As my brain melts and becomes one with reality, the affair of this journey of life becomes familiar with you and me.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Meeting the Parents
Hope we make it back with cheers and jeers.
And, Everyone have a Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Rev Gals Friday Five: Christmas Countdown
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Life, Part II
Now letting that sink in, I do not plan on ending my foray of comments and updates about the big stuff. I just might not be floating among you daily along the super highway. I will pull over and stop, from time to time, but I have found a new breeze and I am following it.
Monday, December 08, 2008
Fun with Navy Medicine, Part XXI
I couldn't drive my truck today, had to borrow an automatic one(from that special friend I talked about earlier). My boss is happy I am back to work, it relieves some personnel pressure for him. It makes me happy to help out my Corporal more than helping my boss.
Looks like I will be doing lots of Occupational Therapy for the next several months to get back in tip top form.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Rubber Ducky

If you decide to get yourself one, which this service is free, then it will replace the rubber ducky with yours.
Just something a little extra, a little flair if you will.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Rev Gals Friday Five: Mix and Stir
Is this like my belly?
2) And if so, do you use the fancy things on it?

I did have one, twice, both times the ex-wives felt they needed it more than I. Funny since I cook almost every day.
4) How about a blender? Do you have one? Use it much?
I have a blender, I use it on occasion for drinks.
5) Finally, what old-fashioned, non-electric kitchen tool do you enjoy using the most?
My carving knives. Or maybe my boning knives.
Bonus: Is there a kitchen appliance or utensil you ONLY use at Thanksgiving or some other holiday? If so, what is it?
Sorry to say, no. Why have something that is used less than one percent of the time?
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I am hoping that the person I found will continue to discover me as I have been discovering her.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Possible New Ideas
I was thinking of topics like these:
Childhood toys
Particular years
Favorite accidents
Sensual fruits
Well, you get the idea. Please feel free to give me your suggestions.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Happy 233rd!
Monday, October 27, 2008
The One Armed Man, Part II
The hardest things for me to do are(not limited to):
Tying shoes
Putting underarm deodorant on
Washing the right side of my body
Dispensing detergent for laundry
Folding laundry
Falling asleep
Pouring liquid into a glass
Opening bottles
Opening anything with a plastic seal
Reading a book(turning pages)
Putting jeans on
Tucking in a shirt
Convincing people I am not helpless
Friday, October 24, 2008
Rev Gals Friday Five: Location, Location, Location!
1) Millington, TN - The town itself wasn't exactly what I enjoyed but the area. Seasons without the extremes. Rural areas abound and are not far from a major city. I was there for about nine months for school and had a blast.
2) Futemna, Okinawa, Japan - I have written quite a bit about it before, so let's just say the good times far outweighed the bad.
3) Newport, NC - The first time I was here in the nineties, lived in nice area not too close to neighbors, so the streaking didn't bother them.
4) Milwaukee, WI - Never can you get enough of the culture (and beer.)
5) Yuma, AZ - While being stationed there wasn't what it was all cracked up to be, living there definitely had advantages.
SIDE NOTE: I wanted to type more but the day would be over with by the time I would have done so.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Fun with Navy Medicine, Part XX
The night of surgery, after the local anesthesia wore off, the drugs(pills) were not taking care of the pain. So with help from a friend (and for the next few days) I was admitted to the ER. Long story short, I ended up going back to the hospital three times before receiving a pain pump and a needle sticking out of chest.
With this new edition, bathing for myself stopped. I pretty much have taken field showers since the surgery. For those of you who don't know, this is basically cleaning just the important parts with a sanitary wipe. Not the ideal thing to do, but it gets me by for now.
Yesterday, I was fitted for a cast. Unfortunately on two fronts, one I still have the pain pump attached but with nothing pumping into my body. Kind of a trial period to make sure oral medication will take. And two, the cast was not fitted correctly. Last night I went back to the ER because my fingers were turning blue. At the ER, the cast was split and an ace wrap put around it.
Tomorrow, hopefully, the pain pump will be taken off with the needle sticking out of my chest. Also, I am hoping for a refit for the cast.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Mums the Word
Today, I bought two pots of mums. I placed one on either side of my front door to my house. You could called a beautification project if you want. Each are about two adn half feet in diameter and I picked yellow flowers.
Since tomorrow is my surgery, do not be surprised to find even less of me on the web. I will try to update you all as soon as I can.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Politics for a Saturday
So I am am done, my vote has been cast.
(I will tell you this, I voted for two Republicans, one Democrat and one Green Party.)
Friday, October 10, 2008
Rev Gals Friday Five: Business Trip
When the recruiter dropped his experience cards on the table, one was travel. I was to pick three, I didn't pick travel. Since being in the Corps I have stepped foot in six continents and have visited three countries that don't exist anymore by name. There have been joys but I would never call any of it a burden.
2. How about that of your spouse or partner?
Let me tell you a story, one of my deployments I knew of one hundred and fourteen married couples. After about six months of returning, of those couples, twelve were still married.
3. What was the best business trip you ever took?

Hard to say, I had more fun in Okinawa over a longer period of time, but if you at a single stop that highlights a fun and excitement it would have been Valencia, Malta.
4. ...and the worst, of course?
Zaire, Africa There wasn't any one particular city that sticks out. I saw and felt more destruction and pain in that 67 day period than any other.
5. What would make your next business trip perfect?
Use of both arms.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Politics for a Thursday
Currently we have majorities in the House and Senate of Democrats. Plus, it is highly possible that after the November election that the Senate with have the "sweet 60". This means there is no possible way to filibuster a bill going through. Layman's terms mean everything goes through no matter what.
