Friday, February 08, 2008

Dating and Giving

I had asked this hot single mom out as I previously stated I would and she said yes. But there is a catch, she works a lot. So finding a time to "go out" is going to be harder than I thought. We might go out on a lunch next week and then go from there.

It was definitely a confidence booster, I asked out one person and one person said yes. That is 100 percent. I think when I was in my twenties my percentage was like four percent. Plus, I am wearing this cast/splint on my arm so I was worried about that part as well.

I have another friend who is having transportation problems. I said I would pledge some money for the cause but put a time limit on my charity(Monday). This was Tuesday when I talked to my friend and I have not heard crap since then. I am thinking if I was in the situation and someone had offered to help, I would take the help. Hell, I would take help, now if I could get it, but this person's situation is far worse than mine. Their are still a few days to go, but there was also a good reason to put a time limit on my offer. This not a stringing offer, it is a one time deal. I had watched a show on TV yesterday that was similar to my offer with my friend, wacky.

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