Friday, November 09, 2007

RevGals: Friday 5- Extravagant unbusyness....

Sally, from RevGals, is writing in my official capacity of grump!!! No seriously, with the shops and stores around us filling with Christmas gifts and decorations, the holiday season moving up on us quickly for many the time from Thanksgiving onwards will be spent in a headlong rush towards Christmas with hardly a time to breathe.... I am looking at the possibility of finding little gaps in the day or the week to spend in extravagant unbusyness ( a wonderful phrase coined by fellow Revgal Michelle)...So given those little gaps, name 5 things you would do to;

(In the Marine Corps spirit, my list is slightly askewed) care for your body
100 crunches in two minutes, 20 dead hang pull-ups, and a 20 minute three mile run.
2. to care for your spirit
Praying for baby Jesus on his birthday, Christmas, and remembering God was a Marine as well.
3. to care for your mind
Engaging in the illustrustrious history of our fine Corps and teaching the up and comming generations in the pride and honor to be a Marine.
4. to bring a sparkle to your eye
November 10th, need I say more, I think not.
5. to place a spring in your step
Singing cadence while going about your daily business.
.... and then for a bonus which one on the list are you determined to put into action?
Every one as my fellow brothers and sisters in arms have done before me.

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