Monday, December 10, 2007

Flicker, Part III

I want to make a set. Seems simple enough. Maybe I am behind too many firewalls. I can not get to "OrganizR" it just says it is loading.

This where I am thinking about deleting the whole thing again. Remember, box of rocks. Not shiny.

How I Was Infected

As you can see it can be clearly documented how I repeatedly received the Splotchy Virus. I have successfully ridden myself of the virus and given it back to its maker. Hopefully, the strands will not mutate anymore and I will be in the free and clear. Only time will tell.

Wacky Meme of the Month, Part II

I've been tagged again and for me it was CDP, who was tagged by the brilliant Whiskeymarie, by way of Splotchy, who writes:

"This has probably been done before, but that is not stopping me, oh no.Here's what I would like to do. I want to create a story that branches out in a variety of different, unexpected ways. I don't know how realistic it is, but that's what I'm aiming for. Hopefully, at least one thread of the story can make a decent number of hops before it dies out.If you are one of the carriers of this story virus (i.e. you have been tagged and choose to contribute to it), you will have one responsibility, in addition to contributing your own piece of the story: you will have to tag at least one person that continues your story thread. So, say you tag five people. If four people decide to not participate, it's okay, as long as the fifth one does. And if all five participate, well that's five interesting threads the story spins off into.Not a requirement, but something your readers would appreciate: to help people trace your own particular thread of the narrative, it will be helpful if you include links to the chapters preceding yours."

Being the good sport that I am, I felt I couldn't let the readers down. So just as the world turns so does this:

I woke up hungry. I pulled my bedroom curtain to the side and looked out on a hazy morning. I dragged myself into the kitchen, in search of something to eat. I reached for a jar of applesauce sitting next to the sink, and found it very cold to the touch. I opened the jar and realized it was frozen. (Splotchy)

I was used to the house being quite cold in the mornings, as the night log usually burns out around one AM when I am dreaming cozily under my covers, not
normally waking to put a new one on until morning. I was surprised because on the rare occasions that it actually had reached sub-freezing temperatures in the house, I had awakened in the night to restart the fire. I would have been worried about the pipes before P-Day, but there hadn’t been running water in two years and that was one of the few advantages to being dependent on rainwater, no pipes. (Freida Bee)

I rummaged around in the kitchen and found one of the few things that hadn't frozen overnight to eat- an expired granola bar. "Better than nothing", I muttered to myself as I tore off the wrapper and took a bite, trying to not chip a tooth in the process.I thought I should go out to the shed and bring in more wood. The mind-numbing cold snap that had set in over the last few days seemed to be in no hurry to leave. Pulling on my heavy coat and wool hat, I considered for a moment what lay ahead for the day. Normally I would spend much of the day making any needed repairs to the house, cleaning, reading various newsletters, cooking, and just trying to keep busy in general. With no job to fill my time anymore I have found my new found "freedom" to be both a blessing and a curse. Ever since P-day, the only job most of us have is to sit in our homes and find something, anything, to pass the time.Well, that- and to stay alive. (Whiskeymarie)

I reached the woodshed I’d built from the remains of our fence, and heard a rustling. Fearing one of the wild dogs that now roamed the neighborhood, I crept back to the house for the gun my husband left with me before he volunteered to join the fighting. My hand was shaking so badly, I didn’t think I could pull a trigger, so I also grabbed an old broomstick to use as a club. My son tried to follow me, and I ordered him back inside; he obeyed, frightened by the harshness of my tone. He seemed not to sense how terrified I was and I was glad. Inching toward the shed, glancing backward every few steps to be sure the children were staying inside, I heard the rustle again, accompanied by a very human cough.“Who is it?” I shouted, in as angry and menacing a voice as I could muster.No response.“Damn it, I know you’re in there! I have a gun! Come out with your hands up, or I’ll just start shooting!”“Don’t shoot!” said the voice, and(CDP).

I woke up hungry. The room was white, small and seemed to not have any doors. That is when I realized I was naked. I had a thin sheet of plastic over me and some machine making beeping noises to my left.

I started to rise up that is when I noticed the cuffs holding me to the bed. I started to scream.

A large booming voice came over a loud speaker, " Calm down, calm down Mrs. Peabody."

I bellowed out, "Who are you?! Why am I chained down?! Where are my children?! "

The voice replied, " There has been an accident, everything will be fine. There will be someone to assist and answer your questions shortly."

Then there was silence. I yelled some more but nothing. No response. Then suddenly, I a creaking sound. To the right there was a door opening, it was......

Gotta love cliff hangars. I doubt I will find anyone who will continue this one, but I will tag some more people and see if it goes anywhere or just stops at this.

and the last one will be you the person that has always wanted to be tagged but hasn't. This is your chance to make this story a masterpiece.

History of Women Marines

An excellent source for Women Marine history is the Women Marine Association. Here is an excerpt of the answer to the question that has arisen from my previous post.

How did my mother serve in the Marine Corps during WWII?