Now if we, The People, elect a Democrat for President, then what is going to stop them from doing everything they want?
This is a serious issue. Everyone better be real happy with what Congress is proposing and what the Democrat President will most likely not challenge.
I foresee a possible civil war. A time when America goes into a socialism government and throws the democratic government to the wayside. I see a time when our enemies will take this time to do us the most harm.
I only hope that The People look at all points of every candidate and make a sound decision before voting in this year's election.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Under the Thumb
I suppose since I have my surgery scheduled for Tuesday, I really won't get to know her appropriately. It will be interesting to see if anyone from my work, will actually check up on me to see how I am recovering. I say this, since, last time no one did, not even a phone call.
There is only two people I work with that even know where I live and both are Corporals. Not from a lack of trying on my part to get the higher enlisted to come over. I have invited everyone on two separate occasions to come over for a light lunch or barbecue.
One might think that at least a drive-by might be in order.
Monday, October 06, 2008
Moving In, Upgrades Part III
I have been looking at several color schemes as well for the living room, the master bedroom and another bedroom that will end up being my "I love me" space. When I get closer to a decision on what colors I am using I will post that as well.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Home Improvement Question

Or something like this:

So here is the question, should I pick one of the above or go with a straight TV stand? If one of the above which one do you prefer?
I like both.
Friday, October 03, 2008
Rev Gals Friday Five: St Francis of Assisi
1. Saint Francis experienced a life changing call, has anything in your journey so far challenged you to alter your lifestyle?
My injury to my wrist has been the most life changing experience that I can ever recall of having. Unless, of course, you include my career choice, that might be the big one.
2. Francis experienced mocking and persecution, quite often in the comfortable west this is far from our experience. If you have experienced something like this how do you deal with it, if not how does it challenge you to pray for those whose experience is daily persecution?
I know I am right and that is all that matters. When I find myself nervous for what ever reason, I engage in conversation and it soothes me soul.
3 .St Francis had female counterpart in St Clare, she was influenced by St Francis sermon and went on to found the Poor Clare's, like the Franciscans they depended on alms this was unheard of for women in that time, but she persisted and gained permission to found the order. How important are role models like St Clare to you? Do you have a particular female role model whose courage and dedication inspires you? If so share their story....
I was asked a about my role models many times and really, I don't think I ever had one. I did, always like Ronald Reagan though.
“Some people wonder all their lives if they've made a difference. The Marines don't have that problem.” -Ronald Reagan
4. Francis loved nature and animals, how important is an expressed love of the created world to the Christian message today?
I don't have a good answer, I am a warrior and the simple things in life is what I love.
5. On a lighter note; have you ever led a service of blessing for animals, or a pet service, was it a success, did you enjoy it, and would you do it again?
Never. My sermons entail the espirit of Manhood and Womanhood and to never let anything stop you on your journey.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Cusp of Criticism
According to the research I have found I was born into the Cusp of Criticism. Which may be the "duh" factor here.
Some of my research dictates that "we" are definitely something special. We combine personal charm and attractiveness with intelligence and talent. Although we shine effortlessly, they are natural loners who draw strength from privacy. We want to make our mark on the world and may even feel that we are destined to do so.
A preference for excesses is the key to understanding the health habits of people like me. We may equate a surfeit of food and drink with happiness, which could lead to the yo-yo dieting effect. Since these traits could be deep-rooted, we may benefit from professional advice. With our optimism and enthusiastic flair for life, those of us, don't put up barriers to what we can accomplish. If we want something, we go after it with tenacity. Even though we do not judge our level of success by how much money we make, we want to be recognized for our talent and ability.

Individuals born on the cusp of Libra (the seventh Sign of the Zodiac) and Scorpio (the eighth Sign of the Zodiac) are ruled by both Venus and Pluto. Here, the fair judgment of Libra adds intuition to the cool, precise skill of Scorpio. The end result is something quite remarkable...if care is taken in development. Coupled with the inherent Libra craving for excitement is the bold and pleasure-seeking Scorpio mind, which is strong in self-control and determination, standing ready to carry into action whatever seems worthwhile. However, the ability to turn ideas into accomplishments often produces a marked egotism among these cuspians, which is all the more reason why they should seek higher goals in culture, education and social life. Whatever is achieved by these individuals, they will cling to with much tenacity and they can easily drift into narrow-mindedness and unscrupulous behavior if not careful. These are souls who are easily flattered, particularly by popular acclaim, and flare into anger toward those who oppose their schemes. Yet, when intuition and judgment are developed to their fullest extent, these are not only dynamic persons, but ones who are endowed with the rare presence of mind customarily found in the fields of medicine and the military.
This cusp melds the airy (or mental) nature of Libra with the watery (or emotional) characteristics of Scorpio...not necessarily an easy task. Many times, the two aspects of this personality are at war with each other...the head guiding and the heart denying (or vice versa). Hence, these natives can find themselves in a deep dilemma when the intellectual and emotional clash. Periods of indecision associated with Libra may be broken by outbursts of aggression inherent in the Scorpio nature. Alternatively, the customary self-assured determination of Scorpio may be undermined by the Libra love of repose and tendency to procrastinate. Cultural awareness and a talkative nature will help these individuals to shine in any social situation and they are experts in communication and abstract reasoning. Yet, at times, the tensions and disappointments of life may prove to be overwhelming, so much so that those governed by this cusp may retreat into isolation. Therefore, Libra/Scorpio individuals benefit from physical exercise, fitness training, sound diets and all activities that promote healthy contact with the world at large, thereby lessening the unfortunate bent toward isolation. Mentally, these are perceptive and sharply insightful souls. However, they do possess a certain sense of personal infallibility coupled with a tendency to be overly critical. The disapproving or denigrating attitude of these cuspians can hurt those close to them, undermining the confidence of others in subtle ways.
