stop by daily to read it)

12) one day, the villagers came with torches to the house (from one of those silly quizzes)

13) meaning of asterisk (it is a good thing I wrote about this, I have a monopoly on it)

14) valders journal (I still haven't figured out why they don't have a website)

15) side effects of wyld, side effects of wyld men (this is a learning process)

16) bad driving japan (it wasn't me, I swear)

17) wyld papa smurf

18) love for a marine quotes

19) norman rockwell homecoming, homecoming marine rockwell

20) alpha males

Pet Peeve #23

It just irks to me to no end when someone inappropriately uses an "s" at the end of their word or words when speaking. Are there any adults that fucking graduate high school anymore?

There are several words in the English language that are already plural with the addition of certain words preceding it.




There is no need to add a fucking "s" at the end of the word that is already plural.

So quit fucking doing it!

If you happen to be talking to me and I slap the back of your head for being a dumb ass, know now you have been forewarned.