As my brain melts and becomes one with reality, the affair of this journey of life becomes familiar with you and me.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
There is such truth in Nature.
Inside the cage, hang a banana on a string and place a
set of stairs under it. Before long, a monkey will go
to the stairs and start to climb towards the banana.
As soon as he touches the stairs, spray all of the
monkeys with cold water.
After a while, another monkey makes an attempt with
the same result - all the monkeys are sprayed with
cold water. Pretty soon, when another monkey tries to
climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to
prevent it.
Now, turn off the cold water. Remove one monkey from
the cage and replace it with a new one. The new monkey
sees the banana and wants to climb the stairs. To his
surprise and horror, all of the other monkeys attack
him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that
if he tries to climb the stairs, he will be assaulted.
Next, remove another of the original five monkeys and
replace it with a new one. The newcomer goes to the
stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes
part in the punishment with enthusiasm.
Again, replace a third original monkey with a new one.
The new one takes to the stairs and is attacked as
well. Two of the four monkeys that beat him have no
idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs,
or why they are participating in the beating of the
newest monkey.
After replacing the fourth and fifth original monkeys,
all the monkeys that have been sprayed with cold water
have been replaced. Nevertheless, no monkey ever again
approaches the stairs. Why not? Because as far as they
know that's the way it's always been around here.
And that's how Marine Corps policy begins...
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Mystery Package
No, it wasn't a bomb or anything terrible.
It was wrapped in brown paper, with my name and rank, to my Post Office box, and had Merry Christmas written in the reply. Underneath was a gold wrapping paper with a Christmas "To/From" placard with only my first name. The postage was from Jacksonville, but this hasn't helped in looking to see who sent it. The item has come in great use and is unbelievably appreciated, but I would like to thank this person personally if possible.
I figure it must be someone I know, but unfortunately I know a lot of people. I also figure it is a girl, because of the writing. Plus, no man would send a gift like this.
Just want to say 'Thank You' and it is going with me to Iraq.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
The Conventions of a number of the States having, at the time of adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added, and as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government will best insure the beneficent ends of its institution;
Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, two-thirds of both Houses concurring, that the following articles be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States, as amendments to the Constitution of the United States; all or any of which articles, when ratified by three-fourths of the said Legislatures, to be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the said Constitution, namely:
Friday, December 15, 2006
Proper Honors to Colors
MCO P5060.1 Marine Corps Drill and Ceremonies Manual
Para 7003.2 - discussing rendering a salute to colors, "Persons not in uniform will stand at attention, face the flag and place the right hand over the heart. Gentlemen, if covered, remove their headdress with the right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, so that the right hand is over the heart."
MCO P10520.3b Marine Corps Flag Manual
During rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Men not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart.
U.S. Navy Regulations 1990
para 1205.1 - discussing salute to the National Ensign, "Persons in civilian clothes shall comply with the roles and customs established for civilians."
para 1207.2 - discussing boarding a Naval vessel, "A member not in uniform shall render appropriate honors to the national ensign by facing the flag and standing at attention with the right hand over the heart. If covered, men shall remove their headdress with the right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Merry Christmas! (The non PC version.)
There will be some SNCOs and Officers attempting to spread the holiday cheer, but most think of this as an intrusion. The problem is most of those who do show up, only do so from suggestions from their "bosses." Don't get me wrong, the thought is what counts and there are a few that appreciated it.
Some will be invited to someone's home and the individual will feel awkward and out of place. Some will find themselves in whatever bar may be open for the day. Some will only find their holiday meal at the chow hall. Some will only find comfort in whatever gaming system they own or are paying on.
The most important thing to do is at least tell your Marines that you appreciate what they do, without patronizing them. And invite them to some part of your holiday, even an hour of time make the biggest difference in the world.
Merry Christmas Marines, Sailors, airmen, soldiers, and guardsmen!
Friday, December 08, 2006
Ball 2006
I also, changed my guestbook again. I had some gliches that needed fixing and I took care that. And I am working on a newer version of XML for my images throughout the site. This just means that viewing will be easier for the J.Q. User out there.
I am trying to transfer this blog to the site in a way that really would be transparent to you all but will ensure its stability in the world wide web world that is in much chaos.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
U.S. Troops Using Silly String to Detect Trip-Wired Bombs in Iraq
STRATFORD, N.J. — In an age of multimillion-dollar high-tech weapons systems, sometimes it's the simplest ideas that can save lives. Which is why a New Jersey mother is organizing a drive to send cans of Silly String to Iraq.
American troops use the stuff to detect trip wires around bombs, as Marcelle Shriver learned from her son, a soldier in Iraq.
Before entering a building, troops squirt the plastic goo, which can shoot strands about 10 to 12 feet, across the room. If it falls to the ground, no trip wires. If it hangs in the air, they know they have a problem. The wires are otherwise nearly invisible.
Now, 1,000 cans of the neon-colored plastic goop are packed into Shriver's one-car garage in this town outside Philadelphia, ready to be shipped to the Middle East thanks to two churches and a pilot who heard about the drive.
"If I turn on the TV and see a soldier with a can of this on his vest, that would make this all worth it," said Shriver, 57, an office manager.
The maker of the Silly String brand, Just for Kicks Inc. of Watertown, N.Y., has contacted the Shrivers about donating some. Other manufacturers make the stuff, too, and call their products "party string" or "crazy string."
"Everyone in the entire corporation is very pleased that we can be involved in something like this," said Rob Oram, Just for Kicks product marketing manager. He called the troops' use of Silly String innovative.