Libra/Scorpio natives have a decidedly modern approach in many areas, but they also harbor an undeniable sense of tradition. This is particularly apparent in their devotion to parents and children, in whose lives they play a large role...sometimes a little too large. Still, that is not to say that these cuspians will readily accept the values of their parents. Indeed, it is usually quite the opposite. The attachment here is more emotional. After a normally stormy and rebellious adolescence, those born on this cusp often return to an extremely close relationship with their parents later in life. As responsible as the majority of those ruled by this cusp seem in most areas of everyday life, they possess a side which is undeniably wild and unpredictable. Dramatic and impulsive, they will fly in the face of society's moral codes without hesitation, asserting their personal values or expressing themselves both cogently and flamboyantly. Even the mildest of individuals ruled by the Libra/Scorpio cusp tend to be somewhat exhibitionistic...wanting and needing others to take notice of them. Here, the private life may well include a plethora of love affairs...a path strewn with the broken hears of those with whom they have had relationships. The particular brand of charisma, impulsiveness and mental powers associated with these natives makes them formidable individuals. When it comes to involvements, they may be even more than a little dangerous given their natural talent for being seductive, attractive, commanding and intense.
Highly motivated and usually loyal, those governed by this cusp are often misunderstood and may be perceived as dictatorial or sarcastic. If there is an ulterior motive, they can indeed be overbearing, but normally in a subtle, sly or manipulative manner. These are individuals who are both mystical and scientific...a combination that results in high awareness of what is truly happening around them. Since this cusp is associated with a passionate nature, care should be taken to avoid self-indulgence or compulsion. In addition, there is no doubt that this blend of Signs has a tendency toward a definite lazy streak. Still, this is generally barely perceptible given the enjoyment of difficult pursuits that challenge these persons to excel...and they refuse to be anything less than the best. There may also be an affinity here for activities that allow them to get out into nature. Capable of extraordinary originality, Libra/Scorpio natives are clever in business and quick to seize an opportunity.
The greatest strength of Libra/Scorpio cuspians is to be found in their drive for peace and harmony, coupled with a determination to see things through to the end. The natural skill for seeing all sides of a situation, coupled with enormous passion and great strength, makes this combination one of the most powerful characters of the Zodiac.
The most important lesson to be learned by Libra/Scorpio natives is to develop their natural ability to think and act promptly since there is a tendency here to delay things or mull them over for so long that it proves to be costly. As with all cusp individuals, these cuspians tend to be attracted to others born on the cusp...particularly those who fall within the Taurus/Gemini and Sagittarius/Capricorn combination.
-- Possess the theatrical traits inherent in Libra --
-- Possess the serious, deep-feeling and critical traits inherent in Scorpio --
-- Counted among the most critical individuals of the Zodiac --
-- Possess a facile mind and sharp tongue --
-- Sought out for honest opinions --
-- Tend to hold nothing back --
-- Once committed to a project, will refuse to stop until completion is attained --
-- Need to learn how to relax and have fun --
-- Need to concentrate on the future while still living for today --
Interesting to know this. Don't you all think? Then again it could all be hogwash.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Worst Case Scenario
Separation with severance pay
This happens when separation with disability severance pay occurs if the member is found unfit, has less than 20 years of service, and has a disability rating of less than 30%.
This is highly unlikely so I haven't even considered it.
Permanent disability retirement
Permanent disability retirement occurs if the member is found unfit, the disability is determined permanent and stable and rated at a minimum of 30%.
This one is a possibility and retirees can receive retired pay based on the larger of two formulas: multiplying the retired pay base either by the percentage of the disability rating or by 2.5 percent of the number of years of service, up to a 75 percent ceiling.
Temporary disability retirement
Temporary disability retirement occurs if the member is found unfit and entitled to permanent disability retirement except that the disability is not stable for rating purposes. "Stable for rating purposes" refers to whether the condition will change within the next five years so as to warrant a different disability rating.
This is the other possibility that I must look at and the pay amount is the minimum payment is 50 percent of the last amount of basic pay before the member was taken off duty; the maximum is 75 percent.
Separation without benefits
Separation without benefits occurs if the unfitting disability existed prior to service, was not permanently aggravated by military service, and the member has less than 8 years of Active Service (active duty days); or the disability was incurred while the member was absent without leave or while engaging in an act of misconduct or willful negligence.
This is not the case so therefore doesn't apply.
I hope this answers everyone's questions. Oh, if you thinking how does one figure out the percentage then I suggest you can read for yourself. Go to this link:
If you can understand it, then you are the shinier apple.

Since this is a topic of discussion where ever I go these days I thought I would write a bit about it. The value of my home in Yuma, for example, was purchased for 131000 dollars, today that same amount is worth 139,077.33 per the consumer price index. So really my money is worth about five percent more in just a few short years. That really isn't bad when you think about it. Of course, I am not taking into account of what the land value is but just the basic value of the money.
The big things on people's minds seem to be the strong versus the weak dollar. Well, do people really know what that means? I don't think so. So here is my interpretation and if you think I am way off you can look it up yourself.