"In 1918, the Secretary of Navy allowed women to enroll for clerical duty in the Marine Corps. Officially, Opha Mae Johnson is credited as the first woman Marine. Johnson enrolled for service on August 13, 1918; during that year some 300 women first entered the Marine Corps to take over stateside clerical duties from battle-ready Marines who were needed overseas. The Marine Corps Women's Reserve was established in February 1943. June 12th, 1948, Congress passed the Women's Armed Services Integration Act and made women a permanent part of the regular Marine Corps. "

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Thinking About Presidental History

Being the history fan that I am, I was thinking about US Presidents in history. Who are the Presidents that we remember?

We remember the ones during war and the ones that were assassinated or both. Really, think about it for moment.

Why is that? Why do we as Americans forget the Presidents in between our wars or the ones that lived beyond their presidency?

I always enjoy asking people if they know their four generals that became Presidents and which ones are on our legal tender. You would be surprised to find out that most people I ask can not come up with the answer. The responses are usually two of the generals and can think of only one who is on our money.

Here is a couple of questions and an answers for everyone:
1) President Truman signed an important piece of legislation for women in 1948, what was it?
2) Who was the first President to fly in a helicopter?
3) Which President was the only one to earn a PhD?
4) Which President delivered the shortest inaugural address?
5) The "Baby Ruth" candy bar was named for which President's daughter?
6) Which President slept in pajamas with five stars sewn on to the shoulder?
7) Which President from the 20th century is on Mount Rushmore?
8) Which Presidents signed the Declaration of Independence?
9)Who was the only Rhodes Scholar amongst the Presidents?
10) Which President was the first to have been a POW(Prisoner of War)?

1a) Women's Armed Services Integration Act, which authorized women to serve in the organized services(military).
2a) President Eisenhower
3a)President Woodrow Wilson (John Hopkins 1886)
4a) President George Washington, 135 words
5a) President Grover Cleveland, Ruth Cleveland
6a) President Dwight D. Eisenhower
7a) President Theodore Roosevelt
8a) Thomas Jefferson and John Adams
9a) President William Clinton
10a) Andrew Jackson, Revolutionary War

Thank You My Heroes

I have received this letter and many similar like it and I feel that I do not deserve the niceties these people and others have shared with me and my Marines. The majority of the boxes contents, expect for a book and a couple of Starburst, will be going to my Marines and several other Marines that are deployed farther out from me.

I can't help but feel choked up when I read a letter like this one from Eve. I have never thought of myself as a hero and probably never will. I have always thought that everyday people with their acts of kindness are the heroes.

Thank you.

All of us, thank you for taking the time and effort to send a piece of your home to our "home" here.


I am what you would call a heathen. This is why:

I am divorced. (3 times)
I have lied in the past. (A white lie and 2 fibs)
I have had sex out of wedlock.
I have been gluttonous.(I weigh about ten pounds over my healthy weight.)
I drink beer. ("In heaven there is no beer, That is why we drink it here.")
I have purposely tried and succeeded to hurt people. (They were all bad.)
I have used the lord's name in vain. (for both pain and pleasure)
I have taken items that were not mine. (When I was five I took a Tootsie Pop from the store without paying.)
I do not attend church services regularly.
I do not give ten percent to any church. (I instead invest ten percent for retirement.)
I have worshiped other gods. ( I have dabbled in many other beliefs.)
I have had envy for other people. (American society helps that sin to the nth degree.)
I have never truly confessed my sins to God, but I have to one woman who scorned me.
I am an extremist when it comes to my belief in the Corps.

I do not ask for forgiveness, I do not ask for grief, I do not ask for justification.
This is who I am.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Belly Growth, Part II

As promised more stick figures. As you can all see from this diagram, I started this deployment as a stick figure and I will be ending as balloon with needles sticking out in funny directions.


My last wife received a knocker for Christmas one of the years we were married. I write it like that because when the marriage dissolved she took the knocker. Luckily, I received one just like it the following year. I would love to put on my front door. I seem to be missing a front door, at the moment. I bring this up for a few reasons, one for it being Christmas time and this was a gift. And of course, it looks just like the photo above.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Wacky Meme of the Month

Okay, so Fran tagged DCup who then tagged me with a nifty story building meme that was started by Splotchy who wrote...

Here's what I would like to do. I want to create a story that branches out in a variety of different, unexpected ways. I don't know how realistic it is, but that's what I'm aiming for. Hopefully, at least one thread of the story can make a decent number of hops before it dies out.

Whomever I tag at the end of this, if they chose to accept the mission, will most likely be in another circle altogether. I probably should not be the one linking the two but we shall see.

I woke up hungry. I pulled my bedroom curtain to the side and looked out on a hazy morning. I dragged myself into the kitchen, in search of something to eat. I reached for a jar of applesauce sitting next to the sink, and found it very cold to the touch. I opened the jar and realized it was frozen. (Splotchy)

"That's strange," I said out loud to no one in particular. My fingers slowly reached towards the jar again. My body experienced a wave of apprehension as weighted blanket covering me as I did so. The jar was completely frozen.

I picked it up and stared at it, my fingers stung with little knives of chill. "What the..." again I spoke aloud. Then I realized what had happened with a shock. Suddenly the jar flew from my hand. It shattered creating a collage-like mixture of frozen applesauce and glass shards on my kitchen floor, the lid lazily rolling to a stop across the room.(FranIam)

I stood for a moment considering what all this meant. Oh, I knew what it meant, I didn’t need to waste time thinking about it. He was back. And he was mad.