The military is reluctant to talk about the use of Silly String, saying that discussing specific tactics will tip off insurgents.
But Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, a U.S. military spokesman in Baghdad, said Army soldiers and Marines are not forbidden to come up with new ways to do their jobs, especially in Iraq's ever-evolving battlefield. And he said commanders are given money to buy nonstandard supplies as needed.
In other cases of battlefield improvisation in Iraq, U.S. soldiers have bolted scrap metal to Humvees in what has come to be known as "Hillybilly Armor." Medics use tampons to plug bullet holes in the wounded until they can be patched up.
Also, soldiers put condoms and rubber bands around their rifle muzzles to keep out sand. And troops have welded old bulletproof windshields to the tops of Humvees to give gunners extra protection. They have dubbed it "Pope's glass" — a reference to the barriers that protect the pontiff.
In an October call to his mother, Army Spc. Todd Shriver explained how his unit in the insurgent hotbed of Ramadi learned from Marines to use Silly String on patrol to detect boobytraps.
After sending some cans to her 28-year-old son, Shriver enlisted the help of two priests and posted notices in her church and its newsletter. From there, the effort took off, with money and Silly String flowing in. Parishioners have been dropping cans into donation baskets.
"There's so much that they can't do, and they're frustrated, but this is something they can do," said the Rev. Joseph Capella of St. Luke's Church in Stratford.
The Shrivers said they would not mind seeing the string as standard-issue equipment, but they don't blame the military for not supplying it.
"I don't think that they can think of everything," said Ronald Shriver, 59, a retired salesman. "They're taught to improvise, and this is something that they've thought of."
Marcelle Shriver said that since the string comes in an aerosol can, it is considered a hazardous material, meaning the Postal Service will not ship it by air. But a private pilot who heard about her campaign has agreed to fly the cans to Kuwait — most likely in January — where they will then be taken to Iraq.
Shriver said she will continue her campaign as long as her son is overseas and she has Silly String to send.
"I know that he's going come through this. I hope they all do," she said.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
The Website
Friday, November 17, 2006
Salty Language
In the (not so) old Corps, the first time a "boot" referred to a vertical partition as a "wall" or said that he had spilled something on the "floor," he incurred the unmitigated wrath of the nearest drill instructor. To gain the attention of the miscreant, the DI would smash his swagger stick on the top of the boot's pith helmet accompanied by a very loud bit of enduring advice, "That's 'bulkhead' [or 'deck']. If you draw the pay, you speak the language!
"Marines are "Soldiers of the Sea," and it is right and proper that conversation be sprinkled with nautical expressions. In "The Leatherneck," his introduction to "Fix Bayonets," the late Colonel John W. Thompson Jr., USMC (Ret) described the many men making up the 4th Marine Brigade about to see action at Belleau Wood in June 1918: "And there were also a number of diverse people who ran curiously to type, with drilled shoulders and a bone-deep sunburn, a tolerant scorn of nearly everything on earth. Theirspeech was flavored with Navy words, and words culled from all the folk who live on the seas and ports where our war-ships go." He was describing Marine professionals who, like all professionals, have a language peculiar unto themselves.
A language is a living and evolving thing. As we go to more strange and distant climes, some foreign words creep in. Some are transitory and don't survive. Marines still go to the "head" to "pump bilges," although there was a generation or two who went to the benjo for the same thing. I've always liked the story of the world-traveler Marine sitting in a bar in Athens who politely summoned the waiter and ordered a beer with "Garcon, iddy-wa, una botella de cerveza bitte."
But over the years I have detected not just a lessening of the use of nautical terms among the naval services, but almost a complete lack of them. This is more than 25 years ago when my son came home from the United States Naval Academy his Plebe Christmas. He had been raised on "deck," "bulkhead," "overhead," "ladder," "galley," etc. He called his Boy Scout equipment "782 gear," but he was no longer using those descriptive terms because they weren't in use at the Academy.
After he graduated, I spent a dozen years in Annapolis on the staff of the Alumni Association of my alma mater. I was appalled at the lubberly-ness of the staff, faculty and midshipmen at the Academy. Fortunately, the Marines on duty there kept the tradition of nautical language alive. It must be paying off because every year the allotted "boat spaces" for Marines on graduation are oversubscribed.
But I am not concerned with Navy per se, but rather our Corps of Marines. I equate it to the reply an old gunnery sergeant gave to the lady who upon hearing the legend that the quatrefoil on the cover of Marine Officers' frame caps stems from days of sail when Marines in the "fighting tops" could identify their officers on deck by the chalked cross on their caps and not fire on them, asked, "What about the Navy Officers?" "Who cared?" snapped the gunny."
Language is both spoken and written. "The Marines' Hymn" says, "We are proud to claim the title of United States Marines." There are Army officers and soldiers, Navy officers and sailors, Air Force officers and airmen, but we are all Marines. That is why Marine is always written with a capital "M."
We must be careful not to allow our own professional culture to be corrupted by the words of other services. The Army says 1600 (sixteen hundred) hours. We say 1600 (sixteen hundred). It is a small but subtle difference. Many years ago at a large East Coast Marine base, an over zealous "police sergeant" neatly painted on the "deck" in front of a regimental headquarters building: "NO PARKING AFTER 1600 HOURS." The commanding general, or "CG," came by and saw the offending sign. He dashed into headquarters, burst in the office of the commanding officer, or "CO," and began holding "school-of-the-boat" (the most basic instruction one can give to the landlubber) on the colonel.
He said, "In the Army, it's 1600 hours; in the Navy, it's 8 bells; in the Air Force, I think it is 'when Mickey's big hand is on 12 and hislittle hand is on 4,' but in the Corps, it is 1600. Get that abomination corrected immediately!"