Means: American-made goods relatively expensive for foreigners. Consumers at home and abroad buy less costly goods from countries other than the U.S. Sales of U.S. companies erode, prompting them to lay off American workers and outsource jobs to countries with cheaper labor. Foreign imports are relatively inexpensive, interest rates remain low or moderate if inflation is controlled, and the standard of living is relatively high.
Weak dollar
Means: American-made goods and travel to the U.S. less expensive for foreigners, boosting the sales of U.S. manufacturers and prompting them to increase production and hire workers. The growth of U.S. exports helps trim the trade deficit. A weak dollar also attracts increased foreign investment in U.S. real estate and capital markets. A weak dollar makes foreign imports and overseas travel more expensive for Americans; the U.S. standard of living falls because the dollar buys less. If traders believe the dollar will continue to weaken, they may invest in stronger currencies of other countries.
So you can see there are pros and cons to either scenario. It seems that currently we are looking at a weak dollar. So financially I, myself, don't plan on buying anything from China or Germany for awhile if I can help it.
The dollar is currently used as the standard it was once the gold standard but now more than 90

What I have found, in my own research, is the downturn of the dollar started with the embargo of OPEC in the late seventies. That may be reason enough to start, and mean really start, using all of our resources and find alternative ways of replacing this resources. I am not saying go green necessarily but I do mean we should be using our greenbacks and not other countries.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
There were times while abroad where being silly was the norm. There were times when I looked forward to seeing friends when I knew the result was going to be a tearjerker of a roar. There was once a time when seeing someone would make me smile for no discernible reason.
Where did those times go? Has it been my own demise? Have I lost the touch of the humanity that drove into the next week?
Why is it that I ask such questions? I ask because, I think, I lost my muse.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Pupil (Final Draft)
Possibilities are endless
Having hope while mad
Sparkling bubbles into the mess
Heartless and Joy
Consciences and Bliss
Girls and a Boy
Bullets waver the miss
Indulgent while coy,
Innocence of the smoking gun
Piercing a little toy
Drinking in Tun.
Shadows in the light
Smiles after the axe,
The sun into the Night
Envy: Wrath was the tax
Savoring my flavor
Waking into Yesterday
The raven of Flight; Soar!
Bosoms what may
Dust. Ash. Clay. And Mud.
Stripping, Clawing, and Fault
A spring with bud
Secrets, Lust ... in the vault.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
It Wasn't Me, It Was the One Armed Man
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Fun with Navy Medicine, Part XIX
So preparing for the extended visit in my home, I have bought the remaining seasons of Stargate: SG-1 and Atlantis that I was missing. (About 200 hours worth.) Plus, I have Netflix.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Politics for a Monday
People are looking for the short term.
I don't need short term. I need a viable future. Every person sees the politics and how it fits them or how it helps them succeed in life. I look to the future. I have been doing that since my first reenlistment when I realized that I wasn't prepared for what lie ahead. I needed to start preparing instead of living in the moment.
(Basically, I am in thought process of doing my duty for twenty and my duty will take care me for the next twenty.)
I know that while looking out for all of you, most of you will not look out for me. Therefore, I am looking out for me while I am looking out for you as well.
I know who I plan to vote for, I do. No, I will not tell you. That is my right.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sunday Edition, Part II
My home in North Carolina, is a complete contrast in comparison. It was built 50 years earlier and is centered in the city, plus there is grass. Since this is my primary residence, it would be nice to to have a carport or at least a cover park area to the home, it rains here. I have been trying to do an upgrade a paycheck. This last one I added a fan to the front room and one in the kitchen. (I'll do a video when I get the mess cleaned up.)
I have been trying lately to get some assistance in my remodel/repair of my homes. It seems unless I am missing something here, but since I am active duty I am screwed. There is lots of money available for veterans, whether it be a loan, grant or a combo. I have looked into the 203K and 502K programs, both are for remodeling or repair of a residence and are backed by the government. One I make about three thousand too much a year to qualify and the other it seems that since I am not a residence of where my homes are, automatically disqualifies me. There is no program or help for active duty members of service. Not a one. (I know what you thinking, what about the Navy Relief Society? They will only help me in a catastrophe.)
The good thing about doing any type of remodel or adding a carport is I will save a bunch of money once I have my surgery. No driving, alcohol, or partying for two months. So after that, I should be able to afford a carport for at least in Arizona.
I have tried something different over the weekend. I have been applying for about two dozen home improvement shows. Most are exclusively for California. One that looks promising is for north eastern United States, I am hoping North Carolina is north enough. The one thing that is needed for all of them is ownership, I have that. It seems to me that most are biased and are looking for a couple atmosphere, that may disqualify me.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Rev Gals Friday Five: First Point of Libra.
1) A fragrance
It seems to me, that baking becomes the new holiday when this season comes. The fresh bread, the vanilla, and of course the cupcakes.
2) A color
Being of one who came from a state with seasons, the change of leaves the bright reds, oranges and yellows.
3) An item of clothing
You could call me lazy, but when the fall begins I don't have to roll my sleeves for my working uniforms anymore. I have been cheating for years and use motivated NCOs to roll my sleeves during the summer.
4) An activity
Does sex count for this one? If not, then it must be football.

5) A special day
I personally don't have any special days no matter what time of the year, but I am a Libra.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Let me tell you about TPS Reports, Part IV
This is an example why people get out of the military. It is not the big things, it is the little ones.
Wikipedia has every President's doctrine. Here are some of the doctrines that I found interesting.
