As my brain melts and becomes one with reality, the affair of this journey of life becomes familiar with you and me.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Secrets That I Don't Want to Keep Anymore
I threw away the girl of my dreams for a barbie doll woman, it didn't last more than a week.
I wish to dance the night away every day.
I have put up walls around me that I don't know how to take them down anymore.
I like to have my ass squeezed, gentle or hard.
I have never forgiven my relatives that have teased me for being smarter than their kids while growing up.
I enjoy looking at art for hours, I think it is erotic.
I have always had my steaks rare to medium rare, after I went to Africa, I really started enjoying the taste of the blood.
In my mind everyone hates me, I will never be good enough.
I think I would have died a lonely death had I not joined the Corps, I believe that prophecy may still come true.
I want a boring life, but I don't think I am capable of leading one.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Questions, Comments and Concerns, Part II
While looking about and learning about others in wants and needs, I find myself in my own catch-22. My rants and raves while at times are very pointed, most of the time are quite general. Most people can relate because of similar personal struggles. It is flattering when someone thinks I write specifically about them; when I don't use their name or describe any detail of a possible person in question.
I really don't write to burn bridges and I don't write to build them. I put these thoughts forward looking to help me understand me better. All this is well and good, and may seem like I am talking about you, but in reality I am not talking to anyone. At least, not anyone in particular.
Foreplay is not:
A board game
Has nothing to do with golf
A secret kept by Buddhist monks
Only for men to perform
Foreplay is:
Explained quite well in The Meaning of Life (For men)
Essential for normal living
For both men and women
Why is it that I keep encountering women that have no idea what to do with a penis other than stick(accept) it in a hole?
I think that is a valid question.
Speaking of me, visual stimulation really doesn't do a whole lot for me and I really need touch. (I know I am giving away all my secrets here, shh.)
All those things that women like, such as:
the running of fingers through your hair
biting of the neck(insert your favorite body part here)
soft/hard kissing
(I really could go on, but I am sure everyone knows what I am talking about.)
I like these things as well. And sometimes, without a little foreplay, I am not ready to go. I am not twenty anymore. I was never a premature ejaculater, so much on the opposite that spectrum, more like the four hour problem that they keep warning us about. Still, I need a little bit more than the parting of the tides. It doesn't have to be TLC, but it does have to be a little stronger than blowing the seeds off a dandelion.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
My Life According to Google
Type in the following and choose the first choice:
(I used my real first name in the search bar)
1: Type in "[your name] needs" in the Google search:
Wyldth1ng Needs Rehab
2: Type in "[your name] looks like" in Google search:
Wyldth1ng looks like a pretty white boy.
3: Type in "[your name] does" in Google search:
Wyldth1ng does Frisbee.
4: Type in "[your name] hates" in Google search:
Wyldth1ng HATES TYPOS.
5: Type in "[your name] goes" or "has gone" in Google search:
Wyldth1ng goes to hell
6: Type in "[your name] loves" in Google search:
Wyldth1ng loves to spin.
7: Type in "[your name] eats" in Google search:
Wyldth1ng eats dripping vagina.
8: Type in "[your name] has" in Google search:
Wyldth1ng has guts.
10: Type in "[your name] won't" in Google Search
Wyldth1ng won't be brought down and he and his friends sing about surviving.
11: Type in "[your name] can't" in Google Search
Wyldth1ng can’t be scared tonight.
12: Type in "[your name] wants" in Google Search
Wyldth1ng wants to try out a new truth serum on a volunteer.
13: Type in "[your name] makes" in Google Search
Wyldth1ng makes Gabriella HOT!
14: Type in "[your name] killed" in Google Search
Wyldth1ng killed on the Job.
Friday, June 20, 2008
RevGals Friday FIve: Word Association
1. rooftop
Water Balloons
2. gritty
3. hot town (yeah, I know, it's two words)
4. night
Full Moon
5. dance
Thursday, June 19, 2008
For Fun, Part III
Your result for The Monty Python Character Test...
The Knight of Ni
You scored 70 Stubborn, 68 Crazy, 82 Agressive, and 88 Evil!

Apperance: The Holy Grail.
Evil, agressive, stubborn and utterly mad crazy fellow. :D
High Light:
Knights of Ni: Ni! Ni! Ni! Ni! Ni! Ni!
Arthur: Who are you?
Knight of Ni: We are the Knights who say..... "Ni"!
Arthur: (horrified) No! Not the Knights who say "Ni"!
Knight of Ni: The same.
Other Knight of Ni: Who are we?
Knight of Ni: We are the keepers of the sacred words: Ni, Ping, and Nee-womm!
Other Knight of Ni: Nee-womm!
Arthur: (to Bedevere) Those who hear them seldom live to tell the tale!
Knight of Ni: The knights who say "Ni" demand..... a sacrifice!