I ran down the hallway and flung open the door at the end. I was immediately hit with a blast of cold. I took a step back as I tried to catch my breath. I bent over, hands on my knees panting. He always had this remarkable effect on me. After so much time, it no longer scared me, but it was a shock nonetheless……

“You know,” I panted, “There’s no need to break things to get my
attention.” (DCup)

I woke up hungry. I rolled out of bed smacking my alarm clock that was singing Carly Simon and thinking to myself I have to stop eating pizza right before bed and then sleeping till noon. I must remember to change that station to something that will actually wake me.

Stubbing my toe on my boots on my way to the kitchen, I glanced sideways down the hall and caught the dead body out of the corner of my eye. (Wyldth1ng)

I hope I pick at least one person out of five that will continue the story. So without further hesitation:

Will Blog For Food
The Village Carpeter

More Cows Than People

Daemon Wagon

I have not read the books as of yet, but from the website I have gathered a general idea. This Daemon thing I saw on Songbird's blog then I saw it on More Cows' blog. I have decided to join the fray and this was the result.

For the next twelve days or so you can interact with my results here:

But did you expect anything else?

RevGals Friday Five: Preparation

Sally from RevGals has decided to make us do essays this week on how we prepare.
Here then is this weeks Friday 5:

1. You have a busy week, pushing out all time for preparing worship/ Sunday School lessons/ being ready for an important meeting ( or whatever equivalent your profession demands)- how do you cope?
As a Marine, I accomplish the mission, then ensure troop welfare.

2. You have unexpected visitors, and need to provide them with a meal- what do you do?Three discussion topics:
a) Open up a box of menu A of MREs
b) Open up a box of menu B of MREs
c) Find an Any Marine package and share

3. Thinking along the lines of this weeks advent theme; repentance is an important but often neglected aspect of advent preparations.....
I really don't understand what I am supposed to do for this question/statement.

4. Some of the best experiences in life occur when you simply go with the flow.....
Take charge and secure the hill.

5. Details are everything, attention to the small things enables a plan to roll forward smoothly...
That is why you called the Marines.

Bonus if you dare- how well prepared are you for Christmas this year?
Better prepared than a Swiss Army knife.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Day of Infamy

Yesterday, December 7, 1941 -- a date which will live in infamy -- the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked......


A while ago(a few years) I had this "head mate"(shared a bathroom) that made a bet with me that he was smarter than I. We were and are fierce competitors and drinkers of fine beer. So this the short of this story.

The gamble was loser pays for dinner meals for a month and will always be considered not as smart(dumb as a box of rocks) amongst the players. The verification was a test proctored by a member of Mensa also a good friend of ours (at the cost of two hundred fifty dollars each). We were serious about this. The night prior we went drink for drink. This where the challenge came into play and you could say that was not smart. We were both late to the test. Since we were the only ones taking the test(at a local college) they waited. I will give props to my friend who finished this test two minutes before me. I scored one point higher than him.

I did not qualify for Mensa. But who cares, I got free meals for a month and he will always be as dumb as a box of rocks.

I want to leave the show...

I am sure the headaches has something to do with my thought process lately, but I am ready to leave this place. I truly believe if I could get a beer once awhile and a day off every so often I could handle it out here for a much longer time. There is a song by Pink Floyd when Roger Walters was singing that says something like, " take off this uniform and leave the show." It has one of those nifty echos added to it. Hence the title of this post. Or maybe when Agent Smith is talking Morpheus in the Matrix about getting out of this place. I don't know how to explain it any better. I suppose those to idea are extremes on either end of the spectrum. Do not misunderstand what I am saying, I am just saying I have been out here a while(month twelve) and would like a break. I see the same people everyday. Everyday. This is day 340 I believe, give or take a few days. There are people here that do the same stupid mistakes everyday. Everyday. Not everyone, but some people (the 10 percent) get on my nerves everyday. I try to avoid them as much as possible. With the type of job I have I interact with many(ranges from ten to eighty) people everyday. I have the type of job where you don't give good news very often and a lot of tough calls are made to get the job done.

I feel I may be losing the audience here, you can call it whining if you want to. Regardless of how much I may bitch, I am still doing the job to the best of my ability.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Cluster Headaches

I am a sufferer of cluster headaches. The easiest way I can explain it is like a migraine(it actually is) that everyone associates with but it doesn't last as long but happens more often. For me, medically, this is listed as chronic. (Yeah, isn't that great!) I have been really well lately, until very recently. The last few days have been terrible.

The real reason I post this so if it seems my chipper self is not in the last few posts or it doesn't seem like I have visited your blog lately, I am sorry. Being alive just hurts.

Snow Globe

Not just any snow globe, this has Frosty and his date, Miss Snow Woman of the Year, with him. The flurries are abundant as they trek to vast far away lands with a decorated tree in tow. They have reach the top of a hill, the hill of decorated trees of ornaments and garland.
Yep, life is good.

Flicker, Part II

Okay it looks like I got the Flickr thing on the sidebar to work alright. Thanks to the help of DCup. Plus my IT guy here said that the firewall here may have problems with it and that might have been the problem for me as well. Either way it seems to be functioning. I will add some photos not sensitive over the next few days after I finish my FitRep(fitness report).