Bush Doctrine:
The Bush Doctrine is a phrase used to describe various related foreign policy principles of United States president George W. Bush, created in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks. The phrase initially described the policy that the United States had the right to treat countries that harbor or give aid to terrorist groups as terrorists themselves, which was used to justify the invasion of Afghanistan.[1] Later it came to include additional elements, including the controversial policy of preventive war, which held that the United States should depose foreign regimes that represented a threat to the security of the United States, even if that threat was not immediate (used to justify the invasion of Iraq); a policy of supporting democracy around the world, especially in the Middle East, as a strategy for combating the spread of terrorism; and a willingness to pursue U.S. military interests in a unilateral way.[2][3][4] Some of these policies were codified in a National Security Council text entitled the National Security Strategy of the United States published on September 20, 2002.[5]
Central to the development of the Bush Doctrine is its strong influence by neoconservative ideology,[6][7] and it is considered to be a step from the political realism of the Reagan Doctrine.[6][8] The Reagan Doctrine was considered key to American foreign policy until the end of the Cold War, just before Bill Clinton became president of the United States. The Reagan Doctrine was considered anti-Communist and in opposition to Soviet Union global influence, but later spoke of a peace dividend towards the end of the Cold War with economic benefits of a decrease in defense spending. The Reagan Doctrine was strongly criticized[9][10][8] by the neoconservatives, who also became disgruntled with the outcome of the Gulf War[7][6] and United States foreign policy under Bill Clinton,[7][11] sparking them to call for change towards global stability[7][12] through their support for active intervention and the democratic peace theory.[11] Several central persons in the counsel to the George W. Bush administration consider themselves to be neoconservatives or sign on to their foreign policy ideas.[7][13][14][15][16][17]
Clinton Doctrine:The Clinton Doctrine is not a clear statement in the way that many other United States Presidential doctrines were. However, in a February 26, 1999 speech, President Bill Clinton said the following, which was generally considered to summarize the Clinton Doctrine[1]:
- It's easy ... to say that we really have no interests in who lives in this or that valley in Bosnia, or who owns a strip of brushland in the Horn of Africa, or some piece of parched earth by the Jordan River. But the true measure of our interests lies not in how small or distant these places are, or in whether we have trouble pronouncing their names. The question we must ask is, what are the consequences to our security of letting conflicts fester and spread. We cannot, indeed, we should not, do everything or be everywhere. But where our values and our interests are at stake, and where we can make a difference, we must be prepared to do so.
Later statements "genocide is in and of itself a national interest where we should act" and "we can say to the people of the world, whether you live in Africa, or Central Europe, or any other place, if somebody comes after innocent civilians and tries to kill them en masse because of their race, their ethnic background or their religion, and it's within our power to stop it, we will stop it" augmented the doctrine of interventionism.
The Clinton Doctrine was used to justify the American involvement in the war in Yugoslavia. However, President Clinton did not intervene to stop the genocide in Rwanda in 1994.
Truman Doctrine:
The Truman Doctrine was a proclamation by U.S. President Harry S. Truman on March 12, 1947. It stated that the U.S. would support Greece and Turkey economically and militarily to prevent their falling under Soviet control. Truman called upon the U.S. to "support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures,"[1] which generalized his hopes for Greece and Turkey into a doctrine applicable throughout the world. The Soviet Union was clearly at the heart of Truman's thoughts, but the nation was never directly mentioned in his speech. As Edler states, Truman was attempting to solve Eastern Europe's instability while making sure the spread of communism would not affect nations like Greece and Turkey.
The Truman Doctrine represented the hard-side of containment, while the Marshall Plan was the less harsh approach. The declaration of the Truman Doctrine was followed by the end of tripartism (coalition governments that included communists).
Monroe Doctrine:
The Monroe Doctrine is a U.S. doctrine which, on December 2, 1823, stated that European powers were no longer to colonize or interfere with the affairs of the newly independent nations of the Americas. The United States planned to stay neutral in wars between European powers and their colonies. However, if later on these types of wars were to occur in the Americas, the United States would view such action as hostile. President James Monroe first stated the doctrine during his seventh annual State of the Union Address to Congress, a defining moment in the foreign policy of the United States. Most recently, during the Cold War, the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine (added during the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt) was invoked as a reason to intervene militarily in Latin America to stop the spread of Communism.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Let me tell you about TPS Reports, Part III
Today, is the fourth revision of that paperwork. The item missing is a throat protector assembly, government cost is exactly twenty dollars and six cents. It is very possible that I could find another at a surplus store or online, but why? Especially, if I have to pay more. That is the reason we have these nifty forms in the first place. I have probably wasted in manpower, paper and ink the cost of this item by now, not to forget the individuals that need to review said paperwork.
Originally, my statement was simple and to the point. "It was lost sometime between Kuwait and Iraq on the journey into theater." According to my chain of command that wasn't good enough and required me to inform each person on the way through where the item was lost. So I rewrote it on the second revision.
On the third revision, I apparently had used a few words that required people to use dictionaries and was asked to use more common words.
On the fourth revision, I was asked to take full responsibility for the item and state explicitly that I will pay for the item. In the form, it states the word "wish" which to me is exactly that, a wish. Either way it really does not matter to me, so I agreed and redid the circling of the appropriate word to to inform my superiors that "I do wish to reimburse".