Most Marines knew the motto of our Corps before they went to boot camp, or they probably wouldn't have gone. It is "semper fidelis" - always faithful. Shortened to "semper fi," it is a bond of respectful recognition between and among Marines. One Marine greets another with it. When they part company, each says to the other, "Semper fi." Informal memos or e-mails between Marines usually are signed "Semper fi" or just S/F. But there used to be a darker side. Used by Marines to members of the other services orcivilians, "Semper fi, Mac," said with a sneer, had a sinister connotation. It could mean anything from "I got mine; the hell with you!" to "I did fine; how did you do?" An old "China Hand" once told me that on payday night in Shanghai cabarets, it meant, "You buy the fifth; my girl is drunk already!" I much prefer the version denoting mutual respect among a "band of brothers" than the cynical version.
Some words and phrases have found their way into common American usage through the Marine Corps. Some are of foreign origin. "We have fought in every clime and place." Others were Marine-coined.
The best example of a Marine-coined word in widespread use is "gizmo." "Gung-ho" is of Chinese origin, via Col. Evans F. Carlson of the World War II Carlson's Raiders. Going back several campaigns, we find that "boondocks" comes from the Tagalog "bundok" or mountain jungles of the Philippines. "Honcho" came back from Korea and Japan.
Another word that is sacred to our Corps is "Doc" - the corpsman who wear our uniform, joins with and cares for us in combat. Many years ago I had a "Stateside" battalion during the time that doctors were drafted for two years of service. My battalion surgeon (billet title since he wasn't really a "cutter") came to me with a complaint. The young Marines were addressing him as "Doc." Since he was a professional man, he felt he deserved the respect of being addressed as "Doctor." I told him that evidently he was not ready to be addressed as "Doc" inasmuch as that is the highest honor that a Marine can bestow upon a "squid."
The language door swings both ways. We have allowed civilian language to corrupt our pure nautical expression. While a landlubber may refer to a ship as "it," a true "soldier of the sea" knows that a ship is a "she." Likewise, it is a real nautical bust, both orally and in writing, to precede the name of a ship with a definite article. A ship is a distinct personality, and referring to the Lexington is as improper as referring to me as the Hammond. She is Lexington. Many readers will argue that the definite article is used in professional naval publications, and I invite their attention to the fact that those journals have professional editors and writers, not naval professionals. Finally, one serves in not on a ship. If it is the latter, you are in deep trouble. To a precise reader or listener it conjures up the vision of your sitting on the keel of a capsized vessel.
How did this departure from salty language occur? I alluded to the traumatic change to the nautical nature of the Naval Academy, at least in my observation. Emphasis was more on turning out graduates who could go on for advanced degrees. "Techies" and their bastardization of English for computer talk followed. This was compounded by flooding the faculty with academics holding advanced degrees from campuses of the '60s. This sizeable group of civilians avoided being part of the naval culture.
Over the past quartercentury, the leadership of half the naval service has eroded much of the base of salty-language usage. If those at the top don't lead the way, it is a military axiom that those below won't follow.
But how did the decline of the use of salty language creep into our Corps? Drill instructors still drill into recruits the use of "deck,""bulkhead," "ladder," etc., although perhaps with a less emphatic way of getting their attention then in the (not so) old Corps.
For one thing, more Marines are married these days, and many live ashore among the civilian community. These Marines try to blend into the civilian community rather than flaunt their pride of being a Marine. Their use of salty language becomes one of the first casualties.
Even today it is a matter of pride to sport a regulation haircut, spit-shined shoes, proper civilian attire and, of course, salty language. Itis gratifying when some stranger at a cocktail party says, "You sound like you're a Marine."
Another reason for the decline of salty language is that many young Marines are "cool." Nautical talk is not cool, computer talk and jive talk are. Unlike the Navy with its many technicians, "every Marine is a rifleman" and has the privilege of displaying pride in the language of his profession. It is a privilege not available to others.
How can we restore this eroding tradition? Like everything else in the Corps, it begins at the top. Senior officers should use salty language at every opportunity and hold school-of-the-boat on their subordinates who don't. Top staff noncommissioned officers should do likewise.
Tradition is not something that can be ordered. It must have solid roots to survive. Marines should want to show that they are a different breed and be willing to demonstrate their uniqueness at every opportunity whether among other Marines or among civilians. That's what it is about personal pride in being a Marine.
More than 50 years ago, during the Cherry Blossom Pageant in Washington, DC, 10 junior officers from the Army, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard and Marine Corps were detailed as escorts for princesses from 48 states and the territories of Alaska and Hawaii. Most of the Marines were strangers to each other.
At the end of the ceremonies a musical tribute to the gallant escorts of the lovely princesses was announced. The band struck up a medley of "The Caisson Song," "The Air Force Song," "Anchors Aweigh" and "Semper Paratus." At the first note of "The Marines' Hymn," 10 Marine lieutenants scattered among the audience were on their feet as 20 heels clicked as one. An officer from another service paid them a high compliment. In a stage whisper audible to all, he said, "Those s.o.b.s!" That's what it is all about - exhibiting your pride in your Corps every time you can.
About 30 years ago there was the tale of an old Sergeant Major who retired and had a nice job, although he was putting in long hours. He had another problem as well, or at least his boss and co-workers thought so. He still said "deck," "bulkhead," "overhead," etc. The boss made him an appointment with the company psychiatrist. The sergeant major arrived, and the doctor, who was of the Freudian school, directed him to lie on the couch.