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

News Junkie, Part II

I wrote a lengthy post about the news I read, this one won't be. Lengthy that is. I like reading "news" blogs as well as hit the headlines. One of my favorites to read has got to be Ollie North. He has a section on Fox called the Colonel's Corner. This week's post is as intriguing as ever.

I like the way he writes and expresses his opinions. I don't expect anyone to be swayed just because I like to read him. I am just letting you all know, that I like reading the colonel.

The End is Over

Becuase I hate to be picked last and DCup has left an open invite for anyone to do this transistion of email to blog post and my brain is hurting so the random silliness is not flowing as nicely as it should be, I decided to perform the following:

The rules:
1. Put your music player on Shuffle
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
3. YOU MUST WRITE THAT SONG NAME DOWN NO MATTER WHAT(this is in capital letters, so it is very serious.) (It is so serious someone wrote that it is, serious.)


by J. Geils Band

by The Cranberries

Tennessee Flat Top Box
by Johnny Cash

The Zoo
by Scorpions

Play the Game
by Queen

by Greg Kihn Band

Best of You
by Foo Fighters

Stuck with Me
by Green Day

Time Warp
The Original Rocky Horror Picture Show Soundtrack

10. WHAT IS 2+2?
by The Bluebells

Island in the Sun
by Weezer

Everyday is a Winding Road
by Sheryl Crow

Man in Black
by Johnny Cash

The Kids Aren't All Right
by Offspring

by Evanescence

On the Road Again
by Canned Heat

Right Here, Right Now
by Jesus Jones

Body Crumbles
by Dry Cell

(We Don't Need This) Fascist Groove Thing
by Heaven 17

by Green Day

Feudin' Banjos
by Don Reno

The End is Over
by Powerman 5000

After further review, on the play list, maybe not all my music choices are good to listen to while out here. Then again, how can anyone go through the day without the banjo song from Deliverance.

Some Clarifications

On my post "" please don't confuse me being a Marine and me being in the armed forces. In my statement I was trying to link the two. The fact is I am part of the armed forces. Fact is members of the armed forces while in uniform or acting in a capacity in which it is viewed that "they" are speaking on the behalf of the armed forces is when the line in question appears. Obviously, I am not a lawyer so I can't tell you all the legal mumble jumble that goes with it with out some serious researching.

On the post "" is where the above statements and corresponding post was supposed to clarify. (I have been trying to not be as a clear as mud.)

As far as the stick figures go, we shall see if I do something more with that.

Monday, December 03, 2007

What I Can and May Say.

This a free country. Meaning the United States of America is a free country. I am in the Marine Corps, I have never hidden that fact. Now, since I am in the armed forces there are some things I am just not allowed to say. As a private citizen I am afforded all the rights that every law abiding citizen of the United States of America (USA) has. As a Marine, there is a fine line of politics that is very easily crossed and I try very hard not to. Since I write on a blog and it is very easily taken out of context, I don't voice on opinion one way or the other. I am not allowed to campaign, speak ill of politicians, nor am I allowed to voice my opinions while in uniform.

So, if you ask for me to answer questions pertaining the "war" or a particular politician, I will most likely ignore it and not answer it.

I like my rank. I would like to keep it. Maybe even pick up a rank, that sounds good. Pick up a rank and have a beer. Better yet, pick up a rank, have a beer, and have friends with me to enjoy it.

Sunday, December 02, 2007


I have been looking at DCups photos on and off the last few days or so and finally said "what the heck." (Well, it probably was something like that.) I figure sure I can do this flicker thing like her; I am smarter than a box of rocks.

Maybe I am smarter than a limestone but not marble. You get my meaning. I ready to to say fuck it. I mean hell, I have a whole website with hundreds of photos with all sorts of great commentary over the past decade(this where you say, man you are old).

Why can't I get this stupid thing to work? My "home" at Flickr is just pissing me off. I am fixn' to delete the whole thing.

I want to be cool, you know, not get picked last. I am sure it is one piece of code that just sort of disappeared and is eluding me at the moment (half the night).


Not sure where I got this picture, I wish I could say I made it. (You have seen my stick figures, right?)

I would be pissed (but I would get over it) if we leave this quagmire and not get the job done. That is all I am saying.

My Life

My Life is not really like the picture. You can comment, ask questions, or just plain tell me to get bent. Really, you can, I am not even kidding this time. Just know, if I disagree with you, I will let you know. If I think you are an asshole, I will definitely tell you. (I would hate for an asshole to go through life and not know.) It is the mushy shit that I have problems with. I am working on it. It is definitely easier with beer.

God, Part 2b

----I already did a post on God when I first started this blog and I also did a follow-up in which is not posted here on this blog, so when titling this post you can convey the dismay.----

My belief is man (of course enter the appropriate noun for your cranium because it would hurt my fucking feelings that I didn't abide by your fucking stupid word choice that has no bearing on what I am really trying to fucking say here) has four kinds of souls; 2 basic types of souls with two sub categories for each. There is the saved and the damned.

In the saved category you have those that preach the word of their* God and those who by default are saved just because they have lived a good natural life whether they believe or not.