The following is my fourth and hopefully my final version:
"I, XXXX, state that during the Operation Iraqi Freedom 06-08 the throat protector assembly was missing from my gear inventory. Prior to deployment a complete inventory of my gear was done. After arriving in Kuwait, our stick stayed there for several days. Once departure was imminent to leave for Iraq an inventory of the gear required to don was done and the throat protector assembly was missing. After arriving in Iraq at Al Asad, another complete inventory was done to ensure the throat protector assembly was missing or potentially pilfered. Upon conclusion of inventory, the throat protector assembly was still missing. At this point in time I contacted the S-3 shop and informed them of my missing gear. Once returning to Marine Corps Air Station New River after the deployment I conducted another inventory of my gear. At the conclusion of this inventory my throat protector assembly was the only item missing from my inventory. "
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Sunday Edition
I am an American in the pursuit of the American Dream. I gross currently about forty-five thousand dollars a year. I am the owner of multiple properties, partly because I had the means and the portfolio to accommodate these purchases. I gained my portfolio by learning how the world works and how to make my dollar work for me. I have made some mistakes. Some cost me almost everything, some gave me gains far above my expectations, and some just seem to have become stagnate. It is all a gamble, such as life.
My ultimate goal is to completely retire by my fiftieth birthday. By my calculations, I need approximately 3.1 million dollars in assets by that age. And of that at least 40 percent need to be in liquid assets. (I wanted to add, that my figures do not include Social Security, I figure it will not be available by that time. No matter how much I have put in it.) This also puts in, the theory, that I will live until I am 75. That is twenty-five years of good retirement. The ability to do as I please, whether it be travel or working part time as a Wal-mart greeter and shooting pool on my afternoons.
It does not matter who is our next president, but my dream, my goal, hinges partly on it. I am not telling you how to vote. That is your right. I just can not find myself voting for someone who is proposing a "steal from the rich to feed the poor" type tax, I just can't. (I have many other reasons on why I won't vote for him, but doesn't follow my thesis statement for this text.)
I am all about the pursuit of happiness, but please don't hinder that dream. (I am talking to the individual that wants to stop this pursuit.)
Friday, September 12, 2008
Rev Gals Friday Five: Back to School

Other than a few MCIs (Marine Corps Institute) (long distance learning) No.
2. Were you glad or sad when back-to-school time came as a kid?
Mostly I enjoyed interaction with other kids during that time, during high school I was happy about playing football again.
3. Did your family of origin have any rituals to mark this time of year? How about now?
4. Favorite memories of back-to-school outfits, lunchboxes, etc?
I really can't think of any special clothes or anything special for that time. I always skirted the rules of clothes though, so you could say that was a favorite.
5. What was your best year of school?
Junior year, I went to state for Forensics (Public Speaking), Band (Trumpet Solo and Jazz Band), VICA(Vocational Industrial Clubs of America), Football, Student Council (WASC- Wisconsin Association of Student Councils), 4-H, and it was the first year I was published as a writer.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Here it is about $3.60, but I still pay on base for $3.66. I figure the 48 cents extra or so that I pay is not worth it enough to travel to another lower priced one. Those of you around bigger cities this might be more helpful.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Psychos R Us, Part IV
(One thing I have definitely learned, just because you sell a lot of books doesn't mean you know what you are talking about.)
The basic premise of the book is simple enough, men are different than women. Duh. Everything in both books is geared towards the married couple, and I am not married. But the principles in each are solid enough that if you practice what is preached by both parties there is a strong possibility a marriage or a relationship with someone can endure for many years.
The phrase it takes two to tango comes to mind a lot. Either way, this is part of my "homework" for the week. How to start or sustain a healthy relationship. Healthy in this sense, is the monogamous nature of both parties being happy in said relationship.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Liking my Job
Many people come up to me and ask if I want to get out of _____(insert war/conflict here)?
The simple truth is no.
Yes, there are struggles and hardships, but I knew that when I raised my hand almost fourteen years ago. I want victory. I want United States of America victory. Where ever, whenever that may be, victory is a must.
Do I get treated unfairly in the public eye? (2nd most popular question.)
Never in my face, has anyone treated me unfairly. That does not mean it does not happen.
I believe in a days pay for a days work. I work very hard to be the best at what I do, so the J. Q. Public does not have to. The last time I reenlisted, there was no bonuses offered and I didn't bat an eye.
I like my job.
I am an United States Marine.
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Please check it out and let me know what you think. It is a little rudimentary at the moment, but I plan on adding the bells and whistles are time goes by.
Friday, September 05, 2008
Rev Gals Friday Five: Vulnerability
It is so hard to humble. I like to think I am invincible. I am working on that.
2.How important is it to keep up a professional persona in work/ ministry?
I like to think I am very professional when it comes to my job. I have been doing this for 13 and 1/2 years now. Professionalism is a must.
3. Masks, a form of self protection discuss...
I don't think I have masks, maybe walls though. My walls are pretty thick and have endured the test of time.
4. Who knows you warts and all?
Any woman that I ever told I loved. Very elite group.
5. Share a book, a prayer, a piece of music, a poem or a person that touches the deep place in your soul, and calls you to be who you are most authentically.
Jupiter - Gustov Holst which I already posted here.
I also wrote an untitled poem in the early nineties that speaks volumes about my soul.
The sun stared me down
I was working-
Painting shingles.
I looked downward
People were piercing my perplexed
Precarious situation
And I waved to them
With no meaning.
I moved the ladder
One more inch & tightened
The rope surrounding my body,
I started to climb
For the last time
Of the day.
I admired the heavens,
And my foot slipped from under me
Gracefully, with no time
There was silence
And no rhyme -
I floated forever
Bet fell for a matter of seconds.
When my back hit
The building
Time began slowly;
What life I have had
I witnessed for moments.