Doctor: "Do you lead an active sex life?"
SgtMaj: "Sure!"
Doctor: "Tel me about it."
SgtMaj: " What do you want to know?"
Doctor: "Your last affair, when was it?"
SgtMaj: "About 1950?"
Doctor: "You call that active?"
SgtMaj: looking at his watch: "It's only 2115 now!"
Draw the pay; speak the language.
Semper fi.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Home (Expletive) Home
It has roaches and ants, in which, I can not figure why they are there, I have no food in my lean-to and I clean every Thursday.
I moved in about a month ago and will be moving out in about a month.
I must move out soon for my job will take me away from the "great" State of North Cackle Lackey.
I have a mattress and two folding chairs and recently brought in my microwave that I had bought from a pawn shop, all for a total value of about 300 dollars (the mattress is a "bed in a box" which was new).
My alarm clock was an argued over piece from my last divorce and unfortunately is about to die.
I have papers lining my floor, bills and payments on one side and job related crap on the other.
My military garb fills a corner and I have boxes not yet emptied to be filled again soon scattered throughout the lean-to.
The lean-to is relatively quiet except for when it rains because of the tin roof and my young neighbor wants me to learn his great music taste (I think he wants me to learn by kinetics, because it vibrates the lean-to, well).
There are holes in the walls and a breeze is present when the door is closed.
This is not me ranting and raving, this me just telling it how it is.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
2006 Birthday Ball
(Which should be a good link for at least a couple of weeks.)
I had a great time again this year. Next year I will be in utilities so that should be cheaper.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Free stuff (links) I would like to share
Free Stuff for Troops
- Free computers for spouses or parents of deployed soldier in ranks E1 - E5.
- Free magazines, up to 3 choices, for deployers.
- Free mail/gifts sent to children of deployed soldiers.
- Free phone cards.
- To sign up for sponsoring soldier care packages for theater.
- To have commander sign up for mugs for unit troops.
- Free shoebox care package.
- Free cookies.
- Lowest airfare available.
- Free care packages.
- Free air conditioners/heaters.
- Free air travel for Emergency Leave, and for the family members of injured soldiers to travel to Medical facility.
- Airline discounts for R & R.
- Free books, DVD's, CD's.
- Daily prayer and scriptures.
- Free care packages (your family member signs up to have sent to you).
- Free care packages.
- Get adopted to receive stuff.
- Free gifts and care packages.
- Free bible, Christian video, and book for spouse/family members of deployed troop.
- Free shipping/packing materials for shipping to troops.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
The Fun of Repeating Duty Stations
Granted there has been many road improvements since I was here last, but the same drama that was here before is still here. Not much has changed.
This includes that everyone always hates their current duty station and the last was always the best.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
W_______ TB ___4/6434/ 115/1JH
Click on the link(title) for the whole message.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Let me tell you about TPS Reports, Part II
I am getting off track with this.
My paper work has been "lost" 4 times thus far. How does one lose 20 sheets a paper stapled to a bright blue folder and has all my "personal info" in?
There are other stipulations that I fall under, but what is the point of listing them here? The point is, I rate to live off base, give the extra pay I need to secure a home to rent.
(Yes, I am ranting. I just wish I could rant about something else at the moment.)
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Jacksonville, North Carolina
I think I may have that bar. It is Rena J's. The crowd constantly changes and the bartenders all have one thing in common. I take that back, one of them is not as endowed as the others.
The base has done some improvement so I look forward to that. The command is like all others, it is a change from the last one. I met the Sgt Maj and he seems nice enough for me.
The big question in everyone's mind when I talk to them is the obvious one, promotion? The list comes out in a few weeks, then we can all talk about it.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
I read another blog ,in which the writer was saying this is talking. I put in my 2 cents there already.
The thing is I believe I write as I would talk, but I am writing. This is a one way conversation with the benefits of comments after I have already made my points. Granted, I read your comments more often than I post to the blogs and sometimes my opinions will sway one way or the other, but my opinion is still quite solid after it all.
(Could be the "German" in me, but I am quite stubborn.)
Still this is argument is hardly worth having, can you hear me? I think not. And if you have never met me before, you wouldn't know how I stress my sentences. It probably would help if you knew what I sounded like and I could probably put in sound, but why? I see no reason for it.
So the point I am making is this is not talking.
Friday, August 04, 2006
See you all soon!
Friday, July 21, 2006
Knockin' me out with those American Thighs
Since being in Japan, I have been missing a good (or bad) woman with a figure that I can hold on to. One, that these thoughts bring to mind:
Don't stop thinking about tomorrow
Don't stop, {I'll} soon be here
If you change your mind, I'm the first in line
Honey I'm still free, take a chance on me
She looked good, she looked fine
And I nearly lost my mind
Oh won't you take me home tonight
Oh beside your red firelight
And I'm burnin', I'm burnin', I'm burnin' for you
I'm burnin', I'm burnin', I'm burnin' for you
I'm not content to be with you in the daytime
Girl I want to be with you all of the time
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Small Pox
I have been avoiding it for the last 10 years and I feel I have been doing a good job at it.
Officially, Small Pox was eradicated from Earth September of 1979. But, someone kept some of it and it may be used against us in some sort of biological weapon some day. So to keep "us" in the clear "we" get vaccinated against it. The vaccine we get is not small pox, it something else that is in the same family. Yes, disease has families too.
I am at the point where my arm throbs with pain and itches like crazy. I talked to a few other people and I am not alone in this stage. The good part is I should be in the clear by the time I get back to the US.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Let me tell you about TPS Reports
I needed to open purchase 4 resistors. These resistors are special in which no part number is associated with them and I need to have them manufactured.