In the damned category you have warriors of God and warriors of evil. If feel there is no point in explained what evil is and who or what God is for the purpose of this discussion so I will continue from here. The warriors of which ever "side" has and does take on the offense to do some deed that will keep this soul from being saved.

Now that I have solved the mysteries of life right here for everyone, let's all pause and have a beer.

Note: If you do not believe in any of the bologna that I just posted that is okay you don't have to. That is the beauty of "free will."

Saturday, December 01, 2007

The Many Home Returns

The conversation was brought up about coming home. To me, the lead up and the day of is always the crappiest and most depressing day of my life. This is where you say "why, you just got back from ____(fill in wherever I went this time)" and this is where the story takes place.

I was married for one return, but it was the ending of that marriage, so it may not count. There is by my count three types of returns that Marines have. One, you are in a pine box. Depressing as that may be, that Marine will now be guarding the street of Heaven. Two, you are married or have a significant other and is greeted with cheers, hugs, kisses. All things are forgiven for that day for that couple and everyone is "happy." Three, the single man or very soon to be single man(insert the female nouns/pronouns where applicable) comes home to virtually nothing. No hugs, kisses. There might a hug or kiss from a by-stander but it temporary. Once that Marine finally grounds his gear in where ever he may stay(live) then what. The what is the happening. I have found over the years it is best to find a bar and have a few drinks. Usually only a few is good enough and a cab will be the next thing you see. The worst thing, in my opinion, is to stay in the barracks that day or the next few days, because that is where depression will really kick in. It is best to find someone to be with for at least the next 3 or 4 days. Even if you hate that person it is better than being alone.

So in short, the actual day of return just fucking sucks. All I ever wanted to do is get away of the merry wishers and married people because it all seemed so fake. Great, someone is happy I am "home" but are you going to hold me like lovers do when I drift off to sleep? No, you are not. You don't even know my first name. You may smile and you may hug me when I step off from that plane, helicopter, or bus but you will not be with me for that tender loving care that I really need six hours after.

You are reading this and thinking one of two things. First one, you are thinking,"that is too fucking bad, oh well." Second, is "I am going to do something about it. " The truth is you can't do anything. The truth is you can't give what is needed or wanted. The truth is even after this deployment or the next there will be thousands of men and women that you can't do anything for. And that is where one of the sacrifices that we volunteers of the armed forces have agreed upon. To me, that is okay, I have hardened my life and built that wall around me so my emotions are not a factor. Don't give me that fake smile and tell me you are glad to see me, instead wrap you arm around me and let's sit down and have a beer. We can talk about the good times and the good times to come.

Up in The Morning With The Iraqi Sun

After several promotions this morning this was the sky.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Letters - The Answer Expanded, Part II

Since I am an avid fan of mail (that is not bills) I finished writing my "Christmas cards" tonight. I sent out about two dozen or so. I did something different this year, which I think may be caused by my "new" surroundings this year.

Well, the people I have an address for that sent a letter or care package, will receive a card from me. So not to be left out(my current audience) my year in review is right here. This blog. Even though I have been careful about OpSec (Operation Security) everyone should be able to get the idea what has happened to me and the Marines of MALS-29 REIN.

A Word About Mail, Maybe Two

I cannot express enough in words the appreciation for the letters, postcards and especially the care packages that I have received during this 13 to 14 month deployment. I cannot say if it would have been bearable without the love and dedication I (we) received in the mail.

If you (the person reading this) has my address here in the Area of Operation (AO) please do not send anything else past December 15th.

If you do it reminds me about a letter I was recieved from my Mom 3 years and 7 months late. It was sent to an address similar to the one I have now and did not reach its destination until after I had left and went back to my garrison command. Well, that letter "floated" through the system until it ultimately found me in Arizona. (Which I am not stationed there anymore either.) I still have the envelope it has stamps form seventeen different military posts and international post offices. While it is nice to know the mail system still works even after you leave an AO, it is just better to not test out the system.

RevGals Friday Five: The Grinch Edition

Will smama has included a Friday Five that is right up my alley, the kind you beat with a stick then run it over with your car.

Please tell us(RevGals) your least favorite/most annoying seasonal....

1) dessert/cookie/family food
I do not know what it is called it is white, round has nuts in it, some sort of powdery substance an the outside, it is only seen during this time of the year, whatever it may be called I hate it. Always have. Seems like "old" like to have them in in abundance and when you visit it is in you rbest interest to eat several or you will be beat by a cane. (Or something like that.)

2) beverage (seasonal beer, eggnog w/ way too much egg and not enough nog, etc...)
Eggnog by itself makes me want to hurl, but if you add enough brandy anything can be tolerable.

3) tradition (church, family, other)
I don't have any "Christmas" traditions anymore so maybe that is my complaint.

4) decoration
It is not anyone decoration but the one who is competing with Clark Griswald, those people should be *****. ( I can't really express my feelings on a blog about this one.)

5) gift (received or given)
The one where you receive and everyone in the room knows it is crappy gift but you smile and tell the person who gave it to you, that it is something you always wanted and then give it away at the next year's Christmas party.

BONUS: SONG/CD that makes you want to tell the elves where to stick it.
Bing Crosby's White Christmas - I can't stand it ever since being stuck in a snow drift two stories tall , while in a '79 Ford Bronco which the heater didn't work well, and not very much "cold weather" clothing for the "short" trip to Grandma's house in some Christmas during the eighties and the only song playing "it seems" was that, on the radio.

