As my brain melts and becomes one with reality, the affair of this journey of life becomes familiar with you and me.
Friday, February 29, 2008
RevGals Friday Five: Leap Year
It's Leap Day!! Whether you're one of the special few who have a birthday only once every four years, or simply confused by the extra day on the calendar, everyone is welcome to join in and play our Leap Year Friday Five.
Tell us about a time you:
1. Leapt before looked
This vacation.
2. Leapt to a conclusion
With almost all women.
3. Took a Leap of Faith
Any Marriage.
4. Took a literal Leap
I used to be a pole vaulter in high school.
5. And finally, what might you be faced with leaping in the coming year?
(Sorry for the short answers today, but just as the post below suggests, I am on vacation.)
On the Road
What makes this really exciting is I forgot to pack my jacket. Not that my jacket was really warm anyway, but it is more the principle I think.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
300th Comment - February

You are now entitled to my imaginary collection of troll foot cozies.
Thank you for your continued support!
Fun with Navy Medicine, Part XI - C

The EPB and the APL are my problem tendons. The goal at the moment is to keep me from moving my thumb using those two tendons. Surgery is needed for the APL and therapy for the EPB. The best recovery time suggested is six months.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Fun with Navy Medicine, Part XI - B
Anyone who has experience with a major base in the early morning hours knows just how fun traffic will be. Hopefully, the burned off gas will be worth it.
Fun with Navy Medicine, Part XI
So no matter how you look at it I am looking at about month or so before any action takes place.
Friday, February 22, 2008
RevGals' Friday Five: Heaven
So how about we share five "heavenly" things? These can me serious or funny or a combination of the two.
What is your idea of a heavenly (i.e. wonderful and perfect):
1. Family get-together
I would have to say the first few days of whatever leave period I am on.
2. Song or musical piece
Ride of the Valkyries (The beginning of Act III of Die Walküre by Richard Wagner) My favorite is actually the Apocalypse Now version with the "warfare" in the background or foreground depending on your point of view.
3. Gift
Good Hug (Many)
4. You choose whatever you like-food, pair of shoes, vacation, house, or something else. Just tell us what it is and what a heavenly version of it would be.
I would normally answer with Twizzlers, but I think I may be in a transition phase with that. I suppose food wise I would have to say, roast duck. It is just awesome.
5. And for a serious moment, or what would you like your entrance into the next life to be like?
What, from your vantage point now, would make Heaven "heavenly?"
I would like to think that it is better than "this" but I am ready for a surprise. (I make fun of it all the time.)
I would say riding the breeze on a warm summer day would be just fine.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
The Meaning of the Asterisk
I have an asterisk next the blogs that I have classified "holy."
I am not a holy person, I am though a man, and men tend to need road maps at certain times in life. This addition you could say is my landmark to help me find my way.
Take that anyway you all feel you need to take it.
Up in the Morning Before the North Carolina Sun
I haven't heard anything about the house since yesterday. I don't expect to until later today, the sellers are in California. Apparently, there are several others that put in offers besides me on Tuesday, so someone is not going to get what they want. My agent "said" they were leaning towards mine, but who knows what the fuck that means.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Blog Roll Amnesty Redux
"It appears that the rules by which Technorati, Google and other important social websites and search engines rank blogs do not take blogrolls into consideration but do count links within posts. I want my blogroll to count so I am posting it here. If you would like to be included in my blogroll, please leave a comment on this post, including your blog’s URL. I make no promises as to performance but, at least have good intentions.
My Blogroll Policy (Redux) : If you ask me to, I will link to your blog or website even if it offends me, when I get around to it. I reserve the right to decline to link, or to remove a link without notice and without giving a reason... This policy is subject to change without notice. Don’t argue with me, this is my blog."
Wyldth1ng's Blogroll:
You've Really Got to Love Your People*
Yearning For God*
When Will I Use This?