I got the quote, I received the open purchase requests from supply, and I have all the proper specification paperwork.
So I turn in the paperwork, and
They(supply) say: 'You need a justification. '
So I go back to my shop and write a justification and have my boss sign it. I return to supply and
They say: 'You have the wrong open purchase paperwork.'
I say: ' You gave me this paperwork.'
They say: ' It doesn't matter, you need the new and improved paperwork.'
So I go back to my shop and re-write the open purchase request and get it signed by my boss.
I return to supply, and
They say: 'You need to have the Division Officer to sign off on this and the Aviation Maintenance Officer sign off as well.'
I say: 'Both officers are fully aware of this including your officer, because the subject pertaining to this open purchase has been brought up every Wednesday for the last 2 months.'
They say:'You could be lying.'
I say:' I am not, let's ask your officer if he is aware of it and fore go this extra paperwork.'
They say: 'It doesn't matter we are not going to accept the paperwork without their signatures.'
So I go back to my shop and write up an endorsement page to add to my paperwork. I get it all signed off and I return to supply.
I turn in the paperwork and they don't even look at the justification or the extra signatures I just got. They took it to the "inbox" for their officer and told me to have a nice day.
All the paperwork, I recieved from supply, except the endorsement page which myself and another Marine created. This wasted 3 days of my life. This is why I have been pissed off lately. There is more bullshit paperwork I do, but this last scenario is a perfect example of wasting good time for something that didn't need to be that complicated.
Friday, June 02, 2006
This Year's Board
So I am looking at about a 50 - 50 shot this year, not very good, but I have done everything I can to make me look more outstanding than the rest of them.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Where's George?
I spent it.
But not before checking the website out first.
Here is the link:
Friday, May 19, 2006
DD the Life a of a Designated Driver
This was my birthday present to my friend, who I won't say the age because she would hit me for it. Everything turned out well, she and our friends got "plastered" silly and didn't have to worry about JPs(Japanese Police) or the MPs (Military Police).
I am going to bed and I don't feel like waking up until the cows all come home.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
A Poem for My Marine
Strong inside and out
With a gentle heart and hand
Too easy it is to fall for him
And see your future in his eyes
Not worrying then of times to come
Not thinking of goodbyes
So there you stand with dogtags on
Worn close around your neck
Waving goodbye to him and praying
For the day that bus comes back
Then its lonely nights in bed
Waiting for the phone to ring
Dreaming of the times you've had
Remembering everything
You wait for letters sent by him
And cherish every word he writes
Reading them each over again
To help get through the lonesome nights
You wake up to midnight phone calls
To hear how he has been
And say "I love you" enough times to last
Until you talk to him again
You do your best to tough it out
Without a shoulder on which to lean
Smiling while thinking of how it feels
To fall in love with your Marine!
By: Amanda D.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Controlled Venting
I am currently in the mix of 18 to 19 hour shifts for me. At the moment, there is no light at the end of the tunnel.
I am a supervisor for an electrical shop in the avionics division and also a CDI. Which means I have the best of both worlds when my rank comes in question.
There is this thing called a DIFM, remember "Office Space", it may be similar to TPS reports.
We have "green side" training which is stuff every Marine must do either annually or fiscally(calendar year).
Then, there is this thing called Airspeed. The theory is work smarter not harder, it is a theory.
I have my own room in the barracks, but share a head (a joining toilet) with a annoying , stupid and ignorant person who has a job anyone with an ASVAB score of 31 can do.
There is some more, but these are the big ones at the moment.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Collateral Duty Inspector
Normally, there is 2 workers or technicians that fix and troubleshoot any aircraft parts (gear) and once the work is done a verification process takes place. This verifier is the CDI. The CDI checks the gear to see if it Ready For Issue (RFI), checks the tools, and verifies any publications used were the correct ones or correct processes were used. One complete "run" of the gear will be in the presence of the CDI.
The CDI is also responsible for accuracy of the tool count and count of any consumables used. The CDI has some more jobs and responsibilities, but for a basic understanding of the role I think this will suffice.
At my last command, I was a QAR (Quality Assurance Inspector) which is similar to a CDI, but is two steps above.
Since this is an important role in the grand scheme of things, extra responsibility, the amount of "free" time I have will mostly likely drop to a minimum. Such is life.
It is also a possibility that I may go on a short float or boat det. If this is the case, I may not find out until the day of. Which is standard Marine Corps policy. (This is only a joke, if you never have served.)
What I do know as fact, is I will be rewriting the CDI test for my shop. QA has informed me since I found all the mistakes in the test and scored a 100 percent, this would make me the perfect candidate to rewrite it.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
sorry for itself.
A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough
without ever having felt sorry for itself.
- D. H. Lawrence
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Is your mind as corrupt as mine?

Research has shown that young children cannot identify the intimate couple because they do not have prior memory associated with such scenario.
What they will see are the nine dolphins.
Additional note: This is a test to determine if you already have a corrupted mind. If it's hard for you to find the dolphins within 3 seconds, your mind is indeed corrupted.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Women in Uniform
I was thinking that maybe it is the sleek look or presumption of honesty.
We should all know by now what attracts me to it.
This is definitely something to ponder for the moment.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
The Trash Can
By logical standards, the trash can should have been overflowing or with trash set next to it by lunch but it wasn't.
So, therefore, when the can is empty people use more trash than when it is full.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Jury Duty
The cool part is they pay you. It says here in the letter that I will be paid $17.50 for each half day, plus mileage round trip. The mileage is 38.5 cents a mile.