Honorable Even if Not Entirely True

I recieved an email deplicting it was an article from Jay Leno. Well, being the avid researcher of truth, I went to to verify its authenticty. It was not by Jay Leno, there is a quote by him in the closing paragraph in the email, but that was it. The actual articel was written by Craig R. Smith.

Here is an excerpt from that article appearing in the World Net Daily:

Made in the USA: Spoiled brats
Posted: November 20, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern

The other day I was reading Newsweek magazine and came across some poll data I found rather hard to believe. It must be true given the source, right? The same magazine that employs Michael (Qurans in the toilets at Gitmo) Isikoff. Here I promised myself this week I would be nice and I start off in this way. Oh what a mean man I am.

The Newsweek poll alleges that 67 percent of Americans are unhappy with the direction the country is headed and 69 percent of the country is unhappy with the performance of the president. In essence 2/3s of the citizenry just ain't happy and want a change.

So being the knuckle dragger I am, I starting thinking, ''What we are so unhappy about?''

Is it that we have electricity and running water 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? Is our unhappiness the result of having air conditioning in the summer and heating in the winter? Could it be that 95.4 percent of these unhappy folks have a job? Maybe it is the ability to walk into a grocery store at any time and see more food in moments than Darfur has seen in the last year?

If you would like to read the full article go to:

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Many Uses...

Of Motrin. Probably the most common "candy" a Marine will get in his(her) career.

Today is a mix of Dr. Pepper and 800mg Motrin.

A Busy Thursday(ish), Part II

The day is not done but the major hurdles are. I did not get quality sleep like I meant to do prior to my PFT. I did, however, perform a First Class. It is not a high one, but first class the same. I was also a afforded the opportunity to weigh-in which would have been done at 0800 the following day. It is confirmed I gained thirty pounds since arriving in Iraq. People keep telling me I don't look fat, but I still feel that way. I did not, however(pause for effect), make it to the Post Office. So I will still have to make that trek tomorrow or the next day. I probably got about two good hours of sleep afterwards, I probably need ten. (I am not a spring chicken anymore.) I got to work, did my shift change, and sent the day crew "home." I held my meeting and now I am chugging coffee at a new rate which will most likely cause me to sleep crappy again tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Busy Thursday(ish)

I work at night time, if you haven't gathered that already. Pretty soon I am going to attempt to sleep. This means leaving work early and sleeping at a time not normal for my body. (Times like this in the states are usually accompanied with a couple of favorite frosty beverages.) Then during the time I am normally asleep at my heaviest hour, I am going to run a PFT(Physical Fitness Test). After which I am going to try and mail several boxes of accumulated items back to the states. Afterwards with hopefully a successful Post Office trip, I will go back into work(for the "next" day). The Packer game should kick off sometime between 03 and 05 (following day) which the only problem arises with the end of my shift when my boss(the Captain) would rather see me doing something else(not watching football on his TV).

So tomorrow(today) should be a fun busy day.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Five of My Favorite Gifts of All Time

Rev Kim tagged for me this meme, to "name five of your favorite all time gifts. Either given or gotten." I am game for it, but this will be a tough one, okay.

One) A fire truck. Not just any type of fire truck but a fire truck I could drive(pedal). I would have to say I was five maybe four, hard to say. Yeah, that one was awesome.

Two) A Green Bay Packer cribbage board. Two things I enjoy in one present, what is not to like.

Three) Green Bay Packer Stadium Blanket. The darn thing comes in handy in all sorts of places. (In my adult years I have gotten pretty easy to shop for.)

Four) Leatherman Kick. Two years ago, in Japan, at the avionics Christmas Party. I use it everyday.

Five) A kiss. Christmas 2004.

I will tag everyone I didn't give a gift to in the last thirty years. (That should cover the blog sphere.)

The Valders Journal

I know the majority of my readers have no clue what the "Valders Journal" is and no idea where in the world Valders may be. Well, it is a small village about the center of Manitowoc County in Wisconsin. Did that help? How about 10 miles west of Manitowoc by way of US Highway 151? That should help you find it a bit easier. The Valders Journal is the paper for that village.
Simple. Now the tough questions are answered.

I receive the Journal about two to three weeks after the printing. Oh wait, I didn't tell you the obvious answer, this is where I am from. So this paper, that I receive about half a month late, is always filled with something interesting. I like to look at this as the local news with pizazz and small town humor. The writing is superb and I know they have won awards so don't take this too lightly.

There are many times in which I really, really want to write an editorial. But I suppose it may be my better judgement that stops me. If you haven't figured it out, I have a lot of opinions.

There is always a part of the second page that talks about "today's" history, which I think is important, even though sometimes the facts are one sided sometimes. Of course, I get to keep up on the high school sports and see the progress through the seasons. "News of Record" tells of tragedy and heartache. The Outdoor Report gets a laugh on occasion with his Olga and Swen jokes.(If you don't know, just nod and grin.) The part that I seem to always enjoy is this opinion article by Gregg Novacheck titled "What the Parrot Saw." His writing style to me seems similar to mine. Very funny stuff and to me is the paper seller.