The Village Carpenter
The Daily Gut
Suitably Flip
Sharing a Journey*
Seeking Authentic Voice*
Rogue Gunner
Random Thoughts of an Aspiring Expat
Presbyterian Gal*
Post Secret
Possible Water*
Magdalene's Musings*
Lost in Lima Ohio, A True Crime Blog
Jeans, Flops, and Jesus*
Inner Dorothy*
Identity Mixed
I, Splotchy
Hot Cup Lutheran*
Faith in Community*
distributorcap NY
Confederate Yankee
Cheesehead in Paradise*
Bruttally Honest
Blonde Sagacity
Beyond Assumptions
Then this is the extra list that I have not added due to pure lazyness.
Zaius Nation
We Do It Too
The Warped Mind of Ron
The Glamorous Life of a Hausfrau
Random thoughts and Acts of Stupidty
Random Laundry
No Smoking in the Skull Cave
Mock, Paper, Scissors
Meaning and Authenticity*
Growing Where I'm Planted*
Freida Bee
Bits and Odd Pieces of Mindy's Kingdom
Aunt Dahlia
all the way from oy to vey
My Saturday Evening Post
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Vexing Day
Also, in possible good news, I am seeing another doctor tomorrow for my wrist/hand. Hopefully, progress will take place.
Pain Without Love
(I suppose I am not blogger savvy enough because my videos don't seem to want to work for me, that is okay.)
Sunday, February 17, 2008
State of the Wyldth1ng
Funny part, about my luck is that I really haven't been trying to hard. I mean I just have been walking up to some of these women after a few minutes of observation time and saying something like let's go out Saturday night with me. Maybe because I have been bold in my statements, I don't know. Granted, after my encounter with the pixie, I have been staying clear of the ones that look like they are in their low twenties.
Here is a kicker in the whole situation, my latest night was last night. I went to sleep at about midnight. I haven't been drinking much for a couple of reasons. It is either beer or drugs and there is no libido with my drugs and legally I can't drive with them. The drugs are worse than the drinking, wacky. Plus, I don't need to do anything daring, I did that shit when I was in my low to mid twenties. It didn't get me very far.
Unfortunately, I encountered my "house mates" while out last night. I have come to the conclusion that these two are completely oblivious to other peoples feelings and emotions. They are perfect for each other. Again, both said some derogatory comments to me and had no idea that they were pissing me off. I can not express how hard it is to be "nice" to someone that isn't very in return.
Since being back I have been trying to have some of my local friends read the blog or at least glance at this sucker. It is like pulling teeth from a rhino. "They" have no problem going to there MySpace account, so I put a couple of links on mine. Doesn't even require any fucking typing of their part. ( Just in case you all want to see my nipple.) I really have not updated it lately, so much to do so little time. I need to get rid of some of this shit, I just have too much crap of me out on the web.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Some Silly Survey

You've gotten to a place where you are happy with your life, and you're ready to share it with someone special. So whether you've found them or are still looking, know that this time, you'll get what you want.

Good News Saturday
My vacation plans are turning out better than I thought they would.
Someone bought me a beer last night (first beer bought by someone else).
Actually I thought I had more good news to write about but that is about it. The house I liked, I was too late to put an offer on so that is back to the drawing board with that. My wrist is unchanged. My truck still has "extra" dents in it that I didn't put there. I am still unhappy about my current living arrangement( should have thought more about it before agreeing).
Friday, February 15, 2008
RevGals' Friday Five: Baptism
1. When and where were you baptized? Do you remember it? Know any interesting tidbits?
November 1975, might have been a bad experience since I do not remember a thing about it. Maybe it was good, hard to say.
2. What's the most unexpected thing you've ever witnessed at a baptism?
I once saw a baby boy add to the baptismal water, you could say he left a deposit for the service.
3. Does your congregation have any special traditions surrounding baptisms?
Haven't found a good church since returning so this question does not apply as of yet.
4. Are you a godparent or baptismal sponsor? Have a story to tell?
I am a godfather of three. A niece and a boy and girl of an old friend from my first enlistment. Unfortunately, I have been neglecting my godfather duties the past few years. So off to the penalty box, I go.
5. Do you have a favorite baptismal song or hymn?
I would be lying if I said I did, no don't know of anything right off the top of my head.