Well, I called them last night and told them I would be happy to do jury duty. I am 5266 miles from the Manitowoc County Courthouse in Wisconsin. So, if you do the math, if I stand jury duty for one half day I should be compensated $4072.32.
I think it's a good deal.
They told me I will probably be disqualified.
I hope not.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Qualified on the range and I wasn't worried at all.
Here's the background:
In 11 years, I have shot 5 times. Of those 5, four of them I "UNQ" or was unqualified and had to requalify the next day and take the minimum score. The last time was in spring of 2003.
I think maybe this may have been for several possible reasons:
1) I am old
2) I am wise
3) It was on astro-turf
4) It was overcast
5) I shot in the 2nd relay
6) The scoring system changed
7) I had at least one beer the day prior
8) I had less than 5 hours of sleep prior
9) Maybe the coach actually coached me
10) Luck
Whatever the reason, my confidence is back.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
The Only Exit Strategy (A letter worth reading)
Dear America,
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand
ready to do violence on their behalf." - George Orwell
The Marine Corps is tired. I guess I should not say that, as I have no authority or responsibility to speak for the Marine Corps as a whole, and my opinions are mine alone. I will rephrase: this Marine is tired.
I write this piece from the sands of Iraq, west of Baghdad, at three a.m., but I am
not tired of the sand. I am neither tired of long days, nor of flying and fighting. I am not tired of the food, though it does not taste quite right. I am not tired of the heat; I am not tried of the mortars that occasionally fall on my base.
I am not tired of Marines dying, though all Marines, past and present, mourn the loss of every brother and sister that is killed; death is a part of combat and every warrior knows that going into battle. One dead Marine is too many, but we give more than we take, and unlike our enemies, we fight with honor. I am not tired of the missions or the people; I have only been here a month, after all.
I am, however, tired of the hypocrisy and shortsightedness that seems to have gripped so many of my countrymen and the news media. I am tired of political rhetoric that misses the point, and mostly I am tired of people "not getting it."
Three years ago, I was sitting in a classroom at Quantico, Virginia, while attending the Marine Corps Basic Officer Course, learning about the finer points of land navigation. Our Commanding Officer interrupted the class to inform us that some planes had crashed in New York and Washington D.C., and that he would return when he knew more. Tears welled in the eyes of the lieutenant on my right while class continued, albeit with an audience that was not very focused; his sister lived in New York and worked at the World Trade Center.
We broke for lunch, though instead of going to the chow hall proceeded to a small pizza and sub joint that had a television. Slices of pizza sat cold in front of us as we watched the same vivid images that you watched on September 11, 2001. I look back on that moment now and realize even then I grasped, at some level, that the events of that day would alter both my military career and my country forever.
Though I did not know that three years later, to the day, I would be flying combat missions in Iraq as an AH-1W Super Cobra pilot, I did understand that a war had just begun, on television for the world to see, and that my classmates and I would fight
that war. After lunch we were told to go to our rooms, clean our weapons and pack our gear for possible deployment to the Pentagon to augment perimeter security. The parting words of the order were to make sure we packed gloves, in case we had to handle bodies.
The first Marine killed in Operation Iraqi Freedom was in my company at The
Basic School, and was sitting in that land navigation class on September 11. He fought bravely, led from the front, and was killed seizing an oil refinery on the opening day of the war.
His heroism made my emergency procedure memorization for the T-34 primary flight school trainer seem quite insignificant. This feeling of frustration was shared by all of the student pilots, but we continued to press on. As one instructor pointed out to us,
"You will fight this war, not me. Make sure that you are prepared when you get there." He was right: my classmates from Pensacola are here beside me, flying every day in support of the Marines on the ground. That instructor has since retired, but I believe he has retired knowing that he made a contribution to the greatest country in the history of the world, the United States of America.
Many of you will read that statement and balk at its apparently presumptuous and arrogant nature, and perhaps be tempted to stop reading right here. I would ask that you keep going, for I did not say that Americans are better than anyone else, for I do not believe that to be the case. I! did not say that our country, its leaders, military or intelligence services are perfect or have never made mistakes, because throughout history they have, and will continue to do so, despite their best efforts.
The nation is more than the sum of its citizens and leaders, more than its history, present, or future; a nation has contemporary values that change as its leaders change, but it also has timeless character, ideals forged with the blood and courage of patriots. To quote the Pledge of Allegiance, our nation was founded "under
God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." As Americans, we have more freedom than we can handle sometimes.
If you are an atheist you might have a problem with that whole "under God" part; if you are against liberating the people of Iraq, Afghanistan, Asia, all of Europe (twice), and the former Soviet bloc, then perhaps the "liberty and justice for all" section might leave you fuming. Our nation, throughout its history, has watered the seeds of democracy on many continents, with blood, even when the country was in disagreement about those decisions.
Disagreement is a wonderful thing. To disagree with your neighbors and your government is at the very heart of freedom. Citizens have disagreed about every important and controversial decision made by their leaders throughout history. Truman had the courage to drop two nuclear weapons in order to end the largest war in history, and then, by his actions, prevented the Soviets from extinguishing the light of democracy in Eastern Europe, Berlin. Lincoln preserved our country through civil war; Reagan knew in his heart that freedom is a more powerful weapon than oppression.
Leaders are paid to make difficult, sometimes controversial decisions. History will judge the success of their actions and the purity of their intent in a way that is impossible at the present moment. In your disagreement and debate about the
current conflict, however, be very careful that you do not jeopardize your nation or those who serve. The best time to use your freedom of speech to debate difficult decisions is before they are made, not when the lives of your countrymen are on the line.