The Learning Curve

Wouldn't you know it, as soon as I get the flow of letter writing going, I have work to do. The "work" at the time required my attention. It was the senior man rule. It involved our famous aircraft. The one that no one wants to work with. (Except those who use them daily.)

That is why the senior man rule comes in. Who ever the senior man is, that is the guy or gal that gets his ass handed to them if something is amiss. It is a great system unless you are that senior man.

The "work" is currently off doing the thing that I put in motion. Tomorrow will be the test of time. If I don't get my ass handed to me, then I made the right decision. If I do, that is what we call "a learning experience."

Monday, November 26, 2007

Christmas Hangman

Halloween Hangman created by The Dimension's Edge, Inc.

For fun.

Word Verification

If you have commented here before you know that I do not have a word verification. (In fact, I don't use Blogger for my comments at all.) There are many(bloggers) that do. And I would venture a guess that 95 percent have a word verification. Why?

I know what it is for, but does anyone really have a problem with this? This = "robots" leaving unwanted messages of his or her blog. I don't know anyone with this problem.

I did have this problem with a guestbook I had for my website, but I was using php and I have now corrected that problem.

Here is the next point, where are the words? I can't remember a time where there was a word. It was just a jumbled mess of letters and sometimes numbers. Why even call it a word verification if there are no words?

The last point or statement or question is: Let's all get rid of this waste of time. Say "No" to word verification.

That is my story and I sticking with it.

Happened Upon

I happened upon this article by Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal. Wacky. Here is an excerpt and a link. I thought it inspired a thought or two.

People Before Prophets
We're making too much of politicians' religious faith.

Friday, November 23, 2007 12:01 a.m. EST

I was talking with an old friend, a longtime Democrat, and she asked if I knew what religion a certain presidential candidate was. I replied that I didn't know and hoped I'd never find out. We started to laugh, and she nodded.

I didn't mean it and yet I meant it, for we have come to an odd pass regarding candidates and their faith. It's not as if faith is unimportant, it's always important. But we are asking our political figures--mere flawed politicians--to put forward and talk about their faith to a degree that has become odd. We push them against the wall and do a kind of theological frisk on them. We didn't use to.

Forty years ago, a firm-jawed, silver-haired Michigan governor made a serious bid for the presidency. He was well-funded, well-credentialed, and was done in by one of those campaign gaffes in which a throwaway line becomes a death knell. He had changed his position on Vietnam, and in explaining his previous support said he'd been "brainwashed" on the issue. Americans don't like their presidents to be people who'd allow their brains to be sent to the dry cleaners. Republicans in particular were not amused. So he was over.

His name was George Romney. He was Mitt's father. And no one back in those narrow-minded, benighted days seems to have cared that much that he was a Mormon.

Now it's an issue. Now we debate the candidate's faith.

This is change. Is it progress?

It doesn't feel like it.

In 1968 we were, as now, a religious country. But when we walked to the polls, we thought we were about to hire a president, not a Bible study teacher.

No one cared, really, that Richard Nixon was a Quaker. They may have been confused by it, but they weren't upset. His vice president, Spiro Agnew, was not Greek Orthodox but Episcopalian. Nobody much noticed. Nelson Rockefeller of New York was not an Episcopalian but a Baptist. Do you know what Lyndon Johnson's religion was? He was a member of the Disciples of Christ, but in what appeared to be the same way he was a member of the American Legion: You're in politics, you join things. Hubert Humphrey was born Lutheran, attended Methodist churches, and was rumored to be a Congregationalist. This didn't quite reach the level of mystery because nobody quite cared.

Question Twenty Three

The importance to question twenty three can be calculated in measures of life and death but rarely is that extreme. Could be considered as important as the Council of Trent or landing a of the lunar module on the moon.

I think it is best we examine the question in parts.

The first section, What is, I believe is self explanatory but I added a hyper link any way. The second part, Captain, Captain Morgan, the preferred is the Spiced Rum, but others in their wacky tastes might go with some other not as good flavor. The next part is coke, truly Coca Cola is the best but may be substituted with other varieties. This falls into the category of why fuck up a good thing. The last part, in a tub, is a carry over from a couple of generations ago, it is the use of a large usually wide glass with no stem. The idea is to get rid of the stupid shit so one can enjoy the drink. This can be especially helpful if you have a large nose.

This is an obvious addition that there should be no junk in the drink. Junk refers to fruit and vegetables. Some people not really interested in the drink believe having junk in their drink enhances it, but in truth they really look naive and probably should be beaten with a wet noodle, something to match the brain power.

This post is not meant to offend anyone, but if it did there are people that can help you and you will win a jacket that will be your last jacket you will ever wear.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Vacations, Part II

I think I may need a vacation.
Somewhere that serves chilled beer.
A place where I can talk to a woman and maybe get lucky.
A venue with good music.
A place I can not worry.
Somewhere that knows what a "Captain and coke in a tub" means.
A place with conversation.
Somewhere not close.
Somewhere not far away.
A locale with a massage parlor nearby.
An area with fresh air.
A place that everyone is not carrying a weapon.
An area that has real beds.
Somewhere PDOA is okay.
I think I need a vacation.