The Spirits Are Not Calling
Hello? Hello? Is anyone there?
Dial tone.
My life regardless of how happy I try to make it so, just doesn't go that way. I don't think I need to go into my wrist situation, that is well covered. My Dad is in a questionable state at the moment and hopefully will hear more by the afternoon. I have been trying to find and buy a reasonable home and that has not been going well at all. (The whole east side of NC is swamp land.) I have some issues with people that were, in theory, looking over my interests while in Iraq and at the moment doesn't look like a pleasant ending. I am not really happy about my current living situation, but I figure I can hold out till I close on a home. I flat out told my "housemate" that I was depressed and he ridiculed me even further. What kind of bastard does that? The good part at the moment, may be a happening or two in Pennsylvania in about two weeks. Plans for that are looking good at this time.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Something to Say
This makes me happy.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Fun with Navy Medicine, Part X, The New Experience
I go to another building in Wilmington get x-rays which takes about an hour and a half. "They" put them on CD. I go back over to see this nurse and she says wait here and takes the CD. I am put in a room about eight feet by three feet. It has bad paneling from the seventies on the walls and orange/brown carpeting. By this point in time my wrist is throbbing with pain. See the nurse had me take my splint off for the x-rays and discarded it for me. How nice of her.
(I did a bunch of paperwork as well before and after the x-rays, mostly saying if my insurance doesn't pay, I have to. Go Navy team!)
After about fifteen minutes in comes the "doctor" he presses on my wrist and thumb in ways show pain in my face. I tell him this hurts, that fucking hurts, don't do that again, you all know basic doctor-patient stuff. He pulls out this needle of white fluid and tells me, "this won't hurt me at all." I think that was a joke, I didn't laugh. Before he injects me, I tell him "they" did the same thing in Iraq and it last a few days. He just ignored me and tells me that I might feel a slight pinch.
This guy obviously needs testing on because it fucking hurt a lot. Then he says I won't need a splint and use my wrist and hand like I would normally. After a brief pause, he then says he will need to see me in 3 to 4 weeks. It has been about three hours since then and I am in more pain than "normal" at the moment.
Tell you all the truth, I am fucking depressed right now.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Updating Pictures

Slowly, I have been updating the pictures of me through out the web. It takes a little longer without the full use of my left hand. The above picture is me with the air traffic control tower at Kuwait International Airport in the background. Obviously, I am wearing my MARPAT utility uniform and my sidearm is a Berretta 9 mm.
For now, my profile picture is the last thing we see leaving Navy customs in Kuwait before going home. (Unless you have a crappy plane and get delayed several times and have to go through customs several more times.)
**Upadate for MEL*** I am not on a flight line, I am in a parking lot. The flight line was on the other side of the wall. Which if you ever get to come out to Iraq you can witness that for yourself. Hugs.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Fun with Navy Medicine, Part IX
The lady I talked to said just go their website and fill out the patient forms prior to arriving.
Holy crap! There is about 20 pages of redundant info. If they wanted a copy of something why not use a copier.
I am just glad, that I seem to be going somewhere with this.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Coming Home - Time Off
After 392 days of doing the same routine day in and day out, time off sounds good, but so far, for me, it lasted one day.
I still get up at five in the morning. I do a little exercise that I am able to do without hurting myself more. I then have been wandering around aimlessly for the last few days.
In a nut shell, the only real priorities in my life is to have semi meaningful sex with a woman. I realized a long time ago that it is highly unlikely to have completely meaningful sex so I don't push my boundaries on that.
I have "technically" gone out on two dates. One with girl that is five years my junior and jumps around like a pixie a lot. She also doesn't shut the fuck up, so kissing was a utter disaster. The other girl is ten years my senior and very physical when the lights go out. I am sorry, I am not a rag doll or chew toy.
I had met some friends for cocktails on Friday four women and one other guy. The guy is dating one of the girls, but secretly wants to date one of the other girls. We had a good time in general, lots of love taps on the ass. (Would call this the good game slap, but there was no game on the TV.)