Arthur: Knights of Ni, we are but simple travelers who seek the enchanter who lives beyond these woods.
Knights of Ni: Ni! Ni! Ni! Ni! Ni! Ni! Ni! Ni! Ni!
Bedevere: No! Noooo! Aaaugh! No!
Knight of Ni: We shall say "Ni" to you... if you do not appease us.
Arthur: Well what is it you want?
Knight of Ni: We want.....
(pregnant pause)
(dramatic minor chord)
Arthur: A *WHAT*?
Knights of Ni: Ni! Ni!! Ni! Ni!
Arthur; No! No! Please, please, no more! We will find you a shrubbery.
Knight of Ni: You must return here with a shrubbery... or else you will never pass through this wood... alive.
Arthur: O Knights of Ni, you are just and fair, and we will return with a shrubbery.
Knight of Ni: One that looks nice.
Arthur: Of course!
Knight of Ni: And not *too* expensive.
Arthur; Yes!
Knight of Ni: Noowwwww.... GO!
Arthur: O Knights of Ni. We have brought you your shrubbery. May we go now?
Knight of Ni: Yes, it is a good shrubbery. I like the laurels particularly. But there is one small problem....
Arthur: What is that?
Knight of Ni: We are now *no longer* the Knights Who Say "Ni"!
Other Knights of Ni: Ni! Shh! Shh!
Knight of Ni: We are now the Knights who say "Ekky-ekky-ekky-ekky-z'Bang, zoom-Boing, z'nourrrwringmm".
Other Knight of Ni: Ni!
Knight of Ni: Therefore, we must give you a test.
Arthur: What is this test, o Knights of..... Knights who 'til recently said "Ni"?
Knight of Ni: Firstly, you must find.... ANOTHER SHRUBBERY!!!
(another minor chord)
Arthur: Oh not *another* shrubbery!!
Knight of Ni: (excitedly) THEN... Then, when you have found the shrubbery, you must place it here, beside this shrubbery, only slightly higher, so we get the two-level effect with a little path running down the middle.
Other Knights of Ni: A path! A path! A path! Shh, shhh. Ni! Ni!
Knight of Ni: Then, when you have found the shrubbery, you must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest... Wiiiiiithh.... A HERRING!
Questions, Comments and Concerns
Please remember, I like me. I think me is fucking awesome.
Sometimes I just have some trouble hitting the fucking curve balls. Sometimes when I hit the fucking curve balls, the fucking thing goes out hits the fucking foul line pole and bounces out. Then that fucking umpire says something like you're fucking out! Usually, I just don't give a fuck and life goes on. There have been some rarefied occasions when giving a fuck has fucked me worse. The last week has been an example of the special fucking that I received. While I haven't gone into detail of the supreme fucking that I encountered this week; it wasn't necessarily to keep you all in the dark; it is just something I don't feel should be shared in a fucking public forum.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
The Walls are Closing In
I am sure that Mephistopheles is taking the tally very serious.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Fun with Navy Medicine, Part XIV
The thumb problem will never get better. You could read this in two ways:
Gift from the Marine Corps or Screwed for life.
Monday, June 16, 2008
The Ugly Duckling
It would be nice to hear it, once.
Friday, June 13, 2008
RevGals Friday Five: Beach Trip
I prefer the lakes, but must as big as Winnebago or it is just a pond.
2. Year round beach living: Heaven...or the Other Place?
Maybe after I turn 60, but lately I have seen a enough beach to last awhile.
3. Any beach plans for this summer?
Of course, I live in North Carolina.
4. Best beach memory ever?
Elkhart Lake the 80's
5. Fantasy beach trip?
Female to Male ratio 10 to 1, sand consistency of 600 to 800 grit, sun at 9 am, a light 3 to 5 mph breeze from the south, and the rest will take care of itself.
Bonus: Share a piece of music/poetry/film/book that expresses something about what the beach means to you.
Warning: Not for young minds.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Something Funny About America
Here is some excerpts:
First the warning:
"Americans are very warm and welcoming, especially to military personnel, but – make no mistake – America is a foreign country, and as far as the locals are concerned, you are foreign aliens."
Next comes the advice:
"Take the time off you need to settle in. Until you know your family is OK you won't be able to get on with your job effectively. And make sure you take your leave and get to see the country. Americans don't tend to take much holiday, and they work six days a week. But it's in your terms and conditions of service, so don't miss out."
You have to find the humor in it. To read the whole article, you can read it here.
Hat Tip to Rogue Gunner.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Future Looks Bright
The home purchase is moving along nicely and there should be no reason I can't close on the 27th of this month. I think I am more excited to find out what I have in my storage than the actual purchase. All my things have been in storage since June of 2005.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Rant Number 614
Monday, June 09, 2008
I Am My Father's Son
I have been thinking about Dad a lot lately. Pa is on his way out the door, so to speak. I have been thinking about how I am now in comparison to him.