Group Photo

For those people who have wondered who we are, well, here we are! This is my platoon if that is what makes sense to you.
(Let me tell you this, it was 39 degrees at the time this photo was taken. There was a wind and where we took this photo there was nothing to block it. )
Hope you all enjoy the photo!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Spelling Bee

Apparently, I have been spelling CHAPLIN and been meaning to spell CHAPLAIN for quite some time now.

The chaplain here caught me misspelling the word today and corrected me. I think I have been messing this up for my entire career. No one has even mentioned it before. Boggles the mind, it does. I would like to think I am a decent speller and I use the correct spellings, except for this glitch.


Friday, November 23, 2007

Reason Four Hundred Twenty Two

I don't think I could really be a civilian, per se, ever again.

What do you do on your holidays? I don't really know anymore. This is not about me anymore it is really about the young Marines in their first few years of the Corps. Making sure they are as happy as possible.

I really do not know what makes me happy. I know what makes me sad. I know what makes me angry. All the "bad" emotions, I know, what causes them, so I try to avoid it. (Don't call the Chaplin, I like me.) I have just been thinking and now I am writing it down. Think it as a reflection.

If this is fate, so be it. If it is God's will, fine. I can live with it.

300th Comment of the Month

Iris of Growing Where I'm Planted has posted my 300th comment of the month!

Your prize is my collection of imaginary elf horns.


RevGals Friday Five: Post Thanksgiving

Singing Owl writes:
Thanksgiving is the American holiday when the greatest number of people travel somewhere else to celebrate. I am posting this from my son’s home in Minnesota where we are recovering from the food shopping and the preparations and the meal and the clean up. It is difficult to think of anything requiring much energy today, and I am enjoying my sweet baby granddaughter, so I will keep it simple. For those of you not in the USA, I apologize for the nationalistic tone of this Friday Five!

1. Did you go elsewhere for the day, or did you have visitors at your place instead? How was it?
I spent the day in Iraq, I didn't have any visitors so that was good.

2. Main course: If it was the turkey, the whole turkey, and nothing but the turkey, was it prepared in an unusual way? Or did you throw tradition to the winds and do something different?
I actually had a type of steak couldn't tell what kind or from what animal but it tasted okay.

3. Other than the meal, do you have any Thanksgiving customs that you observe every year?
When I am not deployed (and sometimes when I am) I try to enjoy it with someones family.

4. The day after Thanksgiving is considered a major Christmas shopping day by most US retailers. Do you go out bargain hunting and shop ‘till you drop, or do you stay indoors with the blinds closed? Or something in between?
I wrote about this below, no I do not shop. Not a crowd person. If football is on, I will watch that.

5. Let the HOLIDAY SEASON commence! When will your Christmas decorations go up?
There are up. Didn't I post that already? I added stockings on my desk that a nice woman from Washington and a nice woman from Florida sent.

Black Friday

The first thing that comes to mind is a religious connotation. Maybe when Jesus died on the cross or something along those lines. That does not seem the case here. No, what it is, is the start of "holiday" shopping. Is that stupid?

Holiday shopping = whichever holiday you shop for

I think it was originally Christmas shopping, then America added Santa Claus. Then we added political correctness. Then we added (forgive me Mel) California. Then we added, “we are too damn sensitive and on drugs to understand what the reason is to give materialistic items to our children." Then we added GWOT.

Black Friday has its own website, I am not endorsing it, I am just showing the level at which this has come.

I am not trying to end it. I am not trying to bash Californians (really). I am not trying to do anything.

While I am here, abroad, I wonder what kind of chaos ensures the American public. What kind of fever runs the veins of those who could really care less of the purpose of their time off work or school?

I just don't understand anymore.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Rights - A Look

I did some research on copyrights. What prompted this was a desire to form my ideas in a book at some point in time. I have been working on an autobiography for some time now and have been toying with the idea of put this and other blogs and my website content into this medium.

This is what the government says:

Copyright protects “original works of authorship” that are fixed in a tangible form of expression. The fixation need not be directly perceptible so long as it may be communicated with the aid of a machine or device. Copyrightable works include the following categories:
1) literary works;
2) musical works, including any accompanying words
3) dramatic works, including any accompanying music
4) pantomimes and choreographic works
5) pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works
6) motion pictures and other audiovisual works
7) sound recordings
8) architectural works

These categories should be viewed broadly. For example, computer programs and most “compilations” may be registered as “literary works”; maps and architectural plans may be registered as “pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works.”

And this is the cool part:

The use of a copyright notice is no longer required under U.S. law, although it is often beneficial. Because prior law did contain such a requirement, however, the use of notice is still relevant to the copyright status of older works.

This is the part that lets me live forever:

A work that was created (fixed in tangible form for the first time) on or after January 1, 1978, is automatically protected from the moment of its creation and is ordinarily given a term enduring for the author’s life plus an additional 70 years after the author’s death. In the case of “a joint work prepared by two or more authors who did not work for hire,” the term lasts for 70 years after the last surviving author’s death. For works made for hire, and for anonymous and pseudonymous works (unless the author’s identity is revealed in Copyright Office records), the duration of copyright will be 95 years from publication or 120 years from creation, whichever is shorter.

So I am not going to worry too much today, or tomorrow either.