Friday, February 08, 2008
Silly People in this World, We Call a Blogsphere
I appreciate it and it means the world to me, thank you all for your posts!
RevGals Friday Five: Lent
1. Did you celebrate Mardi Gras and/or Ash Wednesday this week? How?
It has past without me knowing about it.
2. What was your most memorable Mardi Gras/Ash Wednesday/Lent?
One year when I was much younger, like a pixie, myself and a few others rented a UHaul and drove to New Orleans. We used the UHaul as our bed/transportation/happy place for the four of us. It was the best non-remembered Mardi Gras that I have had.
3. Did you/your church/your family celebrate Lent as a child? If not, when and how did you discover it?
I went to church, got some ashes on my forehead and went back to school. The Catholics sometimes would just not show up to school and do some church thing. Wacky.
4. Are you more in the give-up camp, or the take-on camp, or somewhere in between?
I do not understand this question. I actually have no idea how I am supposed to answer this question.
5. How do you plan to keep Lent this year?
Sacrifices, right? I did that last year, thought I did a pretty good job at it. I think I am going to take a break this year. Time off for good behavior type of thing. What you do think?
Dating and Giving
It was definitely a confidence booster, I asked out one person and one person said yes. That is 100 percent. I think when I was in my twenties my percentage was like four percent. Plus, I am wearing this cast/splint on my arm so I was worried about that part as well.
I have another friend who is having transportation problems. I said I would pledge some money for the cause but put a time limit on my charity(Monday). This was Tuesday when I talked to my friend and I have not heard crap since then. I am thinking if I was in the situation and someone had offered to help, I would take the help. Hell, I would take help, now if I could get it, but this person's situation is far worse than mine. Their are still a few days to go, but there was also a good reason to put a time limit on my offer. This not a stringing offer, it is a one time deal. I had watched a show on TV yesterday that was similar to my offer with my friend, wacky.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Fun with Navy Medicine, Part VIII
Well, my doc can't get a hold of this other doc so he gives me this number XXX-HELP. At first, I am thinking my drugs have me thinking funny, then I remembered I didn't take any yet. Then I was thinking, he is playing a joke on me. Nope that was the number. (I purposely didn't give you all the prefix.) So I called the number and this is my conversation:
Lady: Blah blah blah, HELP line.
Me: This is Staff Sergeant Wyldth1ng is this the number to set up an appointment with orthopedics?
Lady: Do you have a consult?
Me: Yes.
Lady: Give me you blah, blah and blah?
(I hear "blah blah and blah")
Me: Can you repeat that? I didn’t understand you.
Lady: Give me your SSN, your address and birth date.
So, I give her the info and she says: That is not your address.
Me: Yes, it is.
Lady: No we have ____ as your address.
I then explain to her that this address she has is an address I used when I was stationed here in 1996 and I had just returned from a deployment and what I gave her is my true address.
Lady: Have a good day.
Me: Hold on! Hold on! You didn't give me an appointment date or time.
Lady: You won't have one for at least a month. You will need to call back to this number in about a week to ten days, select option four and then you might have an appointment to see orthopedics.
Me: You have got to be kidding me.
Lady: No, sir, this the process.
Me: I have been dealing with this since November in IRAQ, there has to be a solution that is quicker.
Lady: I am sorry sir. You are just going to have to call back, maybe you could try early next week. Have a good day.
Me: Have a better day.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Vacation Winter ' 08

I have lots of leave I am going to have to "burn" this year so opportunities are up the wazoo.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Fun with Navy Medicine, Part Seven, Subsection A
On my trip back I had to "ration" my meds so I was waiting until I felt I was going to cry from the pain before I would take anything. So for about a week or so my pain levels never really dropped below a six. Since being back, with the invention of beer, I have been able to not take my meds as often as I would have in Iraq. Also obviously, I do not take meds with alcohol. If I have a beer or whatever, I wait until the theoretical chart says the alcohol is out of my system before taking any medication. Because I love beer more than I love being in a loopy state, I prefer to drink my beer when I can.