Cherish your civil rights; I know that after having been in Iraq for only one month I have a new appreciation for mine. You have the right to say that you "support the troops" but oppose the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. You have the right to vote for Senator John Kerry because you believe that he has an exit strategy for Iraq, or because you just cannot stand President Bush. You have the right to vote for President George W. Bush if ! you believe that he has done a good job over the last four years.
You might even decide that you do not want to vote at all and would rather avoid the issues as much as possible. That is certainly your option, and doing nothing is the only option for many people in this world.
It is not my place, nor am I allowed by the Uniform Code of Military Justice, to tell you how to vote. But I can explain to you the truth about what is going on around you. We know, and have known from the beginning, that the ultimate success or failure of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the future of those countries, rests solely on the shoulders of the Iraqi and Afghani people. If someone complains that we should not have gone to war with Saddam Hussein, that our intelligence was bad, that President Bush's motives were impure, then take the appropriate action. Exercise your right to vote for Senator Kerry, but please stop complaining about something that happened over a year ago.
The decision to deploy our military in Iraq and Afghanistan is in the past, and while I believe that it is important to the democratic process for our nation to analyze the decisions of our leadership in order to avoid repeating mistakes, it is far more important to focus on the future. The question of which candidate will "get us out of
Iraq sooner" should not be a consideration in your mind. You should not want us out of Iraq or Afghanistan sooner.
There is only one coherent exit strategy that will make our time here worthwhile and validate the sacrifice of so many of our countrymen. There is only one strategy that has a chance of promoting peace and stabilizing the Middle East. It is the exit strategy of both candidates, though voiced with varying volumes and differing degrees ! of clarity. I will speak of Iraq because that is where I am, though I feel
the underlying principle applies to both Iraq and Afghanistan.
The American military must continue to help train and support the Iraqi Police, National Guard, and Armed Forces. We must continue to give them both responsibility and the authority with which to carry out those responsibilities, so that they eventually can kill or capture the former regime elements and foreign terrorists that are trying to create a radical, oppressive state.
We must continue to repair the infrastructure that we damaged during the conflict, and improve the infrastructure that was insufficient when Saddam was in power. We should welcome and encourage partners in the coalition but recognize that many will choose the path of least resistance and opt out; many of our traditional allies have been doing this for years and it should not surprise us.
We must respect the citizens of Iraq and help them to understand the meaning of basic human rights, for those are something the average Iraqi has never experienced. We must be respectful of our cultural and religious differences. We must help the Iraqis develop national pride, and most importantly, we must leave this country better than we found it, at the right time, with a chance of success
so that its people will have an opportunity to forge their own destiny.
We must do all of these things as quickly and efficiently as possible so that we are not seen as occupiers, but rather liberators and helpers. We must communicate this to the world as clearly and frequently as possible, both with words and actions.
If we leave before these things are done, then Iraq will fall into anarchy and possibly plunge the Middle East into another war. The ability of the United States to con! duct foreign policy will be severely, and perhaps permanently, degraded. Terrorism will increase, both in America and around the world, as America will have demonstrated that it is not interested in building and helping, only destroying. If we run or exit early, we prove to our enemies that terror is more powerful and potent than freedom.
Many nations, like Spain, have already affirmed this in the minds of the terrorists. Our failure, and its consequences, will be squarely on our shoulders as a nation. It will be our fault.
If we stay the course and Iraq or Afghanistan falls into civil war on its own, then our hands are clean. As a citizen of the United States and a U.S. Marine, I will be able
to sleep at night with nothing on my conscience, for I know that I, and my country, have done as much as we could for these people. If we leave early, I will not be able to live with myself, and neither should you. The blood will be on our hands, the failure on our watch.
The bottom line is this: Republican or Democrat, approve or disapprove of the decision to go to war, you need to support our efforts here. You cannot both support the troops and protest their mission.
Every time the parent of a fallen Marine gets on CNN with a photo, accusing President Bush of murdering his son, the enemy wins a strategic victory. I cannot begin to comprehend the grief he feels at the death of his son, but he dishonors the memory of my brave brother who paid the ultimate price. That Marine
volunteered to serve, just like the rest of us. No one here was drafted.
I am proud of my service and that of my peers. I am ashamed of that parent's actions, and I pray to God that if I am killed my parents will stand with pride before the cameras and reaffirm their belief that my life and sacrifice mattered; they loved me dearly and they firmly support the military and its mission in Iraq and Afghanistan.
With that statement, they communicate very clearly to our enemies around the world that America is united, that we cannot be intimidated by kidnappings, decapitations and torture, and that we care enough about the Afghani and Iraqi people to give them a chance at democracy and basic human rights.
Do not support those that seek failure for us, or seek to trivialize the sacrifices made here. Do not make the deaths of your countrymen be in vain. Communicate to your
media and elected officials that you are behind us and our mission. Send letters and encouragement to those who are deployed. When you meet a person that serves you, whether in the armed forces, police, or fire department, show them respect. Thank the spouses around you every day, raising children alone, whose loved ones are deployed.
Remember not only those that have paid the ultimate price, but the veterans that bear the physical and emotional scars of defending your freedom. At the very least, follow your mother's advice: "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at
all." Do not give the enemy a foothold in our nation's public opinion. He rejoices at Fahrenheit 9/11 and applauds every time an American slams our efforts. The military can succeed here so long as American citizens support us wholeheartedly.