I felt life dearing
And with strength & agility
I twisted my way,
Like a squirrel climbing a tree,
To the roof top
Where my soul was waiting
I sighed with relief
And as I glanced over the edge
The wind whispered with no sound.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Hurricane Prep
The basic essentials have been dumbed down for just about any family to help prepare for us. I guess you could say "they" have "Marine proofed" all stuff we need to know and do. It should be a no brainer since the Carolinas have had many famous Hurricanes come this way. The last big one I went through was Fran/Bertha and the last for me was Dennis.
I am looking forward to see how my house stands up to a hurricane. I should finally find out if I have any leaks in my roof. Find out if my sealing of the windows was any good. And maybe find out how many candles it takes to light up my home.
In case you don't have a destructive weather checklist of your own here is a copy of ours:
INSTRUCTIONS: Check off each line after you have placed that item into your Disaster Supply Kit. Assemble supplies and store them in an easy- to-carry container such as a backpack or duffel bag.
One Gallon of Fresh Water per Person, per day
Ready to eat Canned Meats, Fruits & Vegetables
Canned Juices, Milk & Soup
Sugar, Salt & Pepper
High-Energy Foods: Peanut Butter, Jelly, Crackers, Granola Bars, Trail Mix
Foods for Elderly Persons, Infants, or Persons with Special Dietary Needs
Comfort/Stress Foods: Cookies, Hard Candy, Sweetened Cereals, Lollipops
Bandages Assorted Sizes, Sterile Gauze Pads, Adhesive Tape, Sterile Rolled Bandages, Scissors, Tweezers, Needle, Antiseptic, Thermometer, Safety Pins, Latex Gloves, Sunscreen, Belt with buckle
Mess kit, Paper Cups, Plates, Plastic Utensils, Bleach
Battery Operated Radio & Extra Batteries
Flashlight (2) & Extra Batteries
Cash (Various Denominations)/Traveler Checks
Non-Electric Can Opener, Utility Knife
Fire Extinguisher
Pliers, Tape Roll (2), Compass, Wrench, Plywood to Cover Windows
Matches in Waterproof Container
Paper, Pencil (2), Pen (2), Sewing Kit
Road Maps of Local Area & Evacuation Route
Sturdy Shoes/Work Boots
Rain Gear (Jacket & Pants)
Hat & Gloves
Thermal Underwear
Sun Glasses
Blankets/Sleeping Bags (Each Person)
Baby Items: Formula, Diapers, Bottles, Powdered Milk, Medications
Personal Records
Insurance Policies
Passports, Social Security Cards, Immunization Records
Credit Card(s) & Check Book(s)
Inventory of Household Goods (Pictures and/or VCR Film)
Birth/Marriage/Death Certificates
Photographs of all Family Members (Fingerprint on Back of Picture) & Photograph of Family Pets
Box of Large Plastic Bags
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Favorite Thing To Do
There is no mind boggling reason for this.
Several times while serving my country I have had to sacrifice that right to shower everyday. The right to have a hot shower. The fact that I can go home and shower as long as I want is (my opinion) one of the basic freedoms that I serve for.
We are lucky. We must not forget that.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Peanut Gallery: Autumn Edition, Part II
2. Have you ever studied another language? (Marine/Military-acronym speak notwithstanding . . . heh)
3. Favorite hobby/leisure activity?
4. If you could have a superpower . . . what would you choose?
5. Tell us about your first kiss!
sarah asks:
What has surprised you lately?
PK asks:
mathman6293 asks:
How are you really doing?
What are you plans when you have completed your military service?
Ron asks:

CDP asks:
Friday, August 29, 2008
Another Good Reason..........
I know these videos are old here is what he has accomplished:
Of Obama's proposed legislation, 3 bills passed in 2007.
1. a resolution celebrating the life of Bishop Gilbert Earl Patterson.
2. the designation of July 12, 2007 as "National Summer Learning Day."
3. a condemnation of Zimbabwe's governmental oppression of its citizens.
Rev Gals Friday Five: Labor Day
Auto-barrel operator @ Jagaman Plating Co. in Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Back breaking factory work, good pay but hard to love
2. Tell us about the best job you ever had.
United States Marine Corps
The best family I have ever had.
3. Tell us what you would do if you could do absolutely anything (employment related) with no financial or other restrictions.
United States Marine Corps
nulli secundus
Semper Fidelis
4. Did you get a break from labor this summer? If so, what was it and if not, what are you gonna do about it?
I have been on break since I was hurt in November.
5. What will change regarding your work as summer morphs into fall? Are you anticipating or dreading?
We change our working uniform from the Desert Digital MARPAT to Jungle Digital MARPAT.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Psychos R Us, Part III
The theme for the week is changes. I was going to use a straight up video of David Bowie, but I thought this one was more fun.
Of course, we talked about my childhood, isn't that a norm when psycho-babble is in play. We talked about my role of my father and role models that I have had while growing up and the basic gist is I am currently all about change and where did that start or who did I emulate to teach me all about changing. Or something like that. So why is it that I like or want constant change?
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Moving In, Part III
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Rant # 5
And here:,2933,405164,00.html
And if you want to read about the loophole that is talked about in the articles you can read about here:
If this man is tried and found guilty then we as a nation will be failing ourselves. Why would anyone want to defend a country that shits on them when their duty term is up? As a prediction in the hypothetical situation that he is found guilty, the military will no longer hold its numbers and the country will lose there defense and we as a people will have given up. The world that hates us will take over this land because it will be easy pickings, and most likely we will not have any freedom, we will be slaves of one of the many dictatorships and it will be America no more.
I hope this is not our fate, I fight for it not to be this way. I am and would like to continue to be proud of my country.