Some of you have inquired about the typing thing, well, I probably should not be doing that. I should probably have someone else type it for me, and since I am single the odds of that happening are pretty slim. (On the lighter side of life, I am thinking about asking this hot single mom out for a date on Friday or Saturday which ever day she may have free.)
Monday, February 04, 2008
Fun with Navy Medicine, Part Seven A
I will keep you all posted.
Coming Home - The Transition
I am writing this at about five in the morning, I have been awake since two and cannot get back to sleep. ( Technically, this is not my computer or connection, I am borrowing a friends since my computer is not connecting for some darn reason or another.) I did watch the first half of the game, saw a little of the half, then an overwhelming tiredness(is that a word?) came over me. It has actually been like that since I have been back. I figured it out toady what it is, I was "going to bed" at noon and waking at six pm in Iraq. Well, that would be about 8 pm and two in the morning here in North Carolina. So I am going to have to work on that one.
I have been having a hard time focusing my attention on anything longer than about five minutes. Which I have not figured that one out yet. I have been driving okay, it is just conversations with people have not been going the way it should.
I had a beer! I have had several beers. My first was actually in Shannon, Ireland and it was a Heineken (not sure on the spelling). Since being back I have been sticking to Miller Lite, except for one Arrogant Bastard I had with a meal on Saturday. I also had a "body shot" on Sunday. My friend said it was a "welcome home body shot," who am I to argue. It was a Washington Apple.
I am living with two other guys and a girl. One of the guys is dating the girl, all of the guys were in Iraq. This should be a temporary "home" for me, maybe a few months, since I have been looking at homes. This house that I am living currently, I would never be able to afford, it is at least double the size home that I am looking at and new. I have been focusing on homes that are at least twenty years old and have good (proven) foundations.
Hopefully, sometime today I should find out the when, what and where of my wrist. The doc game me another prescription of "Vitamin P" and I nearly had to give away my first born just to take it away from the pharmacy.
It will be a few days at least until I get back into a routine on the Internet. So am sorry if I have not visited your blog or website. I am thinking, I may shut down some of my other blogs. I have five. And I have a website that I really have not been using to its full potential. Actually I have two websites that I have not been using to the full potential, going to have to figure something out about that as well.
My leave is in question, big time. Everything is pretty much hinged on the wrist. My command all knows about it. Which is to say, the CO, XO(Executive Officer), Sgt. Maj. (Sergeant Major), my boss which is a Captain, his boss which is a Major, and a whole bunch of enlisted people in between. I have about eighteen combat leave days to take, which means that my first eighteen days of leave will not be taxed or you could say I will get all of my pay whenever I do take it.
I am sorry for such a lengthy post, it is not like me to write so much at one time. But if you made it this far, you have the basic gist of what is going on during this transition.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Coming Home - Surprises
Six days later, on January 31st, we finally arrived in North Carolina. After, a brief formation in which our CO(Comanding Officer) told us how good we had done and one Marine was granted the "First Kiss"( another example a depressing moments), we were dismissed.
On my way to grab my seabags and get out of there, another Marine approached me and said my Mom was there. His proof that she was indeed my Mom was, he rattled off my family's names and my first name. Still, in disbelief,I walked about the hangar to find my Mom. Now you have to imagine about three hundred Marines and twice as many people in civiliain attire at five o'clock in the morning, not the easiest of situations to find one person. I did a once over decided he was mistaken and went to grab my seabags and get out of there. As I was picking them up he comes back and points to a sign in yellow and black writing that says, " Wyldth1ng, Welcome Home." Okay, well, that pretty much cinches the disbelief at that point, someone is here. Yes, it was worded exactly like that.
So, after grabing my seabags, I go to the sign and behold my Mom was there. Wacky. Thirteen years, and this was a first. Wacky.
My Mom and I spent a day and a half together, did the lunch thing and recieved pedicures. (My Alpha Male brotherhood would never admit to going to get their feet done, I personnally think it is fucking awesome and worth the twenty bucks.) (No, I had clear polish put on.) The next day we had lunch again and then I drove her to the airport. Surprises can be fun.