Sleep well on this third anniversary of 9/11, America. Rough men are standing ready to do violence on your behalf. Many of your sons and daughters volunteered to stand watch for you. Not just rough men -the infantry, the Marine grunts, the Special Operations Forces - but lots of eighteen- and nineteen-year-old kids, teenagers, who are far a! way from home, serving as drivers, supply clerks, analysts and mechanics. They all have stories, families, and dreams. They miss you, love you, and are putting
their lives on the line for you.
Do not make their time here, their sacrifice, a waste. Support them, and their mission.
Lt. Kevin Brown, a 2001 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy serving in Iraq, sent this letter to his family on the third anniversary of 9/11.
Friday, March 17, 2006
St Patrick's Day
It is Saint Patty's day and I am about to be sloppy drunk in a hour or two.
It is not a question here whether to drink, the question is how much?
Hope yours is as good as mine has been.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Asshole in Me
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
These actions and events grace the hierarchy of "Animal House" and may be be viewed with the best of "Scarface."
"After-Action" reports to follow.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Ring of Fire
There is none.
Once maybe, I had one.
He is gone.
Do I feel this way because of blame?
I don't think so, I think I have blamed myself, and no one can help me through it.
I am a man.
All I have is my word.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Something Else
I have been doing my taxes the last week or so, and it's a bitch. This year seems to be harder than some the previous years for some reason or another.
I have been informed that I have a menacing look, and people view me as a potential "asshole." I think this is rather amusing, since I have been told some variation of this for the past 6 years or so. The nifty part is that the person or people telling me this, say I am really a nice guy. Go figure.
Here is another surprise since I have been back, the "newbies or TFNG(s)" have been calling me funny names such as 'dad and grandpa' which may be due to my music choices from the '80s or my shnazy lingo, I am not sure.
Actually, the best fun I have been having lately, is Cribbage. I taught a few people and have been playing quite regularly. Good thing I have a board or two.
Friday, February 17, 2006
The List
Here is a list of those who received a "diploma." ( all are Sergeants)
Robert Settle------------Courtney Donald-------- Martin Hernandez
Brandon Richard ------------Jason Day ----------------Allen Chua
Andrew Leslie ------------ Jared Kiesow------------ Sheila Moore
Carl Fletcher -------- Nathan Warnock-------- Andrew Willis
Ronald John---------------- Justin Taylor
Bo Irving ------------Rashun Rivera------------ Matthew Bing
Adrian Cardenas ---------Herman Crawford--------Takeisha Dedner
Jonathon Duncan---------- Michael Foley------------ Gerado Hernandez
Marcus Jones ------------ Michael Knight ------------ Matthew Love
Michael Parker---------------- Joe Stone
Elda Castrellon------------ Michael Danner------------Jaramy Dodge
Brian Griffin ------------ Pablo Hernandez ------------Kevin Jackson
Brendan Keeter------------Ester Lawson ------------ Christina Martinez
Jorge Pereira ------------William Ross------------ Alberto Suarez
Robert Wilcoxen
Our Instructors were:
GySgt Pham
GySgt English
SSgt Eady
SSgt Lillie
The Family
The Brain- one who know it all but would not help anyone
Alkie- self proclaimed, but was more of a binge(r)
Bob- name changed so often this ended up being easier
Loud Mouth- louder than a pack of ravished dogs
The Grunt - he wasn't one, but knew enough to help us all
Motivator- didn't get the award, but helped the spirits
Brother(s) - when calling one of there names, you never knew who you were going to get
The Indian - self explanatory
The Closet Alcoholic - drunk enough for the whole class
The Philanderer - nothing concrete just rumors
Pat- he or she
The Tramp - Same as above
Gung Ho - didn't get the award, but came close
The Cook- said he was one, hard to tell though
BA - it doesn't mean what you think
Silk- so smooth that he slipped by
AFN - could be a Dan Rather or Walter Croncrite in the Future
The Bitch - love and hate, if you know what I mean
Comic Relief - could make a room disappear or reappear at random
That Winger Guy - came down to 1 in 5 of us at any given time
The Cowboy - you didn't want to go in a dark alley without this one
~- there were several others that missed out on being seen and known, but since the family was there nothing would be amiss-~
Monday, February 13, 2006
Barring I do anything stupid in the last four days.
Mess Night is tomorrow.
That will be interesting.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Life Force
We, the Sergeant's Course were in the field for 2 days and practiced a "fake" war. We did some patrolling( actually a lot), ambushes, defensive perimeters, rear area security, envelopes, frontal attacks, and room clearing in an urban environment. Which all of that took place in about a 26 hour period, I myself, snuck in about 2 10 minute naps somewhere.
At the end, we hiked(humped) 8.75 miles with 85 pounds packs( I weighed mine), full gear(war gear), and weapons( I got lucky with only a M-16). Of course we didn't "walk" at nice comfortable pace, it was more a 6 to 7 miles per hour pace.
I slept from noon till now and I am fixin' to go back to bed soon.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
I personally believe that the grading scale is flawed. But the main point is I passed. Not with flying colors, more like a flying mouse that was tied dyed.
We are also finished with about three quarters of the written tests and about half way done with the practical exams.
The real kicker in the rear is going to be the eight mile hump (hike at a set rate of speed, with a full pack and one or more weapons). That will be next week, we shall see how it goes.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Pictures of Guidons
There are pictures of toys but I think you all will get the idea.
The 1st Tests are Next Week
The subjects are:
Leading Physical Readiness Training
Guidon Manual
Sword Manual
Training Management
Personnel Administration
Search and Seizures
Friday, January 06, 2006
1st Week Sergeant's Course
Lots of homework and lots of study.