Friday, August 22, 2008
RevGals Friday Five: Appointments
I am a big fan of the outlook calender, I use it for work, home and recreation dates. I usually print out the month and keep a copy in my truck and on my refrigerator.
2) When was the last time you forgot an important date?
I don't recall that ever happening.
3) When was the last time you went OUT on a date?
Funny. Tomorrow.
4) Name one accessory or item of clothing you love even though it is dated.
My entire wardrobe is dated.(Stuck in the eighties.)
5) Dates--the fruit--can't live with 'em? Or can't live without 'em?
I don't like immensely, but I have a friend who loves them. Whenever I am in Yuma, I try to pick up some for him.
The Original
I will provide you the links to what I thought was so funny:
You have to find the humor in it, I mean if the guys at Dirpedia are linking to me, they must be "smoking crack."
(None of the links work anymore, but I keep this for prosperity sake. - Wyld 2017)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Psychos R Us, Part II A
(I always that it was funny, when military personnel refer to the civilian world as the real world. Makes one think that the military is fake in that context. Or a make belief world.)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Psychos R Us, Part II
Word of the week is: egotistical
My idea as of today is: I have a very proud history, I have accomplished many things, I am a Marine, I am very intelligent and view myself as smarter than most people I interact with, I am good at my job, I am going to live forever.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Peanut Gallery: Autumn Edition
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
RevGals Friday Five: Transformations
1) Surgery of the Wrist
2) Learning to share of who I am Vocally
3) Asking for Help and Accepting it
4) Re-learning how to use my left arm
5) Rekindling stagnate relationships
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Fun with Navy Medicine, Part XVIII
The gist of the surgery, from what I remember from my visit today, is grafting a ligament from another place of my wrist and applying it to where it is needed. In this process, a pin will be inserted between the two bones, that are currently separated, and at least two more pins in bones around (or above) the first pin. After the grafted ligament takes a hold the pins will be taken out and possibly a screw may have to be inserted into the two bones I mentioned before. If healing goes well, the screw would be taken out and viola a new wrist.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Psychos R Us
I have made a list comprising of ideas from you, the reader, and some stuff that I came up all by myself. I plan on going over the ideas with my head doctor tomorrow and see how it goes from there.
Oddly enough, most of you and friends here in J-ville have suggested almost identical ideas. So probably (and statistically) it may be a flaw that needs looking at. I will tell you what, though, some of the suggestions are hard to think about just by myself, let alone talk to someone else about it.
To me, in my mind, I have a firm grasp on financial affairs, my social interactions, and most of my emotions. It appears that the problems I do face are, unfortunately, directly related to my childhood. Stirring the pot of the past is always a non-fun moment for me. Another reason, why, I choose to look at the future more regularly.
As a side note, I plan on splintering off my unusual "Fun with Navy Medicine" posts when dealing with this stuff and will be using the above title for the continuation of this projected series.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Realities of War
The numbers break down in all sorts of ways and you find out that the Army leads the pack in non-combat related deaths and injuries by a lot.
Here are some numbers that I pulled from the report.
During GWOT and OIF: March 19, 2003 to July 5,2008
Total Non Hostile Deaths
Total : 761
Army: 559
Navy/Coast Guard :32
Marines :152
Air Force: 18
Total—Non–Hostile Related Medical (Air Transports Hostile and Non Hostile)
(Numbers include wounded in action)
Total : 42,395
Army : 34,732
Navy/Coast Guard : 1,274
Marines : 4,803
Air Force : 1,586
I obviously don't have the numbers for all the services for off-duty mishaps but reading this year's "so far" report for us doesn't make feel very warm and fuzzy about the rest. For our critical days of summer where traditionally fatalities rise; the Marine Corps appears to be doing better than last year. Still, a death, regardless of how it happened still hurts the brothers and sisters still here.
For the 15 weeks of summer(about Memorial Day to Labor Day)
Marine Corps (Non-Combat):
Total Fatalities FY08: 15
Navy(Non-Combat) :
Total Fatalities FY08 :18
Over half of the Marine Corps deaths that have occurred this summer are related to motorcycles. Also, the Navy shares half of their deaths to the same factor. So it is not surprising why there are so many safety guidelines and restrictions with the motorcyclists.
Here is an excerpt from the data of these deaths:
2ndLT was traveling east on highway 24 when his motorcycle struck another vehicle at an intersection. He was pronounced dead at the scene.
Sgt was killed after losing control of his motorcycle, striking a telephone pole and a fence.
GySgt died in a hospital after he and his passenger were thrown from the motorcycle they were riding. After losing control, he left the roadway and crashed down an embankment.
Sgt riding on a motorcycle collided with a guardrail, was ejected from the motorcycle and sustained fatal injuries.
LCpl was found unresponsive after a night of drinking.
LCpl and his passenger were killed in a motorcycle crash with a trailer.
SSgt killed in a motorcycle crash when his motorcycle veered off the road striking a curb, then impacting a tree.
Cpl died of injuries he received when involved in a motorcycle crash after hitting a curb and being thrown to street.
HM- assigned to Camp Pendleton, his wife and 4 year old son were killed when the car they were driving was struck head on by the driver of a pick-up truck that crossed the double yellow lines.
LCpl was passenger in a vehicle involved in a head-on collision.
Sgt was killed when his vehicle left the road and hit a tree.
Pvt departed a social event and was walking in the road when he was struck by a civilian vehicle and killed.
Cpl was found dead on ground below 7th story hotel balcony.
LCpl who was TAD to Recruiting Substation, died after being involved in a motorcycle accident when his motorcycle crashed into a building.
Hopefully, we will learn from this and live another day.