Yes, I successfully quit smoking for a year and half but now it seems that I started to buy cigarettes again, so I suppose it was a good run wasn't it? We have that in common.
I drink. I drink copious amounts of alcohol. I say it is for the pain, but it doesn't go away. The pain is still there. We have that in common.
I get hurt and usually wait to go to the doctor. My thinking is why waste everyone's time, I might get better. This is usually not the case, I do end up going in and get "scolded" for not coming in earlier. We have that in common.
I joined the Marine Corps. You could say I did it to get away. I have often heard the stories of how his(Dad) brothers couldn't hack it in the Army and he was/is a Marine. We have that in common.
So you could say I know what my fate is, I see Dad, the way he is now and I see where/how I am going to be. I don't want this life of mine to end up that way. I need to start making changes. I want Dad to start some changes. Dad can be quite stubborn. We have that in common.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Not Wanting to Grow Up
I don't need other people, I don't need other adults, I don't need kids. I can be "silly" just with me. Sometimes I do make silly faces at what seems like random times, and others view me as odd. Maybe I still have something I can hold on to. Maybe I am, still, a kid inside.
Friday, June 06, 2008
Jupiter -Holst
RevGals Friday Five: Kodak Moments
In the eyes of a person who sees me as me.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Two by Two - Cover Formation
1) Wyldth1ng
2) Staff Sergeant
Two things you are wearing right now:
1) Olive Drab Tee
2) Reading Glasses
Two of your favorite things:
1) Pinball
2) Strawberries
Two things you want very badly at the moment:
1) Something to go right for a change
2) Acceptance of me being me.
Two favorite pets you have or had:
1) I had a gold fish once, he died like fifty times.
2) Sturgis - German Shepard
Two people you hope will fill this out:
1) DCup
2) Mathman
Two things you did last night:
1) Danced (I am white guy, so keep that in mind.)
2) Sang a little karaoke (Piano Man and Jack & Diane)
Two things you ate last night:
1) Does Captain and Coke count?
2) Chicken Fingers
Two people you last talked to:
1) The Boss (Master Sergeant)
2) A random Marine of whom I corrected his attire.
Two things you are doing tomorrow:
1) Washing my truck
2) Taking Pictures of Future Home for the Insurance Company
Two of farthest trips taken in the last 5 years:
1) Yuma, Arizona to Okinawa, Japan (3 round trips)
2) Jacksonville, North Carolina to Al Asad, Iraq (2 round trips)
Two favorite holidays:
1) Marine Corps Birthday (November 10th)
2) I would say my birthday but I don't like the fact the number keeps getting bigger. (October 22nd)
Two favorite beverages:
1) Dr. Pepper
2) Captain and Coke
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Green Backs
On other news, my TSP (Thrift Savings Plan) which in a way is my retirement savings, took a big hit this last quarter and my gains equated to about 3%. That is pretty crappy. I did some moving around (with my money) and this next quarter I hoping for a minimum of a increase of 6%. Last year all my investments, gained an average of 8%. So overall, I am on track. (My goal is to not have to work after the age of 50.) I wish I would have started investing when I was 20, but we all know how that goes. (Originally, my goal was 45. I was aiming too unrealistically.)

This is actually the second year in a row where our (military) money is worth less. We, in theory, were supposed to have an inflation increase every year above the inflation for six years to "catch up" with the rest of the civilized world and it was extended for four more. This was Congress' fault last year and it was the President's this year. Don't get me wrong, I make decent money now, but it took me ten years to get there. If I was married and had kids, I would be struggling and probably would have to have a second or third income.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Music in my Head, Part II
Hank Williams sings the Lovesick Blues
Winter's walking up the avenue
And I ain't seen the sunshine since the 6th of June
But I tell you this
Don't call the doctor, I'm gonna get better
Don't run for the priest, I'm gonna find some faith
Just because I burned my bible baby
It don't mean, I'm too sick to pray
But I can't recognize a single face
They say the thrill is in the chase
Well I ain't got the legs, ain't got the legs
Don't run for the priest, I'm gonna find some faith
Just because I burned my bible baby
It don't mean, I'm too sick to pray
They say I made my money messing up young minds
Yea left them with their pain
Exit your boy with his ill-got left them crying in the rain
Yea left them with their pain
Exit your boy with his ill-got pain
Exit your boy with his ill-gotten gains
Well the blood runs deep and the blood runs cold
The doctor came knocking, wasn't nobody home
Better burn a candle light
Ease The Pain
Repeat Chorus
The doctor came knocking, wasn't nobody home
Gotta find some faith
Repeat chorus
Better burn the candle bright
Ease The Pain
Monday, June 02, 2008
Dreams, Part II